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Saturday, March 31, 2018

THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Student's Booklet Name: ___________________________________________________ Throughout the coming school year, you will be given a number of details regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation which will be administered in the spring of this school year. Every student is responsible for completing and submitting the Confirmation Information Sheet by January 15th to the Religious Education Office. Parents and students should read through the following pages in order to determine how to expedite the completion of the material in the timeliest manner. Some matters need to be attended to immediately (Sponsor Eligibility Certificate and Letter Requesting the Sacrament), while other matters require constant attention (service projects). Please feel free to contact the Religious Education Office if you have any questions regarding this booklet. Good luck to you this year as you begin your formal preparation for this important Sacrament. CONFIRMATION…..WHAT IS IT? Confirmation is a Sacrament in which those who have been baptized receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit whom the Lord sent upon his apostles at Pentecost. It is a Sacrament that celebrates God's special strengths and gifts in those who have been baptized. It is the final Sacrament of Initiation to the Catholic faith and may only be received once in a lifetime. GIFTS AND FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The Gifts of the Holy Spirit help Christians live their lives more fully committed to Christ. These gifts are: Wisdom Understanding Counsel Fortitude Knowledge Reverence of God Piety From the Gifts of the Spirit, come the Fruits, which are: Charity Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Long suffering Mildness Chastity Modesty Faith Self restraint Dear Parents and Confirmation Candidates: In the coming months, we will all participate together on a Journey of the Spirit. During this period of preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, the cooperation of parents and candidates is absolutely essential. We have prepared this booklet to serve as a guide for the candidates and parents. The challenge ahead is exciting and demanding. In order to strengthen our enthusiasm for the Spirit, a number of basic tasks and a variety of activities are recommended. This will require a forthright commitment from the candidate and ongoing support from the parents. The duty to guide your children along the sacramental path is a concern to all Catholic parents. To date you have formed and nurtured the spirit of faith through your life example, religious instruction and the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, and Holy Eucharist. Once again, you are being called upon to actively participate in the next step of your faith mission – the preparation of your child for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Your role now takes on an added dimension because you are called upon to allow your child the right of free choice in the decision to be confirmed. This does not ease your obligation, but rather requires that you share as partners with them as they prepare for this significant event. On behalf of the Confirmation Team, may God continue to bless you and your family. Kim Lorentzen Director of Religious Education OUTLINE OF CONFIRMATION PREPARATION: Spiritual Journey: As you know, your upcoming Confirmation is related to your Baptism. It gives you a chance to restate what your loving and believing parents shared with you at infancy, a life in the Spirit. Your preparation therefore, must be on many levels. Readiness for Candidacy: The Rite of Confirmation calls upon the pastor to testify before the Bishop that a candidate is properly disposed to receive the sacrament. Therefore, a good knowledge of the Catholic faith through class attendance and class participation is necessary. Participation in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church and a life style that reflects Gospel values is essential. Weekly Mass participation is a must. Mass Attendance: All Students are required to attend the assigned class masses Students will sit with their families in the church and may leave once Mass is over. In addition to 3 class masses, each student is required to attend 9 Masses throughout the school year. (September – April Each student will write a few notes based on the Priest/Deacon's homily which will be signed after Mass by the Priest. Introduction of Candidates: On Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 10:00 AM Mass, the candidates will present themselves to the parish community of The Church of Epiphany. The candidates will promise to actively participate in their preparation for the sacrament. Parents and the assembled parish community will be invited to pledge their support for the candidates. The Service Experience: Each candidate is expected to bear witness to the Gospel message by carrying out community service. This should involve service to the Church community and to the broader community. Such an experience is concrete action(s) performed in answer to the Gospel's challenge to love our neighbor as Jesus loves us. It is hoped that such an experience will be the beginning of a lifelong effort on the part of the candidate to be a witness to the Gospel message. Candidates are expected to complete at lest twelve (12) hours of service. Please note that six (6) of those hours are already accounted for provided the candidate participates in one bake sale and the Senior Valentine Luncheon. Therefore, the candidate must complete six (6) additional hours on their own. Interview: Parents and the Candidate will be interviewed at a designated time in April. The interview is designed to determine the readiness for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation: The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated in a special ceremony in the spring of 2016. Parents and sponsors are encouraged to join the candidate for this grace filled service. Retreat: As a culmination of the preparation for the sacrament celebration, an evening of prayer, reflection, and pizza is planned for the spring. All Confirmation candidates are required to participate in this Retreat. Letter of Application and Intent: Each candidate is required to write and submit a typewritten formal request to Father Mike in his/her own words. The request should include: ------------- Dear Sponsor, Congratulations on being chosen as a Confirmation sponsor for one of our teenagers at Our Lady of the Assumption Church. What an honor it is to know that your faith in God and your example of Christian living has touched the life of a teenager. There are few commitments in life that are as important as this one. This is not a light undertaking. This is one of the few places where your decision to interact with someone will have eternal significance: First, the sponsor represents the Church to the teen. You are an ambassador for the Church. You will be helping the teen understand the how the difference that Jesus Christ as revealed through the Catholic Church can make in their lives. So while you are the instrument used in being a sponsor, sponsorship is not about you and me: It is about a much bigger reality, the reality of the Church. Your opinion doesn't matter, your witness to Christ and the Church does. You are asked to invite them into a relationship with Christ and the Church. Secondly, as a sponsor you act as a "spiritual friend" and mentor to the young person you are sponsoring. Please pray for this person each day and ask God to give them all the graces they need to resist temptation and to become a saint. And finally, at the time of Confirmation, you will represent the candidate to the Church. In other words, you will present this teen to the bishop and say that they are ready to receive the Sacrament. The Church is relying on you to know your candidate, and the Church calls you to make a correct decision. You will present the candidates to me, the program coordinator, who will then present them to our pastor, who will present them to the bishop. As part of your sponsorship we are asking that you participate in the following events:  5:15 mass and small group meeting on December 7th with your candidate  You and your candidate are to participate in a service opportunity together o See enclosed form for details  The retreat day on April 25h is from 10:00am to 3pm at Our Lady of Assumption. And finally we are asking you to:  Coordinate the Letter Campaign: At our confirmation retreat on April 25th at Our Lady of the Assumption one of the most powerful parts of the day is the packet of letters each teen will receive. Each teen will be given a packet of letters - letters of support, encouragement and affirmation from parents, brothers and sisters, friends, relatives, sponsor, God Parents, etc. As the Sponsor, you are responsible for coordinating this letter campaign on behalf of your candidate. Each teen needs to receive at least 5-10 letters. All letters need to be collected and delivered to the church office by Friday, April 17 th . These letters are to be a complete surprise to the teens. If you are unable to attend any of the above please let your candidate know so that their parent may attend in your place. The Confirmation date has not been revealed to us yet. We will let you know as soon as we hear from the Bishop's office. We will have a practice on Saturday April 25th during the retreat. It is important that you are there for both of these dates. Please dress in Sunday best clothes for the Confirmation mass. Thank you for the witness of your life and for being a good role model to the young person you are sponsoring. Please call me if you have any questions or if there is any other way we can serve you. Because of Christ, Karen Reynolds Director of Youth Ministry Our Lady of the Assumption kreynolds@ola-vta.org 642-7966 Ext. 121 720-635-0857 (C) ---------- SAMPLE Dear Candidate, Thank you for your application for the IELTS test. I am writing to confirm the details: TEST START TIME 9:00am. Please be at the test center by 8:15am at the very latest. The test center will open at 8:15am. TEST CENTER Global Village Hawaii­ 1440 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 1100 Honolulu, HI 96814 Phone: 808.943.6800 Test Day Phone: 808.450.5344 Parking: Street parking available. MODULE Academic/General Training REQUIRED A valid (un­expired) passport is the only form of identification accepted on the day of the test. In addition, please bring a photocopy of your passport or upload them on your application prior to the exam. If you have any questions about this requirement, please contact us well before the test date. TEST LENGTH The written test takes approximately 3 hours. The written test is followed by the speaking test. The speaking test is held between 12:15 – 5:30pm on the same day and is scheduled in the order that applications are received. We'll announce the time on the test date after the written exam. RESULTS Test results will be issued on Friday, June 3 , 2016. Test results will be mailed by regular USPS mail and you can therefore expect to receive your results between 18 to 21 days from the test date. You can also request to collect the results in person on the results issuing day, but you must inform us in advance that you intend to do this. We CANNOT release test results by phone, email or fax under any circumstances. PAYMENT $230 USD. Payment options: Emailed credit card payment authorization form or in person at Global Village Hawaii PAYMENT IS DUE WITHING 5 BUSINESS DAYS Please note that a candidate who cancels their test within 5 weeks of the test date will receive no refund. Candidates who wish to postpone their test date within the 5 weeks prior to the test will be considered a cancellation and will forfeit the test fee and will have to pay the test fee again to register on a different date, at the same or at a different center. Refund or Transfer applications can be considered if submitted within 5 working days of the test date – candidates will need to provide evidence that they were unable to sit the test due to serious illness or cause. Candidates are advised not to bring personal items to the testing session and to leave them at home or in your car. Personal items may be checked in our locked storage area, but we assume no responsibility for any lost or stolen items. Candidates may take their passport and a transparent bottle of drinking water and a PENCIL into the test room. All other items are not permitted. Candidates who are not satisfied with their results may apply and pay for a re­mark (called Enquiry on Results) at the center where they took the test. This application must be done within six weeks of the test date and the process takes a minimum of six weeks from the point of application. Please contact us for further details. Free IELTS practice test IELTS USA is pleased to offer a free IELTS practice test to test takers who register for IELTS in the USA! Get an overview of the test with a variety of sample test questions and answers—to assist you in preparing for a real IELTS test. Practice for IELTS at: https://www.ielts.org/usa/ieltspracticetest Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information before the test date. Best Regards, Dre B. Childs US109 IELTS Administrator ------ Welcome to Seneca College! We are looking forward to having you with us. Before you can begin your studies with us, you must take our English as a Second Language assessment test. Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. Vous recevrez d'ici peu votre newsletter. English as a Second Language Testing Information Je me tiens à votre entière disposition pour tous renseignements complémentaires. Je vous prie, Madame, Monsieur, d'agréer l'expression de mes respectueuses salutations. Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. Reset Password Date: Tuesday, January 3rd , 2017 Kimberly English as a Second Language Testing Information Peugeot Maroc Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. Fachhochschule Dortmund Please note that your ESL assessment test will be administered by our English Language Institute on the following date/time: !!NEW TEST DATE!! The Research Newsletter is sent every other Tuesday and features updates on published research, working papers, and research division news. - de postuler à nos offres, 1750 Finch Avenue East Newnham Campus Thank you for using the Western Union GlobalPay for Students platform. We have received your request to make a payment to Seneca College. Please make your funds transfer to us within 24 hours. This can be done through your bank, either in person, over the phone, or online. Once your payment is received, we will transfer your funds to Seneca College on the same day. Toronto, ON M2J 2X5 Nous avons bien reçu votre demande, nous vous contacterons dans les plus brefs délais. Rencontre Ingénieurs & Docteurs jeudi 20 avril 2017 à partir de 9h Votre inscription sur UMNIA BANK a bien été enregistrée. Time: 9:30 a.m. A support representative will be reviewing your request and will send you a personal Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. NEW TEST DATE!! Did you forget your password? No problem – you can reset it. Hopefully your new password is a little more memorable! Reserve Your Free Gift Please be advised that College is closed on Monday, January 2nd, 2017. Newnham Campus Questions? Visit the Help Center or contact SteelSeries Support Ces identifiants vous permettront de : International Admissions a late testing fee of $55.00 applies International Admission Please do not reply to this automatic email. English as a Second Language Testing Information - de postuler à nos offres, If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Nous sommes très sensibles à l'intérêt que vous portez à notre entreprise, et conservons vos coordonnées afin de vous recontacter au besoin. Peugeot Maroc Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. Please make sure that you arrive on time. Location: International Admissions Note: The test given on the published date is free of charge to new Seneca College students; After this date, a late testing fee of $55.00 applies The remaining schedule of meetings and hearings will be posted in the coming weeks, and we will send out another email announcement when it is available. If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Fortes du succès des deux précédentes éditions, qui ont rassemblé chacune plus de 1000 participants, l'Ambassade de France au Maroc, Campus France Maroc et l'Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs organisent une nouvelle rencontre Ingénieurs & Docteurs placée sous le signe des relations entre les formations d'ingénieurs et les formations doctorales avec les entreprises, l'entrepreneuriat et la recherche. The Research Division of the St. Louis Fed publishes economic research, accessible essays, and informative reports. Our email newsletter delivers the latest content to your inbox. Subscribe here. Date: Tuesday, January 3rd , 2017 Thank you for using the Western Union GlobalPay for Students platform. We have received your request to make a payment to Seneca College. 1750 Finch Avenue East as well as other trips from our Work and Travel offer or our selection of tours. Soyez cependant assurée que cette décision ne met pas en cause vos qualités personnelles, ni même celles de votre formation. as well as other trips from our Work and Travel offer or our selection of tours. Nous sommes très sensibles à l'intérêt que vous portez à notre entreprise, et conservons vos coordonnées afin de vous recontacter au besoin. Welcome to Fanshawe! August 3, 2016 We are looking forward to meeting each of you and hope to make your transition to Fanshawe College as smooth as possible. Below, you will read some important information regarding your arrival in Canada and first days at Fanshawe. If you have any questions or concerns before you arrive, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you! Classes begin on Tuesday, September 6. To better serve our new students arriving for the Fall 2016 semester, the International Centre (Room E2025) will be open special hours on: Saturday, September 3: 10:00am – 2:00pm Sunday, September 4: 10:00am – 2:00pm Monday, September 5: 10:00am – 2:00pm The International Centre will also be open regular hours Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. We are advising all new students to arrive any time between Sunday, August 28 and Monday, Please make your funds transfer to us within 24 hours. This can be done through your bank, either in person, over the phone, or online. Once your payment is received, we will transfer your funds to Seneca College on the same day. Votre inscription sur UMNIA BANK a bien été enregistrée. If you have any further queries, please contact us at reception@sprachcaffe.com or on. Questions? Visit the Help Center or contact SteelSeries Support Nous vous rappelons vos identifiants de connexion : Je me tiens à votre entière disposition pour tous renseignements complémentaires. Je vous prie, Madame, Monsieur, d'agréer l'expression de mes respectueuses salutations. Welcome to Seneca College! We are looking forward to having you with us. Before you can begin your studies with us, you must take our English as a Second Language assessment test. Suite à l'entretien que vous avez passé le 20/10/2017, je suis au regret de devoir vous informer que votre candidature n'a pas été retenue. In addition to our schedule of meetings, our website offers a wealth of information about rent stabilization, including current and past rent guidelines; RGB research reports; answers to FAQs; and much more. Check it out at: In addition to our schedule of meetings, our website offers a wealth of information about rent stabilization, including current and past rent guidelines; RGB research reports; answers to FAQs; and much Thank you for your interest in Sprachcaffe. From now on, you should receive our regular newsletter. We look forward to informing you about our current offers, new language courses and useful travel information. We may also let you know about interesting related products, including cultural and language holidays, as well as other trips from our Work and Travel offer or our selection of tours. Sincerely, Location: International Admissions Please do not reply to this automatic email. Thank you for using the Western Union GlobalPay for Students platform. We have received your request to make a payment to Seneca College. English as a Second Language Testing Information Did you forget your password? No problem – you can reset it. Hopefully your new password is a little more memorable! Toronto, ON M2J 2X5 Sincerely, If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Peugeot Maroc Did you forget your password? No problem – you can reset it. Hopefully your new password is a little more memorable! Je me tiens à votre entière disposition pour tous renseignements complémentaires. Je vous prie, Madame, Monsieur, d'agréer l'expression de mes respectueuses salutations. Rencontre Ingénieurs & Docteurs jeudi 20 avril 2017 à partir de 9h Nous vous rappelons vos identifiants de connexion : FH Dortmund IT department Support Team Votre inscription sur UMNIA BANK a bien été enregistrée. Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. been created with Ticket ID 201801108574. Il est porté à votre connaissance qu'à partir du 30 mars 2014, Nous sommes très sensibles à l'intérêt que vous portez à notre entreprise, et conservons vos coordonnées afin de vous recontacter au besoin. Rencontre Ingénieurs & Docteurs jeudi 20 avril 2017 à partir de 9h Date: Tuesday, January 3rd , 2017 Welcome to Seneca College! We are looking forward to having you with us. Before you can begin your studies with us, you must take our English as a Second Language assessment test. Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt. Thank you for your patience. Cheers! English as a Second Language Testing Information Fachhochschule Dortmund The remaining schedule of meetings and hearings will be posted in the coming weeks, and we will send out another email announcement when it is available. Sincerely, Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. on all the latest and greatest ways Please note that your ESL assessment test will be administered by our English Language Institute on the following date/time: Votre inscription sur UMNIA BANK a bien été enregistrée. Très cordialement. P.S. If you have already completed your payment, thank you, and please disregard this email. Note: The test given on the published date is free of charge to new Seneca College students; After this date, a late testing fee of $55.00 applies Reset Password Please do not reply to this automatic email. In addition to our schedule of meetings, our website offers a wealth of information about rent stabilization, including current and past rent guidelines; RGB research reports; answers to FAQs; and much Thank you for your interest in Sprachcaffe. From now on, you should receive our regular newsletter. We look forward to informing you about our current offers, new language courses and useful travel information. We may also let you know about interesting related products, including cultural and language holidays, as well as other trips from our Work and Travel offer or our selection of tours. Nous vous remercions pour l'intérêt que vous portez à la marque Peugeot. 1750 Finch Avenue East Suite à l'entretien que vous avez passé le 20/10/2017, je suis au regret de devoir vous informer que votre candidature n'a pas été retenue. Reset Password Fortes du succès des deux précédentes éditions, qui ont rassemblé chacune plus de 1000 participants, l'Ambassade de France au Maroc, Campus France Maroc et l'Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs organisent une nouvelle rencontre Ingénieurs & Docteurs placée sous le signe des relations entre les formations d'ingénieurs et les formations doctorales avec les entreprises, l'entrepreneuriat et la recherche. English as a Second Language Testing Information Welcome to the FH Dortmund IT department Support Team. English as a Second Language Testing Information Reset Password - de postuler à nos offres, The Research Newsletter is sent every other Tuesday and features updates on published research, working papers, and research division news. Thank you for your interest in Sprachcaffe. From now on, you should receive our regular newsletter. We look forward to informing you about our current offers, new language courses and useful travel information. We may also let you know about interesting related products, including cultural and language holidays, as well as other trips from our Work and Travel offer or our selection of tours. money online. - de postuler à nos offres, I promise to keep you in the loop I truly appreciate you. EMS5 Please make sure that you arrive on time. Thank you for using the Western Union GlobalPay for Students platform. We have received your request to make a payment to Seneca College. !!NEW TEST DATE!! Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. Newnham Campus Welcome to Fanshawe! August 3, 2016 We are looking forward to meeting each of you and hope to make your transition to Fanshawe College as smooth as possible. Below, you will read some important information regarding your arrival in Canada and first days at Fanshawe. If you have any questions or concerns before you arrive, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you! Classes begin on Tuesday, September 6. To better serve our new students arriving for the Fall 2016 semester, the International Centre (Room E2025) will be open special hours on: Saturday, September 3: 10:00am – 2:00pm Sunday, September 4: 10:00am – 2:00pm Monday, September 5: 10:00am – 2:00pm The International Centre will also be open regular hours Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. We are advising all new students to arrive any time between Sunday, August 28 and Monday, - mettre à jour votre profil et être contacté s'il y a une nouvelle opportunité qui vous correspond. Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. In addition to our schedule of meetings, our website offers a wealth of information about rent stabilization, including current and past rent guidelines; RGB research reports; answers to FAQs; and much more. Check it out at: Il est porté à votre connaissance qu'à partir du 30 mars 2014, P.S. If you have already completed your payment, thank you, and please disregard this email. In addition to our schedule of meetings, our website offers a wealth of information about rent stabilization, including current and past rent guidelines; RGB research reports; answers to FAQs; and much more. Check it out at: Toronto, ON M2J 2X5 International Admissions Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt. Il est porté à votre connaissance qu'à partir du 30 mars 2014, Note: The test given on the published date is free of charge to new Seneca College students; After this date, a late testing fee of $55.00 applies Thank you for your interest in Sprachcaffe. From now on, you should receive our regular newsletter. We look forward to informing you about our current offers, new language courses and useful travel information. We may also let you know about interesting related products, including cultural and language holidays, as well as other trips from our Work and Travel offer or our selection of tours. Questions? Visit the Help Center or contact SteelSeries Support Welcome to Seneca College! We are looking forward to having you with us. Before you can begin your studies with us, you must take our English as a Second Language assessment test. Please be advised that College is closed on Monday, January 2nd, 2017. as well as other trips from our Work and Travel offer or our selection of tours. Sincerely, Hey, Welcome to Seneca College! We are looking forward to having you with us. Before you can begin your studies with us, you must take our English as a Second Language assessment test. Nous avons bien pris en compte votre inscription à la newsletter de Sciences Humaines, merci The Research Division of the St. Louis Fed publishes economic research, accessible essays, and informative reports. Our email newsletter delivers the latest content to your inbox. Subscribe here. If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Please make your funds transfer to us within 24 hours. This can be done through your bank, either in person, over the phone, or online. Once your payment is received, we will transfer your funds to Seneca College on the same day. We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has Nous vous remercions pour l'intérêt que vous portez à la marque Peugeot. response as soon as possible. been created with Ticket ID 201801108574. Votre inscription sur UMNIA BANK a bien été enregistrée. Nous vous rappelons vos identifiants de connexion : Nous vous remercions pour l'intérêt que vous portez à la marque Peugeot. If you have any further queries, please contact us at reception@sprachcaffe.com or on. Welcome to Fanshawe! August 3, 2016 We are looking forward to meeting each of you and hope to make your transition to Fanshawe College as smooth as possible. Below, you will read some important information regarding your arrival in Canada and first days at Fanshawe. If you have any questions or concerns before you arrive, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you! Classes begin on Tuesday, September 6. To better serve our new students arriving for the Fall 2016 semester, the International Centre (Room E2025) will be open special hours on: Saturday, September 3: 10:00am – 2:00pm Sunday, September 4: 10:00am – 2:00pm Monday, September 5: 10:00am – 2:00pm The International Centre will also be open regular hours Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. We are advising all new students to arrive any time between Sunday, August 28 and Monday, as well as other trips from our Work and Travel offer or our selection of tours. Peugeot Maroc Newnham Campus Note: The test given on the published date is free of charge to new Seneca College students; After this date, a late testing fee of $55.00 applies International Admission Please do not reply to this automatic email. Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. Peugeot Maroc In addition to our schedule of meetings, our website offers a wealth of information about rent stabilization, including current and past rent guidelines; RGB research reports; answers to FAQs; and much more. Check it out at: I just HAD to share it with you... English as a Second Language Testing Information !!NEW TEST DATE!! Nous sommes très sensibles à l'intérêt que vous portez à notre entreprise, et conservons vos coordonnées afin de vous recontacter au besoin. Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. In addition to our schedule of meetings, our website offers a wealth of information about rent stabilization, including current and past rent guidelines; RGB research reports; answers to FAQs; and much more. Check it out at: - mettre à jour votre profil et être contacté s'il y a une nouvelle opportunité qui vous correspond. Thank you for your patience. 1750 Finch Avenue East *Note: The test given on the published date is free of charge to new Seneca College students; After this date, a late testing fee of $55.00 applies* Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. Nous vous remercions pour l'intérêt que vous portez à la marque Peugeot. P.S. If you have already completed your payment, thank you, and please disregard this email. In addition to our schedule of meetings, our website offers a wealth of information about rent stabilization, including current and past rent guidelines; RGB research reports; answers to FAQs; and much more. Check it out at: Ces identifiants vous permettront de : International Admissions Très cordialement. We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has Please make sure that you arrive on time. Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. Location: International Admissions University of Applied Sciences and Arts Rencontre Ingénieurs & Docteurs jeudi 20 avril 2017 à partir de 9h Please be advised that College is closed on Monday, January 2nd, 2017. Nous sommes très sensibles à l'intérêt que vous portez à notre entreprise, et conservons vos coordonnées afin de vous recontacter au besoin. Hey, a late testing fee of $55.00 applies Welcome to Fanshawe! August 3, 2016 We are looking forward to meeting each of you and hope to make your transition to Fanshawe College as smooth as possible. Below, you will read some important information regarding your arrival in Canada and first days at Fanshawe. If you have any questions or concerns before you arrive, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you! Classes begin on Tuesday, September 6. To better serve our new students arriving for the Fall 2016 semester, the International Centre (Room E2025) will be open special hours on: Saturday, September 3: 10:00am – 2:00pm Sunday, September 4: 10:00am – 2:00pm Monday, September 5: 10:00am – 2:00pm The International Centre will also be open regular hours Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. We are advising all new students to arrive any time between Sunday, August 28 and Monday, Please make sure that you arrive on time. Time: 9:30 a.m. Nous sommes très sensibles à l'intérêt que vous portez à notre entreprise, et conservons vos coordonnées afin de vous recontacter au besoin. Nous avons bien pris en compte votre inscription à la newsletter de Sciences Humaines, merci English as a Second Language Testing Information Vous recevrez d'ici peu votre newsletter. This email is pretty important... International Admissions L'équipe de Sciences Humaines.incerely, Nous avons bien reçu votre demande, nous vous contacterons dans les plus brefs délais. say a HUGE THANK YOU! Western Union Business Solutions Education Team Western Union Business Solutions Education Team

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