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Thursday, January 31, 2019
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Join 7 other subscribers Email Address Home Meet CJ Rhodes Itinerary Booking Media Blog Tough Minded. Tenderhearted. Transformed Nonconformist. Dear Mr. Speaker: An Open Letter to Brother Philip Gunn, Speaker of the Mississippi House of RepresentativesJune 24, 2015/Church and Community Dear Mr. Speaker, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is CJ Rhodes and I am a resident of our Capital City. I also pastor Mt Helm Baptist Church, Jackson's oldest historically black congregation, which is situated within Downtown's Farish Street Historic District. We are in the shadow of the State Capitol and this year we're celebrating 180 years of ministry. Our establishment dates back to 1835 when our enslaved ancestors worshiped under watchful eyes in the basement of First Baptist Church, Jackson. We remained a part of First Baptist's congregation until 1865. At that time we were delivered from bondage by the Almighty's outstretched arm. With the benevolence of Thomas and Mary Helm, members of Jackson's First Presbyterian Church, Mt Helm (named in their honor) was founded as an autonomous Baptist congregation and has played a vital role in religion and racial uplift ever since. Brother Gunn, it was with great joy that I read your Facebook status about how your Christian convictions caused you to reconsider the Confederate flag following the tragic massacre that occurred at Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC. I salute your courage and thank you for publicly sharing your change of heart. I know that you are a Southern Baptist elder and I assume that has something to do with your pastoral and political concerns for that flag's offense to my people. I am blessed to see how the SBC is having a great awakening regarding race in the country. To God be the glory! In recent days several members of your denomination have taken prophetic stands against the idolatry of white superiority and have called for the removal of the Confederate flag. Dr. Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (where you serve as a Trustee), wrote, "Racial superiority is a sin as old as Genesis and as contemporary as the killings in Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. The ideology of racial superiority is not only sinful, it is deadly." Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd prophesied at the 2015 Convention that now is the time to lead racial justice and reconciliation, decrying all racism as sin. Dr. Russell Moore, Mississippi Gulf Coast native and President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, powerfully avers: White Christians ought to think about what that flag says to our African-American brothers and sisters in Christ, especially in the aftermath of yet another act of white supremacist terrorism against them. The gospel frees us from scrapping for our "heritage" at the expense of others. As those in Christ, this descendant of Confederate veterans has more in common with a Nigerian Christian than I do with a non-Christian white Mississippian who knows the right use of "y'all" and how to make sweet tea. Before these public proclamations another great Southern Baptist was led of the Holy Spirit to respond once again to racial reconciliation. Dan Jones, the former Chancellor of our alma mater, went to great lengths to make the University of Mississippi the flagship university of our State's global future. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., another Baptist (though not Southern Baptist), said: Cowardice asks the question – is it safe? Expediency asks the question – is it politic? Vanity asks the question – is it popular? But conscience asks the question – is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right. Trusting God means doing the right thing. I dare not claim to know all the reasons why some brothers and sisters cling to the Confederate flag the way we are to cling to the old rugged cross. I do not believe that every one of those Mississippians are prejudiced or white supremacists. But as a descendant of enslaved Africans and the grandson and son of Jim Crow generation black Mississippians, I know all too well what that flag has meant to my family and to so many others. To my knowledge, at no time since Mississippi's Declaration of Secession have Confederates or their progeny forcefully repented of the pseudo-scientific and religious assumptions of black sub-humanity that underlined our State's defense of slavery. During and after the Civil Rights revival, led in large measure by fellow Christ followers, that flag in the hands and hearts of segregationists was an emblem of black suffering and shame and was flown is opposition to the full equality of fellow Mississippians. From the Civil War to the Civil Rights movement and beyond, the Confederacy and its battle flag have meant horror, not heritage, to African Americans in Mississippi. That it remains a pronounced part of our State flag should grieve every saint of God. I therefore commend you, a brother in Christ, for your conversion in this matter. Your stand for Christ and his Church is worthy of support and there are countless others standing with you. Brother Gunn, please know that I am personally praying for you, your wife Lisa, and your four children. I also pray that the Spirit of God convicts your colleagues in the House, Senate, and Governor's mansion as well. This is a moment, the first of many, whereby the GOP can once again be the Party of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. So in words that mirror former President Ronald Reagan, tear down this flag so that a more unifying symbol of Mississippi's reconciled future might prevail. May the blessings of the Lord overtake you, and may God shine His face on the Great State of Mississippi. Still amazed by God's grace, CJ Rhodes Al Mohler, The Heresy of Racial Superiority—Confronting the Past, and Confronting the Truth. Ronnie Floyd. "Now is the Time to Lead." Southern Baptist Convention 2015 Presidential Address. Russell Moore. The Cross and the Confederate Flag. Share this:EmailFacebookGoogleLinkedInTwitterTumblr Related CJ Rhodes/18 Comments/0 Likes/Church and Community Next/Previous Related posts Everyday a Day of ThanksgivingNovember 26, 2015Church Revitalization: Keep the Doors of Your Church OpenSeptember 21, 2015Dr. Jerry Young: Envisioning the Future ExceptionallySeptember 14, 2015 Comments (18) Valerie Bass Russell / June 24, 2015 / Reply Thank you Pastor Rhodes for your heart that voice the truth to this and the next generation. Dr. Valerie Bass Russell CJ Rhodes, MDiv Thank you, Dr Russell. Jon David Cole Well said, CJ. As a white Christian, I have INFINITELY more in common with other Christians than anyone that happens to look like me. Jesus is so much more important to me.. and is my only hope! Grace and peace to you, brother. -Jon David Cole Michael I am surprised at how quickly municipalities, states, and businesses are responding! Amos 5:24 But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! Micah Carter Thank you for this open letter to Philip Gunn. I read with great interest and support. Many blessings to you, Pastor. May God do a powerful work in our state, in our generation, toward true and lasting racial reconciliation. Dr. Micah Carter Pastor, First Baptist Church, Ripley, MS (177 years old! Est. 1838) Thank you for your prayers and support, Pastor. I stand on the promises of God with you. David Sills Very well said, Brother. I know the brothers you mentioned in your article and you assessed them well; they are godly men with sincere hearts. You are clearly in their number and I hope to meet you someday so I can add you to the list of godly sincere men I have known. Thank you for your heart and ministry. Blessings to you. Thanks for your kind words, David. Michael Stribling Amen. Bless you. Samuel Love, MD Thanks Rev. Rhodes. Profound, powerful, and graceful. As a man raised in First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, I was proud to see my church's history intermingled with yours, sad that it has not persisted, but remain hopeful for the future. I was wondering if you saw the news from the Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly where Dr. Ligon Duncan (former senior minister of FPC Jackson and current Chancellor of RTS) issued a resolution for a public and open confession by the PCA for racial sins of its past. You can read more here ( Perhaps a powerful start to something I have been hoping for awhile. Thanks for your words. Know that you have my support in this endeavor. June 25, 2015 To God be the glory! Pat Thompson The cross is the only symbol that represents my heritage, my present, and my future. Walley Naylor Very well written and spot on with the points that you made. Thanks, brother. Hilary Zimmerman June 26, 2015 So proud to be a Mussissippian! I love this state and it's magnificent people. We are the light on the mountain. Let's follow Phil Gunn's lead: get rid of that divisive symbol. Bob Boteler June 27, 2015 Thank you. It's time for all to be neighbors. And to remove the barriers that prevent it. Roger Rudd October 3, 2015 Born in MS and a historian the flag should stay as it is. The flag didn't cause slavery. Progressives want to destroy american history by taking things out of text books, remove monuments, change flags. It's our history for better or worse. I put in 23 yrs in the military to preserve America not defend Obama changing it Add comment Cancel a reply Add Comment Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Search for: Subscribe to Blog via Email Recent Posts Everyday a Day of Thanksgiving Church Revitalization: Keep the Doors of Your Church Open Dr. Jerry Young: Envisioning the Future Exceptionally Great Expectations Alcorn: Where Knowledge and Character Matter Categories Church and Community Copyright © 2015 CJ Rhodes. All rights reserved. Send to Email Address Your Name Your Email Address Cancel Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Email check failed, please try again ----- Quality cards at reasonable prices." Fay - Jan 23rd, 2019 more testimonials Cards per Page: 15 30 60 120 Cards: 132 Pages: 5 Most Popular Newest Show adult cards Last Next » Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Loading... Welcome to the Neighborhood - Cozy Home card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Just a little note to welcome you to our little corner of the world and to wish you every happiness in your new home. Artist: � Sue Nollmeyer Artist Notes: Reach out and touch new neighbors with this warm and cozy Welcome to the Neighborhood card featuring a quaint little house with a welcome sign hanging above the door. Design also available in brown tones. Original Design by Sue Nollmeyer�2013. 5213 Product Id: 1083330 view card add to cart Welcome to Neighborhood Birdhouses & Flags card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Wishing you many years of happiness in your new nest! Artist: Simply Put by Robin Artist Notes: Americana birdhouses, flag and bees nest adorn the front of a Welcome to the Neighborhood card. Design by Simply Put by Robin; graphics �Country Life Graphics. Product Id: 1049829 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood - Cozy Home card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Just a little note to welcome you to our little corner of the world and to wish you every happiness in your new home. Artist: � Sue Nollmeyer Artist Notes: Reach out and touch new neighbors with this warm and cozy home Welcome to the Neighborhood card. Design also available in teal tones. 5213 Product Id: 1083328 view card add to cart (1) Welcome to the Neighborhood San Francisco Painting… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: May you paint many beautiful memories in your new home. Artist: �Doreen Erhardt Artist Notes: Welcome new neighbors into the neighborhood with this lovely greeting featuring a row of painted houses in San Francisco and a picket fence. Tuck it into a bit of fresh baked cookies or attach a bottle of wine and you may make lifelong friends. Product Id: 1403836 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: (blank inside) Artist: Marcee J. Duggar Artist Notes: Beautiful Bright Floral Colors make this a gorgeous card to send to your new neighbors. This card is designed to give the impression of a handmade scrapbook card, and that all embellishments are rendered digitally. Product Id: 950219 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: (blank inside) Artist: Marcee J. Product Id: 950219 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood New Home Houses Waterc… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We're so happy to have you in the neighborhood! May you enjoy much happiness in your new home. Artist: Cathie Richardson Artist Notes: A cheerful welcome to the neighborhood greeting card featuring quaint cottage houses, a white picket fence and bright blooming flowers painted in watercolor. A wonderful way to welcome a new neighbor! Product Id: 573368 view card add to cart Customizable Name Welcome to the Neighborhood-Two … Customize: Cover text, inside text Inside Text: Welcome to the Neighborhood. We look forward to seeing your smiling faces! Artist: Christie Black-Creations from the Heart Artist Notes: �Christie Black. Welcoming someone to the neighborhood will be a real treat with this fun greeting. Two tall house characters shake hands and give a smile as they meet and greet each other. Customize with any name. Product Id: 1440410 view card personalize Welcome to the Neighborhood Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We are so glad you decided to make our neighborhood your home Artist: Nikki Cutro Artist Notes: A 13 Black Cats Designs Original Product Id: 282241 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighbourhood, New Neighbours, Funn… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We can't wait to meet you! Artist: Kate TaylorOriginal image by:brookebecker/ Artist Notes: A woman helping a man to be nosey and peek over a garden fence. The card says 'Welcome' 'To the neighbourhood'. Product Id: 1225574 view card add to cart Orange Flower Welcome to the Neighborhood Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: A little note to welcome you to the neighborhood and wish you many happy years in your new home! Artist: Dreaming Mind Cards Product Id: 617567 view card add to cart Cute Birds in a Tree New Neighbor Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We're so glad to have you! Artist: Cheryl Jones Artist Notes: Painted with watercolor, this lighthearted new neighbor card has silly little birds up in a tree. Product Id: 1081848 view card add to cart (1) Cute Birds in a Tree New Neighbor Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We're so glad to have you! Artist: Cheryl Jones Artist Notes: Painted with watercolor, this lighthearted new neighbor card has silly little birds up in a tree. Product Id: 1081848 view card add to cart (1) Blue Stripes Welcome to the Neighborhood Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: A little note, to welcome you to the neighborhood and wish you many happy years in your new home! Artist: Dreaming Mind Cards Product Id: 584469 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: we're doggone happy you're here! Artist: Great Scott Designs� Product Id: 157355 view card add to cart Welcome To The Neighborhood, Wreath On Door card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Welcome to Your New Home & Welcome to the Neighborhood! Artist: Shoaff-Ballanger Studios Artist Notes: Welcome to the Neighborhood, paper greeting card. Card features the front door to a house with a wreath hanging in front of the windows. A bright polished brass door handle is visible on the left hand side. Wreath thanks to: Product Id: 549186 view card add to cart Welcome to our Neighborhood, Trio of Cute Cottages… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We're so glad you're here! Artist: Teri Nelson Kuster Artist Notes: Welcome a new neighbor to your neighborhood, with this Welcome to the Neighborhood card, that features a trio of cute, small cottages on an arching green hillside. The hand lettered message, is written in green, below the little cottages, with "Welcome to our Neighborhood". The inside wording is "We're so glad you're here!" Product Id: 1106576 view card add to cart Blue Flowers Welcome to the Neighborhood Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Just a note to wish you many happy years in your new home. Welcome to the Neighborhood Artist: Dreaming Mind Cards Product Id: 543188 view card add to cart Houses Welcome to the Neighborhood Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: A little note to welcome you to the neighborhood, wishing you many happy years in your new home! Artist: Dreaming Mind Cards Product Id: 583399 view card add to cart Lobster Hot Tub card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Welcome to the neighborhood! Artist: mike shiell Product Id: 490394 view card add to cart Welcome to Neighborhood Birdhouses and Snow card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Wishing you many years of happiness in your new nest! Artist: Simply Put by Robin, graphics: Trina Clark Artist Notes: Give your new neighbor a warm welcome with this card that has several sweet snow-covered birdhouses and "A warm Welcome to the Neighborhood" in a fun type style. Product Id: 1505258 view card add to cart Saguaro cactus reaching through window for a margh… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Welcome. We know that you will make a fine addition. Now, let's celebrate. Artist: Jamie J Rice Artist Notes: What goes on in the casa when you�re away? Does your doggie keep secrets? Product Id: 395825 view card add to cart Flower Garden Welcome To Our Neighborhood Cards Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Warmest wishes as you settle in! We hope you'll enjoy it here! Artist: Tammy Moody Artist Notes: image by T fleetwood Moody Product Id: 274458 view card add to cart Welcome to Our Neighborhood, Cartoon Cats. card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: (blank inside) Artist: Kate Taylor Artist Notes: Fun cartoon of several different cats holding dark pink banners above their heads that say 'Welcome to our neighborhood'. The perfect card to welcome any cat lover to your neighborhood. Product Id: 1260154 view card add to cart Cats Welcoming Neighbors (Bud & Tony) card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Hello new neighbor, how do you do? We would like to welcome you. Welcome to the neighborhood! Artist: Betty Matsumoto-Schuch Product Id: 411920 view card add to cart Red Bird Houses Welcome to the Neighborhood Yellow… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: A friendly welcome to you! We're very happy to have you in the neighborhood. Artist: Cathie Richardson Artist Notes: A friendly welcome to the neighborhood greeting card featuring bright red birdhouses and colorful yellow birds perched in the branches of a tree painted in watercolor. You can change the inside message to fit your needs. Product Id: 162221 view card add to cart Welcome to the neighborhood- Funny - Retro card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: One rule: We welcome you with open arms. Welcome to the neighborhood. Artist: Tom Rent Artist Notes: This can also be changed into an announcement, invitation, or congratulations card by you changing the inside text using the Personalization option - It's EASY! Free Modifications. Contact me through my Card Store. - Tom Rent Product Id: 487252 view card add to cart Home is Where You Keep Your Eggs card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Welcome to the neighborhood! Artist: Diane Duda Product Id: 94575 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood, Colorful Rag Rug in B… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Welcome to the neighborhood and congratulations on your New Digs! Artist: Shoaff-Ballanger Studios Artist Notes: Welcome to the Neighborhood, paper greeting card with the text New Digs on the cover.a <!-- BEGIN BootsEmailTemplate.jsp --><!-- B-04882 Cancellation email - By Pharmacist --><!-- BEGIN BootsOrderAcknowledgementEmail.jsp --><!-- BEGIN BootsEmailContentTokenizer.jspf --><!-- EPharmacy 3-1 change --><!-- B-05112 :Clinic - IMA email --><!-- #6081 --><!-- END BootsEmailContentTokenizer.jspf --><div style="height:65px;margin:0; padding:20px 0; background-color:#fff;width: 100%; text-align:center; font-family:arial;font-size:0.9em;line-height:20px;color: #999999;border-bottom:2px solid #d5e6f7;"> <div style="float:left;height: 65px;left: 18px;width: 107px;position:relative"> <img alt="Logo" src="" /> </div> </div> <!-- BEGIN BootsEmailContentTokenizer.jspf --><!-- EPharmacy 3-1 change --><!-- B-05112 :Clinic - IMA email --><!-- #6081 --><!-- END BootsEmailContentTokenizer.jspf --><!-- BEGIN BootsEmailContentTokenizer.jspf --><!-- EPharmacy 3-1 change --><!-- B-05112 :Clinic - IMA email --><!-- #6081 --><!-- END BootsEmailContentTokenizer.jspf --><div dir="ltr" style="margin:0; padding:10px 0; background-color:#fff;width: 100%; text-align:center;font-family:arial; font-size:0.9em; line-height:20px;color: #333;"> <div style="text-align:left;margin:10px 20px;"> <p style="line-height:1.5em;padding-bottom:10px">Your order number is <b>246210742</p></b> Hello<br /> <p style="line-height:1.5em"></p> <p style="line-height:1.5em;padding-bottom:10px">Thank you for ordering with us, we'll be back in touch shortly with your order details.</p>If you need any further information please see our help section. <p style="line-height:1.5em"></p> <p style="line-height:1.5em;padding-bottom:10px">Many thanks,<br /> <p style="line-height:1.5em"></p> <p style="line-height:1.5em"></p>Boots Customer Care Team</p></div> <div style="text-align:left;margin:10px 20px;"> <p style="line-height:1.5em"></p><br>You can't change or cancel your order from this point.</p> <p style="line-height:1.5em"></p> <p style="line-height:1.5em;padding-bottom:10px">If you paid using your Boots Advantage Card points you have now been charged. <p style="line-height:1.5em"></p> <p style="line-height:1.5em;padding-bottom:10px">Details of our <a href="" style="color:#333;" title="Terms and Conditions">terms and conditions</a> can be found on</p> <p style="line-height:1.5em"></p> <p style="line-height:1.5em;padding-bottom:10px">This email acknowledges that your order has been received but not yet confirmed.<br>Confirmation is subject to checking stock, verification of price and validating payment details.<br>Once this is completed, your order will be despatched. 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<h2 class="day-date">Tuesday, January 29, 2019</h2>
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<div style="clear:both;"></div> <h2 style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><span style="color: #3366ff;">Up to $1M in coverage with National Family Assurance</span></a></h2> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="278" height="44" /></a></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="550" height="75" /></a></p> <p style="text-align: center;"> </p><HeAD> <p style="text-align: center;"><SeLeCt> 2 Note to Facilitators Thank you starting & leading a new GCI small group! We believe small groups are the perfect place for a community of believers togrow in their love for Christ and one another. In this kind of context people are transformed by God's love.Basically, we see this Faith Venue as place for deeper discipleship & relationship. This six week curriculum focuses on creating a Christ centerecommunity by practicing GCI core values for our church culture. Everything you need to plan and lead is included in this packet. Please read it carefully and prepare before each group meeting. There are printable handouts in the Appendix to help with thefacilitation of each session. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13) Note to Facilitators: 3 Week 1: Introduction (to Acts & one another) Welcome:To kick off your first gathering, greet the group with a quick & warm welcome!Who we are. (Exercise: leader and member intro) Break off into pairs and ask the following threequestions of each other:How would your best friend describe you?How did you hear about this church?What has been your background with faith?Share with the group in pairs.Who is GCI?Grace Communion International is a worldwide fellowship of churches that are relentlessly committed to living a life transformed by the good news of the gospel. Christ has come, uniting us in love with the Father and one another. Christ is risen, empowering us with new life through the Holy Spirit.Christ will come again, while we await his return we have the joy of participating in his ministry of drawing the whole world to the Father. In our local congregations and small groups we are committed to getting to know God and one another by practicing the way of Jesus together. We believe one of the best waysto know Jesus, the living Word, is by studying his words together. Biblical verses will be central during our time together. With Christ at the center, we create GCI's community culture of "High Support, High Challenge Grace Always". We build relationships by speaking the truth in love to each other while creating safe spaces where each person experiences the freedom to be his or her true self. It takes time and commitment to create such a liberating community. Ultimately, this group will become what we make it. As we begin the process let's be fully present, humbly sharing our stories, and making space for others to do the same. With Jesus in the center of our time together, we can be the community he describes in his Sermon on the Mount: a group of people who noticesthe needy and gives to them, a community who prays fervently, and holds one another accountable to following his ways. �� 4 &#x/MCI; 0 ;&#x/MCI; 0 ;Hopes and Expectations:Have a group discussion responding to the following prompt:What are you most hopeful for or most hesitant about in joining this community group?What will we do during our time together? For the first six weeks we will go through introductory curriculum provided by our church. We will outline the values that shape the way we in GCI express being the body of Christ, and how we will embody those values in our group. The scriptures each week will be from the book of Acts. These verses give us a glimpse into how the first Christians lived in community with one another. They were a passionate and loving group, who quickly became diverse as they took the great commission seriously and shared the good news of Christ with all ends of the world. Many of the early believers knew Jesus, during his time on earth, was characterized by his compassion, healing, and transformative teaching. When he ascended to return to the Father he promised the Holy Spirit as an advocate and helper. The book of Acts could easily be called "Acts of the Holy Spirit", as it reminds us that the courageous actions of the early church leaders and members were guided by the Holy Spirit. Almost two thousand years later the Spirit is continuing to move, and we celebrate our passionate, loving, and diverse church communities. We pray that over the next few weeks, we will become this kind of community together. The content for each session is available online The facilitators will guide the discussion or ask a group member to facilitate. If there is homework or prep work involved, the leaders will let you know in advance. After we complete the six weeks, as a group we will discuss the curriculum that will best fit our group needs. Pray Wrap up your first meeting with a blessing over the members of your group, and for your journey together over the next few weeks. 5 eek 2: InclusiveWelcomeGive a quick warm welcome. Use one of the icebreakers from the Appendix, or go around the room and have each member share a highlight from their week. Opening Prayer: Have someone open your time together, thanking God for his gift of grace, and asking God to show us how to give grace to one another. Value: InclusiveIn our communities we seek to create a culture that is inclusive, passionate, intentional, loving, and genuine. We believe that these essential values establish communities where lives are transformed by the gospel. Over the next few weeks we will practice living out these values together. By practicing these values we cultivate deeper relationships with Christ and one another. Our first value is to be a community that is inclusive. To be inclusive is to create a space where all people are welcomed into the love and life of Christ regardless of life experience, culture, political affiliation, race, gender, or any other distinctive. The only thing we need in common is our need for grace. In doing so, we reflect the heart of Jesus' ministry salvation for the whole world. On the cross, Jesus provides a way for us to live in deep relationship with the Father, and with one another. His way is not exclusive, elitist, or easy. We see the early church argue about inclusivity in Acts 15. Some members of the church wanted to require all believers, whether Jew or gentile to follow the law of Moses, others held that following Christ was the only requirement. Let's see how they resolved the argument: ReadActs 15:7 "Brothers, you know that in the early days God made a choice among you, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe. And God, who knows the heart, bore witness to them, by giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us, and he made no distinction between us and them, having cleansed their hearts by faith 10 Now, therefore, why are you putting God to the test by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples that neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear? But we believe that we will be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they will." 6 Ask:According to the passage, what is the determining factor of inclusion? It is in human nature to compare and create a hierarchy of holiness. We highlight the rules that are easy for us to keep, and hide the ones that we struggle not to break. In Acts 15, Peter reminds the church members that the ground is level at the foot of the cross. There is no earning our way into the Kingdom. The truth is that all of us receive the gift of grace through faith in Christ. We maintain an open posture giving grace because we remember the grace we have received. This does not mean that we donot hold one another accountable. We remember that the Spirit of God is actively at work in each individual life and the community as a whole. Our response to God's generous grace, is to follow Jesus and the lead of the Holy Spirit. In our communities, wecreate a safe space where we can challenge and support each other toward our next step of obedience. 60 min on average for 8 peopleFor this discussion, we will share in a format called MUTUAL INVITATION (printable handout available in the Appendix). We begin by asking the questions below and allowing 2 minutes of uninterrupted silent reflection. The leader begins the sharing time bysharing his or her response to the question(s). Then the leader selects another person to share his or her response. After that person shares, they then invite another person in the group by name to share. When invited to share, a person may respond by sharing or passing if they are not ready to share. Regardless, they then invite the next person to share.Unless you have been invited to share, you should refrain from speaking unless you need to ask clarifying questions or followup questions to dig deeper. This allows people to share uninterrupted while enabling others to ask questions to stay engaged. The exercise continues until everyone in the group has been invited to share. Ask : (Using mutual invitation) What has been your best experience in community? What made that experience so great? What values did that community have? (i.e., hospitality, loving support, accountability) Debrief: What was it like not being able to speak when one person was speaking? What did it feel like having the opportunity to share without being interrupted and while being asked additional questions? 7 Divine Participation : Every week we want to practice the values we discuss during group to join God in the work he is doing in our everyday lives. We will call this divine participation. This week we want you to practice inclusion by engaging in intentional conversation with others. In two conversations you have this week, focus on listening without looking to respond immediately and to ask clarifying questions before offering advice or your own experience. This way we foster inclusion of other people's thoughts and experiences in our lives before trying to express our own thoughts or experiences. Pray Close in prayer by slowly reading Psalm 141:13 together. I call to you, ORD, come quickly to me; hear me when I call to you.May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.3 Set a guard over my mouth, ORD keep watch over the door of my lips. �� 8 &#x/MCI; 0 ;&#x/MCI; 0 ;Week 3: Intentional Welcome: Give a quick warm welcome. Use one of the icebreakers from the Appendix, or go around the room and have each member share a three word happy story (ex. "I am loved", "Project is complete.", "Here's some chocolate.") Opening Prayer : Our value this week is to be intentional. Ask someone to open in prayer, asking God to captivate our thoughts and hearts with his true character. May we pursue knowing him better during our time together. Value: IntentionalLast week, we discussed our shared value of having an inclusive culture within our communities. We hold onto the common thread of our need for grace, and that the grace we have received shapes how we interact with one another. In loving relationship together we provide support and challenge as we live out our calling to be the body of Christ.Understanding grace not only draws us closer to one another, but also draws us deeper into relationship with God. This week we will discuss our value of being intentional in our pursuit of knowing our Triune God. From the beginning in the Garden of Eden, humanity's struggle has been forgetting we are made in God's image, and thus we attempt to create a god that images our own desires and longings, a god who meets our appetites for acceptance, and works for our personal success. In reality we serve a God whose plans for us are better than anything we can imagine on our own, and works not just for our personal good but the good of the world.To seek the true God, and not make a god in our own image, we must be intentional in our pursuit of knowing him. We desire to cultivate an appetite for his Word, his love story for us and the world. We prayerfully look at the patterns of presence in our lives, to understand his character. To intentionally develop a true understanding of God, our posture is one of submission, putting God first. Where we would have hungered for more acceptance, power, or success we instead hunger for more of him. Reflection: Meditation & Silence What are ways we are currently seeking out God with the intent of understanding him for who he is and not who we want him to be? What are some ways we wish to be more intentional in the way that we interact with God? Reflect in uninterrupted silence for 3 minutes. 9 We are not only intentional in pursuing our individual understanding ofGod, our understanding is sharpened in living and sharing the gospel in community. Let's note that the early church was truth conscious in representing God's character. In the book of Acts 18:2428. We see a new leader, Apollos, passionately sharing the good news. However, seasoned leaders Priscilla & Aquila noticed that he did not have full understanding of the gospel message, & approached Apollos. Read Acts 18:2428: Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, competent in the Scriptures. 25 He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John. 26 He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside d explained to him the way of God more accurately. 27 And when he wished to cross to Achaia, the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him. When he arrived, he greatly helped those who through grace had believed, 28 for he powerfully refuted the Jews in public, showing by the Scriptures that the Christ was Jesus. Ask: How did Priscilla & Aquilla, provide support and challenge to Apollos?As we switch from examining the scripture to examining our own lives, we want to introduce a framework for intentional sharing. (Introduce CARE, printable available in Appendix)Which comes more naturally to you, to provide support or challenge? How do you calibrate balance between the two in your relationships?CAREClarifying questionsAsk questions to better understand what the person has shared.What was the first thought or emotion that came to your mind?Can you give an example of what you described?How can we best support you through this? How can we pray for you?AffirmationReflect back what you have heard, affirming what the person stated.It sounds like what you are saying is…That is so difficult/stressful/painful or wonderful/joyful/fun.I want to affirm that what you are feeling is valid.ResponseAs a community, express any offers of solidarity or commitment you are able to make.You are not alone in this. We are here for you and will support you through this. �� 10 &#x/MCI; 2 ;&#x/MCI; 2 ;• You said you want prayer for ______, and I am committed to praying for that with you. Is there anyone else who would like to commit to praying with me?Thanks for letting us know that ______ would be helpful. Is there anyone else who would like to commit with me to follow up with (person) next week?EmpathyShare in the experience with the person by expressing how you feel.I am so sorry that you are going through this.It makes me sad to hear that you are having a hard time.I am encouraged by what you are doing in this situation and feel hopeful that… Debrief: What was it like using the CARE model in discussion? Did you find yourself wanting to jump in and say something, but waiting in order to ask more questions? Did you feel like you were heard or cared for when people were asking you additional questions and affirming your experience? Divine Participation:Spend 30 minutes with God three times this week with the intention to see him reveal his character. This can be in many forms including silent meditation, a nature walk, serving someone in need, creating orbuilding something in God's honor, or praying. The point here is spend time that is not selfserving or convenient for us, but rather to serve God and seek him out for who he is. Take note of how you experience God, his attributes, or how he has revealed something new to you about himself. Come prepared to share at next week's gathering. Prayer : Close your time praying a blessing over each member's intentional time with God this week. 11 Week 4: Passionate Welcome:Give a quick warm welcome. Use one of the icebreakers from the Appendix, or go around the room and have each member share one "God wink" (or place they saw God show up in their lives) this past week Opening Prayer: Ask someone to open in prayer praisingGod for who he is, and asking God to give us the strength, wisdom, and courage to passionately follow him. Value: PassionateLast week we discussed our value of intentionally seeking relationship with God. To do this we must spent time in his Word and prayerfully reflect on his presence in our lives. Ask: How did you intentionally cultivate your relationship with God over the past week? (Go around the room and describe your experience in three sentences or less) We are passionate because the deeper our relationship with God, the deeper our understanding of our need for grace. Jesus chose to enter our mess and experience our trials, to take away the guilt, shame, and death caused by humanity choosing our way over God's way. In response we offerour whole selves back to God, trusting that his way is better.A passionate posture is courageous and boldly proclaims the good news of Christ. We see his transforming love as a central part of our personal story, and freely share how he is actively working in our lives. Practically speaking, Jesus becomes the filter through which we see the world. We see his provision and hand moving in our day to day circumstances, and we bring our questions and longings into his presence to speak truth. He plays a central role in our lives, and just as our coworkers, friends, and family would know the name of our parent or spouse, people in our lives know how important our relationship with Jesus is. Our passionate posture is not just an individual one; overwhelmedby God's generosity we do not hold onto what he has given us, but we freely share all he has given us with those he has placed around us. We trust God's character, knowing that if the Father is willing to offer up his beloved Son for us, that he will lavishly provide for our needs. �� 12 &#x/MCI; 0 ;&#x/MCI; 0 ;In Acts chapter 4, we see the early church experience persecution for following the way of Jesus. They do not respond by asking God for comfort and ease. Instead they trust God and pray for boldness in their sharing of and participation with Jesus. The Holy Spirit answers, empowering them to courageously share the good news of the gospel and to generously share their very lives with one another. Read Acts 4:29 And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, 30 while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus." 31 And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. 32 Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common. And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. 34 There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold 35 and laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.The early church considered having faith in Christ in common a sufficient foundation to having everything in common. They let go of everything else that gave them a false sense of security or control. Reflect: The believers in Acts saw Jesus as a better than anything and everything else. The process of holding onto Jesus involves letting go of things that block us from trusting him fully. As we spend 3 minutes in silent reflection, is there something you are holding onto that serves as a "better" comfort or protection than Jesus in your life? That could be success, fear, acceptance, possessions, money, etc. (Silent reflection for 3 minutes then discuss using mutual invitation)After discussing some of the things that we hold onto in place of Jesus, it is important to recenter and consider who Jesus really is. Let's reflect for another 2 minutes and ask, who is Jesus? Who is God?Remember truths about God and his character. If you love Jesus, what about who he is stirs your affections toward him? If you are still discovering who Jesus is, what is drawing you closer to want to learn more about him?(Silent reflection for 2 minutes then discuss using mutual invitation) 13 Debrief:What was it like doing mutual invitation for a second time? Was it hard to not speak when someone else was sharing? What was it like to be able to share without being interrupted. Divine Participation : Often what keeps us from passionately proclaiming Jesus in our daily lives is not a lack of opportunity, but a lack of love. Experiencing Jesus' love for us is not the result of a onetime decision. We need to be deeply affected by the love of Jesus on a daily basis. Reflecting on the questions below is a practice that can help us develop a filter for seeing God at the center of our lives, and can help us remind one another that he is actively working for our good. uring your time with Jesus this week. Reflect and write down your responses to the following questions. Come prepared next week to share and discuss your reflections and selfexamination.Who is God/Jesus?Remember truths about God and his character.If you love Jesus, what about who he is stirs your affections toward him?If you are still discovering who Jesus is, what is drawing you closer to want to learn more about him?What has he done/What is he doing?Take time to look for and consider how he is currently working in your life.What truth about Jesus do I need to remember right now?Who are we in light of that work?How have I been transformed through my relationship with Christ?How should we live in light of who we are?What is my next right step of obedience? Prayer: Close slowly and boldly proclaiming the Nicene Creed together, the core of our faith. (adapted version by Trent Sheppard) We believe the ancient creed:That Jesus is the only Son of Godeternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, Begotten not made, Of one being with the Fatherthrough him all things were madeFor us and for our salvationHe came down from heaven �� 14 &#x/MCI; 0 ;&#x/MCI; 0 ;was incarnate of the Holy Spiritborn of the Virgin Mary, and was made manFor our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;he suffered death and was buried.On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures;he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. 15 eek 5: LovingWelcome:Greet each other with a high five or hug. Use the prayer frame below as an icebreaker and opening prayer.Opening Prayer: Allow members 2 minutes to silently reflect on the prayer frame below. Then go around the room and share your completed prayer. If members do not wish to share they can say Amen and it will move to the next person. O how __________ you are!(characteristic about God)You….(specific example of general quality you named)Oh how I __________ you!(appropriate verb)Value: LovingIn our previous gathering we practiced passionately proclaiming the good news of Christ, andsharing how the gift of grace has significantly affected the way we see and approach life. Because of the generosity we receive from God, an overflow of sharing our time, talent, treasures, and very self with those he has placed in our lives becomes a natural response.Deepening our relationship with God stirs our affections toward him, and we also intentionally share his love with our communities. The Bible tells us that God is love. It is not something he does but a crucial part of his character. Because we experience unconditional love from God, loving one another well is a key value of our community.Through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, he demonstrated that God's love is generous, so much so that he gave all of himself for us! We are incapable of loving this way on our own. It is through our transformation in relationship with Jesus that we can love lavishly. We see throughout the Bible that God's economy is one of abundance. During a drought a widow's one day worth of oil multiples over and over again to sustain the widow, her son, & God's prophet Elijah. Jesus multiplied the lunch of one boy to feed over 5,000 people. Scripture is filled with many more examples of God's generosity and provision for his people.To love one another well we must humbly live out of the security of God's faithfulness. We maintain a posture of dependence on him and an assurance that he is in control working for our good. To maintain this posture we must fight the scarcity mentality of not enough that is so prevalent in our culture. That when we share our bread with others, instead of being multiplied we will be left with crumbs. �� 16 &#x/MCI; 0 ;&#x/MCI; 0 ; &#x/MCI; 1 ;&#x/MCI; 1 ;Reflect: Take a moment and write down some "not enough" lies you are believing.How can you speak truth to the lies you are believing about God or yourself today? Think over scriptures you have read or experiences you have had with God how are they different than what you are believing? (Silent reflection and journaling for 3 minutes)If we look closely at scripture we see God's economy of multiplication never happens when God's provision is hoarded multiplication always happens when his love is shared. To be loving in this way requires trust & vulnerability. We must rely on God as r source for all our needs and all we share. We also must be open with our needs, so that others have the opportunity to meet them.We see a culture of loving generosity in the early church. As the early believers were more intentional about knowing God and one another, their love grew as well: Read Acts 2:42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. 43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46 And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. Ask:What about this type of community is appealing? What are some of the benefits in living in this type of community? What are the risks or barriers that prevent us from living in community this way? Divine Participation:Share with the group one practicalneed you have this week (ex. Moving to a new house, need a ride to the airport, need a babysitter)How can we as a group or individually offer practical help this week? Debrief:What was it like to identify and share a need with the group? Was it uncomfortable to share something you are lacking? What did it feel like to be able to offer help to someone in the group? Divine Participation:Reach out to someone during the week and offer help where you can, help that is based on their need. 17 Conclusion:As we approach the close of the introduction to this community group next week, we will be discussing as a group how we want to shape the culture of this group going forward. This next week, we want you to prayerfully consider how you would like to continue to journey forward with this group as we follow and explore Jesus together. Next week we will focus on discerning our next steps of how we as a community group will express the core values we have learned and discussed so far. Prayer : Praise God for how he lavishly loves and abundantly provides for us. Ask that he may show us how to love one another well. �� 18 &#x/MCI; 0 ;&#x/MCI; 0 ;Week 6: Genuine Welcome: Give a quick warm welcome. Use one of the icebreakers from the Appendix, or go around the room and have each member to describe their week with a song title or share their theme song for their past week. Opening Prayer: Ask someone to open in prayer, asking for God's direction in your next steps as a group. May your community reflect the heart of Christ and be salt and light in your community. Value: Genuine The desire for our community group is to create space where th e good news of Jesus transforms lives. In order to facilitate that transformation, we need to create genuine community. To be genuine we seek to have our actions align with our values. Since our values are a reflection of the heart of Christ, we must look at his approach to community life. During his time on earth Christ's behavior can be characterized as humble obedience. Throughout his time on earth, the King of heaven served broken humanity and sought the Father's will. Even facing death with a final pra yer, "Not my will but yours be done." Just as Jesus submitted to the Father, in genuine community we submit to God and one another. We remember how powerful God is, that our very breath depends on him, yet he sustains us and provides for our every need. P ride causes us to have either overestimated or underestimated views of who we are. But when we humbly submit to the Father we are being genuine to the truest version of self - God's beloved child. Part of genuinely living out our identity as God's belove d children means that we are a family in Christ. We are called to rejoice in each other's celebrations and shoulder each other's burdens. In genuine community with Christ and each other, our joys are multiplied and our sorrows are cut in half. We will end our time today by participating in a unity prayer (provide handout from appendix). We will wrap up our time today with an exercise called a Unity Prayer. This is a kind of corporate prayer exercise aimed at giving space to care for one another in a pries tly way by lifting up to God the emotions and experiences which you heard expressed in your time together With the unity prayer in mind, focus on listening to other people with the intention of praying for them at the end of our time together. With that sa id, did anyone follow up on offering help to someone during the week to meet their need? Take some time to share and discuss briefly. 19 Divine Participation: As we also mentioned last week, we will be focusing on the next steps of the group and how we wish to express the core values we have discussed the past few weeks. We are going to create some guidelines as a group for how we want to embody and practice our core values of being inclusive, intentional, passionate, loving, and genuine. To do so we will us e this structure: We believe God is (core value) so we will practice being (core value) by (practical action) Spend 30 minutes creating some guidelines as a group. Write down each one as you go, so that your group can hold each other up to these standar d that you all set together. It can be helpful to revisit these guidelines as needed as your group grows. Make sure everyone is in agreement before moving forward. For the practical action portion, focus on specific actions or behaviors you want to limit o r encourage, rather than using vague generalities. Examples: We believe God is inclusive, so we will practice being inclusive by not interrupting people when speaking and asking clarifying questions to go deeper. We believe God is intentional, so we will practice being intentional by not looking at distractions at our phones during group time We believe God is loving, so we will practice being loving by expressing care for one another through forms of encouragement. We believe that God is united Father, S on, and Holy Spirit, so we commit to practicing unity by making amends with one another as soon as conflict arises in the event of relational discord. What was this process like for you? What did you find challenging about making guidelines for the group ? What was helpful in creating guidelines everyone could agree on? When doing this exercise with your small group, how will you facilitate this? Unity Prayer (handout in Appendix) Close your time together with an exercise called a Unity Prayer. This is a kind of corporate prayer exercise aimed at giving space to care for one another in a priestly way by lifting up to God the emotions and experiences which you heard expressed in your time together. Take turns praying short prayers in the format of "Lord, hear our ___________ ." 20 Fill in the blank with a feeling that you noticed someone else feeling. You could also fill in the blank with a desire or need that someone expressed. For ex ample: "Lord, hear our discomfort being vulnerable with strangers," "Lord, hear our grief at losses and wounds we've experienced in our past," "Lord, hear Allison's gratitude for her family." When there is a long enough pause that it seems fit, have one pe rson close the time of prayer. We will do this Unity Prayer exercise often as a closing to our time together. Not only does it help us connect intimately with one another before leaving the gathering but it is also reveals how well we've really listened t o others – which over time, encourages better listening and connection. Beyond week 6: Congratulations on starting your group & completing this curriculum. We pray that your group has formed deeper connections with Christ and each other in your time together! Your journey is just beginning. Take a week to celebrate as a group and have a special meal or outing together during your usual meeting time. Use the two weeks to meet with your pastor and discuss selecting your next curriculum that will m eet the needs of your group and connect with the congregation. Additional GCI Small Group resources can be found by clicking on the "believe" tab at 21 utual InvitationWe begin by asking the questions below and allowing 2 minutes of uninterrupted silent reflection. The leader begins the sharing time by sharing his or her response to the question(s). Then the leader selects another person to share his or her response. After that person shares, they then invite another person in the group by name to share. When inviteto share, a person may respond by sharing or passingif they are not ready to share. Regardless, they then invite the next person to share.Unless you have been invited to share, you should refrain from speaking unless you need to ask clarifying questions or followup questions to dig deeper. This allows people to share uninterrupted while enabling others to ask questions to stay engaged. The exercise continues until everyone in the group has been invited to share. Mutual InvitationWe begin by asking the questions below and allowing 2 minutes of uninterrupted silent reflection. The leader begins the sharing time by sharing his or her response to the question(s). Then the leader selects another person to share his or her response. After that person shares, they then invite another person in the group by name to share. When invited to share, a person may respond by sharing or passing if they are not ready to share. Regardless, they then invite the next person to share.Unless you have been invited to share, you should refrain from speaking unless you need to ask clarifying questions or followup questions to dig deeper. This allows people to share uninterrupted while enabling others to ask questions to stay engaged. The exercise continues until everyone in the group has been invited to share. 2 Divine Participation Week 2 Practice inclusion by engaging in intentional conversation with others. In two conversations you have this week, focus on listening without looking to respond immediately and to ask clarifying questions before offering advice or your own experience. This ay we foster inclusion of other people's thoughts and experiences in our lives before trying to express our own thoughts or experiences. Divine Participation Week 2 Practice inclusion by engaging in intentional conversation with others. In two conversations you have this week, focus on listening without looking to respond immediately and to ask clarifying questions before offering advice or your own experience. This way we foster inclusion of other people's thoughts and experiences in our lives before trying to express our own thoughts or experiences. Divine Participation Week 2 Practice inclusion by engaging in intentional conversation with others. In two conversations you have this week, focus on listening without looking to respond immediately and to ask clarifying questions before offering advice or your own experience. This way we foster inclusion of other people's thoughts and experiences in our lives before trying to express our own thoughts or experiences Divine Participatio n Week 2 Practice inclusion by engaging in intentional conversation with others. In two conversations you have this week, focus on listening without looking to respond immediately and to ask clarifying questions before offering advice or your own experience. This ay we foster inclusion of other people's thoughts and experiences in our lives before trying to express our own thoughts or experiences. Divine Participation Week 2 Practice inclusion by engaging in intentional conversation with others. In two conversations you have this week, focus on listening without looking to respond immediately and to ask clarifying questions before offering advice or your own experience. This way we foster inclusion of other people's thoughts and experiences in our lives before trying to express our own thoughts or experiences. Divine Participation Week 2 Practice inclusion by engaging in intentional conversation with others. In two conversations you have this week, focus on listening without looking to respond immediatelyand to ask clarifying questions before offering advice or your own experience. This way we foster inclusion of other people's thoughts and experiences in our lives before trying to express our own thoughts or experiences. 23 C larifying questions : Ask questions to better understand what the person has shared. How did that make you feel?Can you give an example of what you described?How can we best support you through this? How can we pray for you?AffirmationReflect backwhat you have heard, affirming what the person stated.It sounds like what you are saying is…That is so difficult/stressful/painful or wonderful/joyful/fun.I want to affirm that what you are feeling is valid.ResponseAs a community, express any offers of solidarity or commitment you are able to make.You are not alone in this. We are here for you and will support you through this.You said you want prayer for ______, and I am committed to praying for that with you. Is there anyone else who would like to commit to praying with me?Thanks for letting us know that ______ would be helpful. Is there anyone else who would like to commit with me to follow up with (person) next week?EmpathyShare in the experience with the person by expressing how you feel.I am so sorry that you are going through this.It makes me sad to hear that you are having a hard time.I am encouraged by what you are doing in this situation and feel hopeful that… 4 Divine Participation Week 3 Spend 30 minutes with God three times this week with the intention to see him reveal his character. This can be in many forms including silent meditation, a nature walk, serving someone in need, creating or building something in God's honor, or praying. The point here is spend time that is not selfserving or convenient for us, but rather to serve God and seek him out for who he is. Take note of how you experience God, his attributes, or how he has revealed something new to you about himself. Come prepared to share at next week's gathering.. Divine Participation Week 3 Spend 30 minutes with God three times this week with the intention to see him reveal his character. This can be in many forms including silent meditation, a nature walk, serving someone in need, creating or building something in God's honor, or praying. The point here is spend time that is not selfserving or convenient for us, but rather to serve God and seek him out for who he is. Take note of how you experience God, his attributes, or howhe has revealed something new to you about himself. Come prepared to share at next week's gathering.. Divine Participation Week 3 Spend 30 minutes with God three times this week with the intention to see him reveal his character. This can be in many forms including silent meditation, a nature walk, serving someone in need, creating or building something in God's honor, or praying. The point here is spend time that is not selfserving or convenient for us, but rather to serve God and seek him out for who he is. Take note of how you experience God, his attributes, or how he has revealed something new to you about himself. Come prepared to share at next week's gathering.. Divine Participation Week3 Spend 30 minutes with God three times this week with the intention to see him reveal his character. This can be in many forms including silent meditation, a nature walk, serving someone in need, creating or building something in God's honor, or praying. The point here is spend time that is not selfserving or convenient for us, but rather to serve God and seek him out for who he is. Take note of how you experience God, his attributes, or how he has revealed something new to you about himself. Come prepared to share at next week's gathering.. Divine Participation Week 3 Spend 30 minutes with God three times this week with the intention to see him reveal his character. This can be in many forms including silent meditation, a nature walk, serving someone in need, creating or building something in God's honor, or praying. The point here is spend time that is not selfserving or convenient for us, but rather to serve God and seek him out forwho he is. Take note of how you experience God, his attributes, or how he has revealed something new to you about himself. Come prepared to share at next week's gathering.. Divine Participation Week 3 Spend 30 minutes with God three times this week with the intention to see him reveal his character. This can be in many forms including silent meditation, a nature walk, serving someone in need, creating or building something in God's honor, or praying. The point here is spend time that is not selfserving or convenient for us, but rather to serve God and seek him out for who he is. Take note of how you experience God, his attributes, or how he has revealed something new to you about himself. Come prepared to share at next week's gathering.. 25 utual InvitationWe begin by asking the questions below and allowing 2 minutes of uninterrupted silent reflection. The leader begins the sharing time by sharing his or her response to the question(s). Then the leader selects another person to share his or her response. After that person shares, they then invite another person in the group by name to share. When inviteto share, a person may respond by sharing or passing if they are not ready to share. Regardless, they then invite the next person to share.Unless you have been invited to share, you should refrain from speaking unless you need to ask clarifying questions or followup questions to dig deeper. This allows people to share uninterrupted while enabling others to ask questions to stay engaged. The exercise continues until everyone in the group has been invited to share. utual InvitationWe begin by asking the questions below and allowing 2 minutes of uninterrupted silent reflection. The leader begins the sharing time by sharing his or her response to the question(s). Then the leader selects another person to share his or her response. After that person shares, they then invite another person in the group by name to share. When inviteto share, a person may respond by sharing or passing if they are not ready to share. Regardless, they then invite the next person to share.Unless you have been invited to share, you should refrain from speaking unless you need to ask clarifying questions or followup questions to dig deeper. This allows people to share uninterrupted while enabling others to ask questions to stay engaged. The exercise continues until everyone in the group has been invited to share. 6 Divine Participation Week 4 During your time with Jesus this week. Reflect and write down your responses to the following uestions. Come prepared next week to share and discuss your reflections and selfexamination.Who is God/Jesus?Remember truths about God and his character.f you love Jesus, what about who he is stirs your affections toward him?If you are still discovering who Jesus is, what is drawing you closer to want to learn more about him?What has he done/What is he doing?Take time to look for and consider how he is currently working in your life.What truth about Jesus do I need to remember right now?Who are we in light of that work?How have I been transformed through my relationship with Christ?How should we live in light of who we are?What is my next right step of obedience? Divine Participation Week 4 During your time with Jesus this week. Reflect and write down your responses to the following uestions. Come prepared next week to share and discuss your reflections and selfexamination.Who is God/Jesus?Remember truths about God and his character.If you love Jesus, what about who he is stirs your affections toward him?If you are still discovering who Jesus is, what is drawing you closer to want to learn more about him?What has he done/What is he doing?Take time to look for and consider how he is currently working in your life.What truth about Jesus do I need to remember right now?Who are we in light of that work?How have I been transformed through my relationship with Christ?How should we live in light of who we are?What is my next right step of obedience? 27 Closing Prayer: We believe the ancient creed:That Jesus is the only Son of Godeternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, Begotten not made, Of one being with the Fatherthrough him all things were madeFor us and for our salvationHe came down from heavenwas incarnate of the Holy Spiritborn of the Virgin Mary, and was made manFor our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;he suffered death and was buried.On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures;he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.He will come again in glory to judge the livingand the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. 8 Divine Participation Week 5 Reach out to someone during the week and offer help where you can based on their need. Divine Participation Week5 Reach out to someone during the week and offer help where you can based on their need. Divine Participation Week 5 Reach out to someone during the week and offer help where you can based on their need. Divine Participation Week5 Reach out to someone during the week and offer help where you can based on their need. Divine Participation Week 5 Reach out to someone during the week and offer help where you can based on their need. Divine Participation Week5 Reach out to someone during the week and offer help where you can based on their need. 29 Unity PrayerClose your time together with an exercise called a Unity Prayer. This is a kind of corporate prayer exercise aimed at giving space to care for one another in a priestly way by lifting up to God the emotions and experiences which you heard expressed in yourtime together. Take turns praying short prayers in the format of "Lord, hear our ___________ ." Fill in the blank with a feeling that you noticed someone else feeling. You could also fill in the blank with a desire or need that someone expressed. For example: "Lord, hear our discomfort being vulnerable with strangers," "Lord, hear our grief at losses and wounds we've experienced in our past," "Lord, hear Allison's gratitude for her family." When there is a long enough pause that it seems fit, have one person close the time of prayer.We will do this Unity Prayer exercise often as a closing to our time together. Not only does it help us connect intimately with one another before leaving the gathering but it is also reveals how well we've really listened tothers which over time, encourages better listening and connection.nity PrayerClose your time together with an exercise called a Unity Prayer. This is a kind of corporate prayer exercise aimed at giving space to care for one another in a priestly way by lifting up to God the emotions and experiences which you heard expressed in yourtime together. Take turns praying short prayers in the format of "Lord, hear our ___________ ." Fill in the blank with a feeling that you noticed someone else feeling. You could also fill in the blank with a desire or need that someone expressed. For example: "Lord, hear our discomfort being vulnerable with strangers," "Lord, hear our grief at losses and wounds we've experienced in our past," "Lord, hear Allison's gratitude for her family." When there is a long enough pause that it seems fit, have one person close the time of prayer.We will do this Unity Prayer exercise often as a closing to our time together. Not only does it help us connect intimately with one another before leaving the gathering but it is also reveals how well we've really listened tothers which over time, encourages better listening and connection. This or That? How to play: Players take turns asking and answering questions in the form of "this or that?" Examples:Each member asks a short question, and then indicatetheir preference. It's easy, simple, and a great way for players to get to know each other. It's fun to compare likes and dislikes, too. "What?? Sushi? Ew! Tacos all day, everday."hart Your Week How to play:Think back and draw a line graph torepresent your past week. Consider the high points, the low points, moments of inspiration, moments of despair, leveling off times, and where you are now. The line will probably be a mixture of straight, slanted, jagged and curved lines. After you've drawn it, share what it means to you with the group.Ten Things in CommonHow to Play: ind ten things the group hasin common with every other person in the groupThecommonalities must have nothing to do with work. (You'll want to tell the people that theymay not select body parts in common (we all have legs; we all have arms) and they may also not count clothing as commonalities (we all wear shoes, we all wear pants).Who Has?How to play:This icebreaker helps small groups get comfortable communicating with each otherthis game requires everyone to speak with everyone else. Create a list of questions. Discuss as a group to find out Who has… Who has the most unusual job? Who was born the farthest away? What is the weirdest thing anyone has ever eaten? Who has had the most embarrassing experience? Who has the most children?Pictionary TelephoneHow to play: First set up the game by sitting all ofyour players in a circle indoors. This game might be hard to play around a table because each player needs to keep their paper secret from their neighbors, so playing in a living room on couches and chairs works great.Then hand out paper and writing utensils to all the players. Have everyone write his or her name in small print at the bottom right of the page.Everyone starts by writing a sentence at the top of his or her paper. It can be something random, true, abstract, from a song lyric, or about someone in the room. Once everyone has a sentence at the top of his or her paper, everyone passes their paper to the player to their right.Then everyone illustrates the sentence give to them with a small picture right underneath the sentence.Once everyonehas finished drawing their sentences, everyone folds the top part of the paper over so it covers the first sentence, but not the picture. Then again, everyone passes their papers to the right. ========== 10/9/2015 Gmail - Thank you for placing an order with Saxquest! 1/2 David Cook <> Thank you for placing an order with Saxquest! <> Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 10:23 AM To: 2114 Cherokee St. St. Louis, MO 63118 3146641234 Thank you for placing an order with Saxquest! Below you will find your order details. If there are any problems, please respond to this email or call us at 3146641234 You have selected by PayPal for this order. Your order will be processed once transfer of funds has been confirmed. Date of Order Time of Order Customer Id Invoice # 09.30.15 10:23 AM N/A 210032478 Billing Address Shipping Address David Cook 2855 Bolingbroke Drive Troy, MI 48084 US Phone: 2485612531 Email: David Cook 1037 West Boyd Street Norman, OK 73069 US Item Qty Price Adjusted Price SSBassClar: The New Silverstein Works Ligature for Bass Clarinet Options Finish: LH11B Brushed Silver 1 $ 140.00 $ 140.00 Subtotal: $ 140.00 Tax (MO State Sales Tax 0.000%) : $ 0.00 Total Shipping/Insurance: $ 0.00 Saxquest FREE Shipping saved you $ 8.50 Order Total: $ 140.00 Messages Shipping Instructions: Message to Recipient: Comments to Saxquest: 10/9/2015 Gmail - Thank you for placing an order with Saxquest! 2/2 Again, we appreciate your order. Below you will find some helpful links in case you have questions about your order. Payment & Shipping Policies: Saxquest Home: My Saxquest: (for order status login required) ============ NEW PATIENT WELCOMEWelcome to Anchorage Radiation Therapy Center. In preparation for this appointment, we will be collaborating with your physicians to be certain we have compiled an accurate medical record for your initial consultation. We would also like to take a moment to describe what your initial appointment will entail. Enclosed, please nd a few forms that we would appreciate you taking the time to complete. If you would bring these forms along with your driver's license, insurance card(s), and a current list of medications, if any, to your rst appointment, this will be very helpful.We value your time and will strive to maintain a timely appointment schedule. We have allocated 1.5 hours for your consultation with the radiation oncologist. You will rst meet with one of our nurses who will review your past and current medical history. Next you will meet with the physician who will talk with you about your cancer diagnosis and the role that radiation therapy may have in the treatment of your cancer. During this time the During your visit with the radiation oncologist, we welcome your questions and concerns. Many patients nd it helpful to start a notebook where they can write down their questions and document the responses. We would also encourage you to bring a family member or friend to your appointment. Like the old saying goes, "two ears are better than one." During this time in your life, you will likely feel overwhelmed and it is important to know that it is okay to ask others for help. Often when patients are scheduled to meet with a radiation oncologist we learn from them that they were under the impression they would be starting treatment that very same day. There is much to be done in getting a patient planned to start radiation therapy, and some of this may involve collaboration with other physicians as radiation therapy may be just one of the treatment modalities used to treat your cancer. If it is agreed that radiation therapy is the right treatment option for you, we will work with your schedule to start the treatment planning process. The planning process can usually start within a day or so of your initial appointment with the radiation oncologist. We refer to the rst treatment planning appointment as your "simulation." This appointment is about an hour in length and is where the radiation oncologist will map out the anatomical area to be treated. When the simulation is complete, we will work with you to create your treatment schedule. In general, once radiation treatments begin, you will be treated each day, Monday-Friday for a series of weeks. Most treatments take 15-30 minutes to complete. After you meet with the radiation oncologist, s/he will let you know how As we navigate and work to support you throughout this journey, please let us know how we can better assist you. There are many resources available within the community, so please share with us your needs so that we can Very Sincerely Yours, Page 1 of 1 | Proud Member of the Alaska Cancer Care Alliance Revised /201 2841 DEBARR ROAD | SUITE 100 | ANCHORAGE, AK 99508 | P: 907.276.2400 | TOLL-FREE: 877.276.4655 | F: 907.276.4888 2490 S. WOODWORTH LP. | SUITE 150 | PALMER, AK 99645 | P: 907.745.2900 | TOLL-FREE: 877.276.4655 | F: 907.745.2999 ============ <div style="clear:both; padding-bottom:0.25em"></div>
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