$378.92 For 6 Mo (isaac)....OF.....Auto....-....Insurance... See if You-QuaIify.

Monday, September 30, 2019


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Votre compte est désormais en ligne ! Vous pouvez dès maintenant envoyer des images et créez des albums. N'hésitez pas à partager votre contenu avec vos amis ! Vous avez également la possibilité de changer les paramètres de confidentialité dans les réglages de votre compte.

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----okFZ;nl;adey Your subscription to our list has been confirmed. Thank you for subscribing! +15676909677 Bonjour, Nous vous remercions de la confiance et de l'intérêt que vous nous témoignez en nous proposant votre collaboration. Nous allons procéder à l'examen de votre dossier. Sans réponse de notre part sous un délai de trois semaines, veuillez considérer que nous ne pouvons donner une suite favorable à votre candidature. Nous vous remercions et vous prions d'agréer nos salutations distinguées. ---------- Le Service Recrutement ----lgUD;ro;rxws

Welcome to the University Libraries

Quick SearchSearchAdvanced Search?GuidesDatabasesBookseJournalsArticlesAudioGoogle ScholarNewspapersTheses & DissertationsVideoLibCat |
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Welcome to the indispensable hub of discovery, learning and creativity.

In the Libraries

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Campus Libraries and Hours
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Upcoming Events
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Upcoming Classes
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Business Library & Collaboration Commons
Cushing Memorial Library & Archives
Medical Sciences Library
Policy Sciences & Economics Library
Sterling C.
Evans Library & Annex
Cushing Memorial Library & Archives
Visit Library/ Map
Cushing Memorial Library & Archives houses rare books, special collections, manuscripts and the Texas A&M University Archives.
The historic Reading Room is open to all for research and studying.
Medical Sciences Library
Visit Library/ Map
Located on west campus and at several Texas A&M University Health Science Center campuses, MSL supports the colleges of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, and the Institute of Biotechnology, School of Public Health, and Department of Health & Kinesiology.
Policy Sciences & Economics Library
Visit Library/ Map
PSEL supports the George Bush School of Government and Public Services, as well as the political sciences and economics departments, and is located on the first floor of the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center in the George Bush Presidential Complex on west campus.
Sterling C.
Evans Library & Annex
Evans Library and Annex offers collections and expertise in sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, education, and map and GIS services.
Evans Library and Annex also has individual and group study spaces, and houses Starbucks, Media Services and the University Writing Center.
Business Library & Collaboration Commons
Visit Library/ Map
BLCC serves the Mays Business School and provides access to a large collection of business research tools.
BLCC also offers printing services, open access computers and group and individual study spaces.

About the LibrariesTexas A&M University Libraries serves both the research and study needs of students and faculty across campus.
Online research collections and services include Get it for me and AskUs, thousands of books and journals, subject guides and more.
Study space and additional research help can be found in any of the libraries located across campus.
Welcome from the DeanOur Vision, Mission & ValuesDiversity Matters
Your gifts support the University Libraries as they strive to make positive impacts on the research needs of the Texas A&M community and beyond.
You may express your support with a gift or by joining the Friends of the Texas A&M University Libraries.
AskUs anything at anytime.
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Text Us @ 979-256-1091
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About the Libraries
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What is Quick Search?
The Quick Search tool creates an easy way to search across the Texas A&M University Libraries' popular resources.
Search for books, journal articles, newspapers, movies, music, digital collections, and more all in one place.
Search allows users the ability to:

See a variety of sources, such as books, movies, and articles all in a single results page

Limit results in a variety of ways to get exactly what is need, including peer-reviewed journals

Search across the Libraries' catalogs (LibCat and MSL), Texas A&M's OAK Trust institutional repository, and hundreds of scholarly databases like JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, and ScienceDirect
Quick Search is not intended to be a comprehensive search tool, as it does not include some important databases.
Several alternatives are available when searching for materials:

Browse the University Libraries' collection of online journals and databases

Search LibCat or the MSL catalog to find books, media, and journal

Browse OAK Trust for theses and dissertations, special collections, and scholarly materials

Visit with your subject librarian for research assistance

Quick Search is the University Libraries' deployment of EBSCO Discovery Service.
The University Libraries invites users to send us feedback about Quick Search.


Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures California State University, Long Beach 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Academic Services, 3rd Floor Long Beach, CA 90840 (562) 985-2406 (fax) Dear Prospective Student, Thank you for your interest in the MA program in German Studies at CSULB. We are pleased to inform you about the program and to provide you with all of the information you require. Please also visit the program website: http://www.cla.csulb.edu/departments/rgrll/german/m-a-in-german-studies/ We are happy to answer any further questions you might have via email at the address below. Sincerely, Professor Jeffrey L. High German Graduate Advisor Professor of German Studies jeffrey.high@csulb.edu

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OFFER is ONLINE ONLY & cannot be combined with any other offers or coupon codes.
Coupons cannot be used in stores. 
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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list at any time.

© 2018, Boathouse Row Hamilton Inc. 17 Keefer Rd. St.Catharines, ON. L2M 6K4, Canada




Fall 2018

Summer 2018

Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Summer 2017

Spring 2017

Fall 2016

Summer 2016

Spring 2016

Fall 2015

Summer 2015

Spring 2015

Fall 2014

Summer 2014

Spring 2014

Fall 2013

Summer 2013

Spring 2013

Fall 2012

Summer 2012

Spring 2012

Fall 2011

Summer 2011

Spring 2011

Fall 2010

Summer 2010

Spring 2010

Fall 2009

Summer 2009

Spring 2009

Fall 2008

Summer 2008

Spring 2008

Fall 2007

Summer 2007

Spring 2007

Fall 2006

Summer 2006

Spring 2006

Fall 2005

Summer 2005

Spring 2005

Fall 2004

Summer 2004

Spring 2004

Fall 2003
AAAS: African American & Afr Studies
AAE: Advanced Academic English
ABM: Agribusiness Management
ACC: Accounting
ACM: Arts and Cultural Management
ACR: Comm Ag Rec & Res Studies
ADV: Advertising
AE: Agricultural Engineering
AEC: Agricultural Economics
AEE: ANR Edu & Com Sys
AESC: Applied Engineering Sciences
AFR: African Languages
AFRE: Agr, Food, and Resource Econ
AIIS: Amer Indian & Indigenous Stdy
AL: Arts & Letters, College Course
AMS: American Studies
ANP: Anthropology
ANR: Agriculture & Nat Resources
ANS: Animal Science
ANT: Anatomy
ANTR: Human Anatomy
ANTV: Veterinary Anatomy
ARB: Arabic
AS: Aerospace Studies
ASC: Audiology and Speech Sciences (see CSD)
ASN: Asian Languages
AST: Astronomy
AT: Agricultural Technology
ATD: Apparel and Textile Design
ATL: American Thought and Language (see WRA - Fall 2004)
ATM: Agriculture & Tech System Mgt
BCH: Biochemistry (see BMB)
BCM: Building Construction Mgmt (see CMP)
BE: Biosystems Engineering
BLD: Biomedical Laboratory Diagnost
BMB: Biochem & Molecular Biology
BME: Biomedical Engineering
BMS: BioMolecular Science
BOT: Plant Biology (see PLB or PLP)
BS: Biological Science
BTAA: Big Ten Academic Alliance
BUS: Business
CAS: Comm Arts & Sciences
CE: Civil Engineering
CEM: Chemistry
CEP: Counseling, Educ Psy & Spec Ed
CHE: Chemical Engineering
CHS: Chinese
CIC: Committee Instutional Co-op
CJ: Criminal Justice
CLA: Classical Studies
CLS: Chicano/Latino Studies
CMB: Cell and Molecular Biology
CMBA: Corporate MBA Program
CMP: Construction Management Prog
CMSE: Comp Math,Science,Engineering
COM: Communication
CSD: Communicative Sciences and Dis
CSE: Computer Science & Engineering
CSP: Cosponsored Study Abroad Prog
CSS: Crop & Soil Sciences
CSUS: Community Sustainability
CSX: Cosponsored Study Abroad Exch
DAN: Dance
DH: Digital Humanities
EAD: Educational Administration
EC: Economics
ECE: Electrical & Computer Egr
ECED: Early Care and Education
ECSP: Economics Summer Bridge Prog
ED: Education
EEM: Environmental Econ &Management
EEP: Environmntl Econ & Policy
EGR: Engineering
EM: Emergency Medicine
EMB: Executive MBA Program
ENE: Environmental Engineering
ENG: English
ENT: Entomology
EPI: Epidemiology
ES: Earth Science
ESA: Envi Studies & Agriscience
ESHP: Entrepreneurship
ESL: English As A Second Language
ESP: Environmental Science & Policy
FAM: Family Community Services
FCE: Family and Child Ecology (see HDFS)
FCM: Family and Community Medicine
FI: Finance
FIM: Food Industry Management
FLM: Film Studies
FLT: Foreign Language Teaching
FM: Family Medicine
FMP: Family Practice
FOR: Forestry
FRN: French
FRS: Forensic Science
FSC: Food Science
FSM: Food Systems Econ & Management
FW: Fisheries and Wildlife
GBL: General Business-Business Law
GD: Graphic Design
GEN: Genetics
GEO: Geography
GLG: Geology
GPI: Great Plains Idea Program
GRK: Greek
GRM: German
GSAH: Global Studies Arts Humanities
GSP: Global Studies Programs
GSX: Global Studies Exchange
GUSP: Global Urban Studies Program
HA: History of Art
HB: Hospitality Business
HCM: Healthcare Management
HDFS: Human Develop & Family Studies
HEB: Hebrew
HEC: Human Ecology
HED: Human Environment and Design (also see ATD, IDES and RET)
HM: Human Medicine, College Course
HNF: Human Nutrition and Foods
HRLR: Human Resrcs & Labor Relations
HRT: Horticulture
HST: History
IAH: Integrative Studies Arts & Hum
IBIO: Integrative Biology
IDES: Interior Design
IDV: Inter Institutional Studies
IM: Internal Medicine
INP: International Programs
INX: International Exchange
ISB: Integrative Studies Biological
ISE: Integrated Science Education
ISP: Integrative Studies Physical
ISS: Integrative Studies Social Sci
ITL: Italian
ITM: Information Technology Mgmt
JPN: Japanese
JRN: Journalism
JS: Jewish Studies
KIN: Kinesiology
KOR: Korean
LA: Landscape Architecture
LAW: MSU College of Law
LB: Lyman Briggs College
LBS: Lyman Briggs School
LCS: Large Animal Clinical Sciences
LIN: Linguistics
LIR: Labor and Industrial Relations
LL: Linguistics and Languages
LLT: Language, Learning & Teaching
LNG: Foreign Language Transfer
LTN: Latin
LWG: Law Graduate Students
MBA: Master of Business Admin
MC: James Madison College
ME: Mechanical Engineering
MED: Medicine
MGT: Management
MI: Media and Information
MIC: Microbiology (see MMG)
MIGS: Mich Intercoll Grad Studies
MKT: Marketing
MMG: Microbio & Molecular Genetics
MS: Military Science
MSC: Marketing & Supply Chain Mgt (See MKT or SCM)
MSE: Materials Sci and Engineering
MSM: Materials Science and Mechanics (see MSE, ME or EGR)
MT: Medical Technology (see BLD)
MTH: Mathematics
MTHE: Mathematics Education
MUS: Music
MUSM: Museum Studies
NEU: Neuroscience
NOP: Neurology and Ophthalmology
NSC: Natural Science
NUR: Nursing
OGR: Obstet, Gynec & Reprod Biology
OMM: Osteo Manipulative Medicine
ORO: Office of the Registrar
OSS: Osteopathc Surgicl Specialties
OST: Osteopathic Medicine
PA: PA Medicine
PDC: Planning, Design,& Constructn
PDI: Pathobiology & Diag Invest
PED: Pediatrics
PHD: Pediatrics & Human Development
PHL: Philosophy
PHM: Pharmacology and Toxicology
PHY: Physics
PIM: Program Integrative Management
PKG: Packaging
PLB: Plant Biology
PLP: Plant Pathology
PLS: Political Science
PMR: Physical Medicine & Rehab
PPL: Public Policy (Dept Pol Sci)
PR: Public Relations
PRM: Public Resource Management (see EEP)
PRO: Freshman Seminar
PRR: Park, Rec & Tourism Res
PRT: Portuguese
PSC: Psychiatry
PSL: Physiology
PSY: Psychology
PTH: Pathology
QB: Quantitative Biology
RAD: Radiology
RCAH: Resdntl Coll in Arts & Humanit
RD: Resource Development
REL: Religious Studies
RET: Retailing
ROM: Romance Languages
RUS: Russian
SCM: Supply Chain Management
SCS: Small Animal Clinical Sciences
SME: Science & Math Ed (see MTHE)
SOC: Sociology
SPN: Spanish
SSC: Social Science
STA: Studio Art
STT: Statistics and Probability
SUR: Surgery
SW: Social Work
SYS: Systems Science
TC: Telecommunication
TCC: Transcollegiate Courses
TE: Teacher Education
THR: Theatre
TSM: Technology Systems Management
UGS: Undergraduate Studies
UNIV: University
UP: Urban Planning
VIPP: Visitng Intl Professional Prog
VM: Veterinary Medicine, Coll Crse
WRA: Writing, Rhet & Amer Cultures
WS: Women's Studies
WTR: Water Sciences
YD: Youth Development
ZOL: Zoology (see IBIO)
Course Number
Starting On or Before
Starting On or After
Time of Day
Starting At or After
Ending At or Before
Day of Week
On Campus
Off Campus
Online Courses
Education Abroad
MSU Dubai



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Financial Aid Forms

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Financial Aid TV
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Continuing Education

Online Registration

Public Safety Training

Workforce Education
Student Academic Calendar
Events Calendar

News & Announcements
SCC Foundation celebrates another record-breaking gala
Gala raises over $86,000 for student scholarships
Read the Complete Story ...

Student Newsletter: Week of 9/24/19
Check out the latest news and updates
Read the Complete Story ...

Eight-week online courses offered this fall
Accelerated online courses start Oct.
Read the Complete Story ...

NASA ‘Space Apps Challenge’ will be held at SCC Oct.
NASA challenge coming to SCC
Read the Complete Story ...

Student Newsletter: Week of 9/17/19
Check out the latest news and updates
Read the Complete Story ...

Lockdown update: All Students & employees are safe, campus is secure
Read the Complete Story ...

Job fairs set for Oct.



Small Class Sizes

Easy to Transfer

Unmatched Support
Enrollment Services

How to Apply

Request More Info

Schedule a Campus Visit

Request a Transcript
Financial Aid
Applying for FA

Financial Aid Forms

Important Financial Aid Dates

Financial Aid TV
Workforce Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Online Registration

Public Safety Training

Workforce Education
Student Academic Calendar
Events Calendar

News & Announcements
SCC Foundation celebrates another record-breaking gala
Gala raises over $86,000 for student scholarships
Read the Complete Story ...

Student Newsletter: Week of 9/24/19
Check out the latest news and updates
Read the Complete Story ...

Eight-week online courses offered this fall
Accelerated online courses start Oct.
Read the Complete Story ...

NASA ‘Space Apps Challenge’ will be held at SCC Oct.
NASA challenge coming to SCC
Read the Complete Story ...

Student Newsletter: Week of 9/17/19
Check out the latest news and updates
Read the Complete Story ...

Lockdown update: All Students & employees are safe, campus is secure
Read the Complete Story ...

Job fairs set for Oct.


Sample Regret Letter text: https://hr.fsu.edu
(Insert Date)
Dear (insert applicant’s name),
Thank you for taking the time to apply with our office for the (insert Job Title), Job ID # (insert
job ID). Please note, our position has been filled. If you are interested in future job openings at
the Florida State University, please visit the FSU Jobs website at www.jobs.fsu.edu or contact
the HR-Employment section at 850-644-6034.
We very much appreciate your interest.
(insert Your Name, Title)


Dear Students, https://www.kem.edu

The GSMC- MUHS UNESCO Bioethics Unit invites application for the year 2017 for being
associated with it as members of the “Students’ wing”. Two students will be selected from each
batch of medical undergraduate course and one each form nursing, Physiotherapy and
occupational therapy.
To be associated with GSMC MUHS UNESCO Bioethics unit is a matter of great prestige and
you will have an opportunity to interact and represent your college nationally and internationally.
You will also be a responsible individual in organizing events related to bioethics and be
messengers and leaders to spread it far and wide amidst your fellow friends and peers. Learning
about humanity and working to spread it at a personal level would also help you to be more
compassionate and humane health care professional.
To give you a brief background, this unit was formally established in November 2015, with 15
faculty members from various disciplines and departments of Seth GS Medical college and
KEMH under chairmanship of Dean and Director Dr. AvinashSupe. Our present students wing
members have organized 2 major successful events ‘E-debate’ (Debate on Bioethics) and a
guest lecture on ‘Doctors without borders’. They spread the message of ‘Child Dignity and
Child Rights’ on the World Bioethics Day Event through a skit. They have got opportunity to
attend national and international Bioethics workshop and conference as well.

To know further details of the unit activities, please visit the webpage

We look forward to having enthusiastic student-members. If you wish to be one of them, please
fill in the details in the following format and submit via email to the respective batch-in
charges (Please see the table below) on or before 31st December 2016.

----tZwP;vd;wful ----jLZP;dx;rbci

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Cardinal Station Newburg Center for Primary Care
215 Central Avenue, Suite 100 1941 Bishop Lane, Suite 900 215 Central Avenue, Suite 205
Louisville, KY 40208 Louisville, KY 40218 Louisville, Ky 40208
I:\FCM\Phyllis Harris\Forms\New Patient Pkg Components
UofL Department of Family & Geriatric Medicine
Dear New Patient,
Welcome to your University of Louisville Physicians Family practice! We
are offering patient-centered medical care and are enthusiastic about our
relationships with our patients. In order to better serve your needs, we are
enclosing several forms and ask that you completely fill each form out.
The first sheet will help us learn more about you; please completely fill out this
form about your family history. The next sheet is titled, "Authorization for the
use and/or Disclosure of Protected Health Information", and you will need to
completely fill that out for our doctors to treat you to the best of their ability; it
gives us permission to review your medical records from your previous primary
medical facilities.
Following, please completely fill out the Registration, Social Services & Consent
Form. Next, you will find our Privacy Notice, followed by an acknowledgement that
you have received and understand our Privacy Policies. Finally, the last form is the
Office Acknowledgements and Policies form. Please read carefully and sign
your name at the bottom of the letter.
Please make sure to bring all of these forms with you to your first office visit.
Do not mail them back to the office. Also, please remember to always
bring your picture ID, current insurance cards and your co-payment. If your
health insurance requires you to select a primary care doctor please do so prior to
your office visit. Please bring in any and all medication you take, in their
original bottles, to your appointment.
If the patient is under 18 years of age he or she must be accompanied by an
adult and will need to bring a copy of their current immunization certificate.
Please arrive 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment time so that if
you have questions about these forms or we need more information, we can
address it all prior to your appointment.
We look forward to seeing you!
University of Louisville Physicians
UofL Family and Geriatric Medicine


Voter Information

posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:55 AM 0 comments

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Votre compte est désormais en ligne ! Vous pouvez dès maintenant envoyer des images et créez des albums. N'hésitez pas à partager votre contenu avec vos amis ! Vous avez également la possibilité de changer les paramètres de confidentialité dans les réglages de votre compte.

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----wdKT;df;vrnq Your subscription to our list has been confirmed. Thank you for subscribing! +14417390526 Bonjour, Nous vous remercions de la confiance et de l'intérêt que vous nous témoignez en nous proposant votre collaboration. Nous allons procéder à l'examen de votre dossier. Sans réponse de notre part sous un délai de trois semaines, veuillez considérer que nous ne pouvons donner une suite favorable à votre candidature. Nous vous remercions et vous prions d'agréer nos salutations distinguées. ---------- Le Service Recrutement ----ofim;ki;hlxx

Welcome to the University Libraries

Quick SearchSearchAdvanced Search?GuidesDatabasesBookseJournalsArticlesAudioGoogle ScholarNewspapersTheses & DissertationsVideoLibCat |
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Welcome to the indispensable hub of discovery, learning and creativity.

In the Libraries

View All News
Campus Libraries and Hours
View All Hours
Upcoming Events
View All Events
Upcoming Classes
View All Classes
Business Library & Collaboration Commons
Cushing Memorial Library & Archives
Medical Sciences Library
Policy Sciences & Economics Library
Sterling C.
Evans Library & Annex
Cushing Memorial Library & Archives
Visit Library/ Map
Cushing Memorial Library & Archives houses rare books, special collections, manuscripts and the Texas A&M University Archives.
The historic Reading Room is open to all for research and studying.
Medical Sciences Library
Visit Library/ Map
Located on west campus and at several Texas A&M University Health Science Center campuses, MSL supports the colleges of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, and the Institute of Biotechnology, School of Public Health, and Department of Health & Kinesiology.
Policy Sciences & Economics Library
Visit Library/ Map
PSEL supports the George Bush School of Government and Public Services, as well as the political sciences and economics departments, and is located on the first floor of the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center in the George Bush Presidential Complex on west campus.
Sterling C.
Evans Library & Annex
Evans Library and Annex offers collections and expertise in sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, education, and map and GIS services.
Evans Library and Annex also has individual and group study spaces, and houses Starbucks, Media Services and the University Writing Center.
Business Library & Collaboration Commons
Visit Library/ Map
BLCC serves the Mays Business School and provides access to a large collection of business research tools.
BLCC also offers printing services, open access computers and group and individual study spaces.

About the LibrariesTexas A&M University Libraries serves both the research and study needs of students and faculty across campus.
Online research collections and services include Get it for me and AskUs, thousands of books and journals, subject guides and more.
Study space and additional research help can be found in any of the libraries located across campus.
Welcome from the DeanOur Vision, Mission & ValuesDiversity Matters
Your gifts support the University Libraries as they strive to make positive impacts on the research needs of the Texas A&M community and beyond.
You may express your support with a gift or by joining the Friends of the Texas A&M University Libraries.
AskUs anything at anytime.
Chat with Us
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Text Us @ 979-256-1091
Email Us
About the Libraries
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Directory | Find my Librarian
Diversity Matters
Site Map | Site Search
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What is Quick Search?
The Quick Search tool creates an easy way to search across the Texas A&M University Libraries' popular resources.
Search for books, journal articles, newspapers, movies, music, digital collections, and more all in one place.
Search allows users the ability to:

See a variety of sources, such as books, movies, and articles all in a single results page

Limit results in a variety of ways to get exactly what is need, including peer-reviewed journals

Search across the Libraries' catalogs (LibCat and MSL), Texas A&M's OAK Trust institutional repository, and hundreds of scholarly databases like JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, and ScienceDirect
Quick Search is not intended to be a comprehensive search tool, as it does not include some important databases.
Several alternatives are available when searching for materials:

Browse the University Libraries' collection of online journals and databases

Search LibCat or the MSL catalog to find books, media, and journal

Browse OAK Trust for theses and dissertations, special collections, and scholarly materials

Visit with your subject librarian for research assistance

Quick Search is the University Libraries' deployment of EBSCO Discovery Service.
The University Libraries invites users to send us feedback about Quick Search.


Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures California State University, Long Beach 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Academic Services, 3rd Floor Long Beach, CA 90840 (562) 985-2406 (fax) Dear Prospective Student, Thank you for your interest in the MA program in German Studies at CSULB. We are pleased to inform you about the program and to provide you with all of the information you require. Please also visit the program website: http://www.cla.csulb.edu/departments/rgrll/german/m-a-in-german-studies/ We are happy to answer any further questions you might have via email at the address below. Sincerely, Professor Jeffrey L. High German Graduate Advisor Professor of German Studies jeffrey.high@csulb.edu

Online Only - While Quantities Last 
Valid on Marked Clearance Styles Only

OFFER is ONLINE ONLY & cannot be combined with any other offers or coupon codes.
Coupons cannot be used in stores. 
This email was sent to janickib980@gmail.com 

You have received this email since you submitted your email address to our list of subscribers
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list at any time.

© 2018, Boathouse Row Hamilton Inc. 17 Keefer Rd. St.Catharines, ON. L2M 6K4, Canada




Fall 2018

Summer 2018

Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Summer 2017

Spring 2017

Fall 2016

Summer 2016

Spring 2016

Fall 2015

Summer 2015

Spring 2015

Fall 2014

Summer 2014

Spring 2014

Fall 2013

Summer 2013

Spring 2013

Fall 2012

Summer 2012

Spring 2012

Fall 2011

Summer 2011

Spring 2011

Fall 2010

Summer 2010

Spring 2010

Fall 2009

Summer 2009

Spring 2009

Fall 2008

Summer 2008

Spring 2008

Fall 2007

Summer 2007

Spring 2007

Fall 2006

Summer 2006

Spring 2006

Fall 2005

Summer 2005

Spring 2005

Fall 2004

Summer 2004

Spring 2004

Fall 2003
AAAS: African American & Afr Studies
AAE: Advanced Academic English
ABM: Agribusiness Management
ACC: Accounting
ACM: Arts and Cultural Management
ACR: Comm Ag Rec & Res Studies
ADV: Advertising
AE: Agricultural Engineering
AEC: Agricultural Economics
AEE: ANR Edu & Com Sys
AESC: Applied Engineering Sciences
AFR: African Languages
AFRE: Agr, Food, and Resource Econ
AIIS: Amer Indian & Indigenous Stdy
AL: Arts & Letters, College Course
AMS: American Studies
ANP: Anthropology
ANR: Agriculture & Nat Resources
ANS: Animal Science
ANT: Anatomy
ANTR: Human Anatomy
ANTV: Veterinary Anatomy
ARB: Arabic
AS: Aerospace Studies
ASC: Audiology and Speech Sciences (see CSD)
ASN: Asian Languages
AST: Astronomy
AT: Agricultural Technology
ATD: Apparel and Textile Design
ATL: American Thought and Language (see WRA - Fall 2004)
ATM: Agriculture & Tech System Mgt
BCH: Biochemistry (see BMB)
BCM: Building Construction Mgmt (see CMP)
BE: Biosystems Engineering
BLD: Biomedical Laboratory Diagnost
BMB: Biochem & Molecular Biology
BME: Biomedical Engineering
BMS: BioMolecular Science
BOT: Plant Biology (see PLB or PLP)
BS: Biological Science
BTAA: Big Ten Academic Alliance
BUS: Business
CAS: Comm Arts & Sciences
CE: Civil Engineering
CEM: Chemistry
CEP: Counseling, Educ Psy & Spec Ed
CHE: Chemical Engineering
CHS: Chinese
CIC: Committee Instutional Co-op
CJ: Criminal Justice
CLA: Classical Studies
CLS: Chicano/Latino Studies
CMB: Cell and Molecular Biology
CMBA: Corporate MBA Program
CMP: Construction Management Prog
CMSE: Comp Math,Science,Engineering
COM: Communication
CSD: Communicative Sciences and Dis
CSE: Computer Science & Engineering
CSP: Cosponsored Study Abroad Prog
CSS: Crop & Soil Sciences
CSUS: Community Sustainability
CSX: Cosponsored Study Abroad Exch
DAN: Dance
DH: Digital Humanities
EAD: Educational Administration
EC: Economics
ECE: Electrical & Computer Egr
ECED: Early Care and Education
ECSP: Economics Summer Bridge Prog
ED: Education
EEM: Environmental Econ &Management
EEP: Environmntl Econ & Policy
EGR: Engineering
EM: Emergency Medicine
EMB: Executive MBA Program
ENE: Environmental Engineering
ENG: English
ENT: Entomology
EPI: Epidemiology
ES: Earth Science
ESA: Envi Studies & Agriscience
ESHP: Entrepreneurship
ESL: English As A Second Language
ESP: Environmental Science & Policy
FAM: Family Community Services
FCE: Family and Child Ecology (see HDFS)
FCM: Family and Community Medicine
FI: Finance
FIM: Food Industry Management
FLM: Film Studies
FLT: Foreign Language Teaching
FM: Family Medicine
FMP: Family Practice
FOR: Forestry
FRN: French
FRS: Forensic Science
FSC: Food Science
FSM: Food Systems Econ & Management
FW: Fisheries and Wildlife
GBL: General Business-Business Law
GD: Graphic Design
GEN: Genetics
GEO: Geography
GLG: Geology
GPI: Great Plains Idea Program
GRK: Greek
GRM: German
GSAH: Global Studies Arts Humanities
GSP: Global Studies Programs
GSX: Global Studies Exchange
GUSP: Global Urban Studies Program
HA: History of Art
HB: Hospitality Business
HCM: Healthcare Management
HDFS: Human Develop & Family Studies
HEB: Hebrew
HEC: Human Ecology
HED: Human Environment and Design (also see ATD, IDES and RET)
HM: Human Medicine, College Course
HNF: Human Nutrition and Foods
HRLR: Human Resrcs & Labor Relations
HRT: Horticulture
HST: History
IAH: Integrative Studies Arts & Hum
IBIO: Integrative Biology
IDES: Interior Design
IDV: Inter Institutional Studies
IM: Internal Medicine
INP: International Programs
INX: International Exchange
ISB: Integrative Studies Biological
ISE: Integrated Science Education
ISP: Integrative Studies Physical
ISS: Integrative Studies Social Sci
ITL: Italian
ITM: Information Technology Mgmt
JPN: Japanese
JRN: Journalism
JS: Jewish Studies
KIN: Kinesiology
KOR: Korean
LA: Landscape Architecture
LAW: MSU College of Law
LB: Lyman Briggs College
LBS: Lyman Briggs School
LCS: Large Animal Clinical Sciences
LIN: Linguistics
LIR: Labor and Industrial Relations
LL: Linguistics and Languages
LLT: Language, Learning & Teaching
LNG: Foreign Language Transfer
LTN: Latin
LWG: Law Graduate Students
MBA: Master of Business Admin
MC: James Madison College
ME: Mechanical Engineering
MED: Medicine
MGT: Management
MI: Media and Information
MIC: Microbiology (see MMG)
MIGS: Mich Intercoll Grad Studies
MKT: Marketing
MMG: Microbio & Molecular Genetics
MS: Military Science
MSC: Marketing & Supply Chain Mgt (See MKT or SCM)
MSE: Materials Sci and Engineering
MSM: Materials Science and Mechanics (see MSE, ME or EGR)
MT: Medical Technology (see BLD)
MTH: Mathematics
MTHE: Mathematics Education
MUS: Music
MUSM: Museum Studies
NEU: Neuroscience
NOP: Neurology and Ophthalmology
NSC: Natural Science
NUR: Nursing
OGR: Obstet, Gynec & Reprod Biology
OMM: Osteo Manipulative Medicine
ORO: Office of the Registrar
OSS: Osteopathc Surgicl Specialties
OST: Osteopathic Medicine
PA: PA Medicine
PDC: Planning, Design,& Constructn
PDI: Pathobiology & Diag Invest
PED: Pediatrics
PHD: Pediatrics & Human Development
PHL: Philosophy
PHM: Pharmacology and Toxicology
PHY: Physics
PIM: Program Integrative Management
PKG: Packaging
PLB: Plant Biology
PLP: Plant Pathology
PLS: Political Science
PMR: Physical Medicine & Rehab
PPL: Public Policy (Dept Pol Sci)
PR: Public Relations
PRM: Public Resource Management (see EEP)
PRO: Freshman Seminar
PRR: Park, Rec & Tourism Res
PRT: Portuguese
PSC: Psychiatry
PSL: Physiology
PSY: Psychology
PTH: Pathology
QB: Quantitative Biology
RAD: Radiology
RCAH: Resdntl Coll in Arts & Humanit
RD: Resource Development
REL: Religious Studies
RET: Retailing
ROM: Romance Languages
RUS: Russian
SCM: Supply Chain Management
SCS: Small Animal Clinical Sciences
SME: Science & Math Ed (see MTHE)
SOC: Sociology
SPN: Spanish
SSC: Social Science
STA: Studio Art
STT: Statistics and Probability
SUR: Surgery
SW: Social Work
SYS: Systems Science
TC: Telecommunication
TCC: Transcollegiate Courses
TE: Teacher Education
THR: Theatre
TSM: Technology Systems Management
UGS: Undergraduate Studies
UNIV: University
UP: Urban Planning
VIPP: Visitng Intl Professional Prog
VM: Veterinary Medicine, Coll Crse
WRA: Writing, Rhet & Amer Cultures
WS: Women's Studies
WTR: Water Sciences
YD: Youth Development
ZOL: Zoology (see IBIO)
Course Number
Starting On or Before
Starting On or After
Time of Day
Starting At or After
Ending At or Before
Day of Week
On Campus
Off Campus
Online Courses
Education Abroad
MSU Dubai



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Financial Aid
Applying for FA

Financial Aid Forms

Important Financial Aid Dates

Financial Aid TV
Workforce Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Online Registration

Public Safety Training

Workforce Education
Student Academic Calendar
Events Calendar

News & Announcements
SCC Foundation celebrates another record-breaking gala
Gala raises over $86,000 for student scholarships
Read the Complete Story ...

Student Newsletter: Week of 9/24/19
Check out the latest news and updates
Read the Complete Story ...

Eight-week online courses offered this fall
Accelerated online courses start Oct.
Read the Complete Story ...

NASA ‘Space Apps Challenge’ will be held at SCC Oct.
NASA challenge coming to SCC
Read the Complete Story ...

Student Newsletter: Week of 9/17/19
Check out the latest news and updates
Read the Complete Story ...

Lockdown update: All Students & employees are safe, campus is secure
Read the Complete Story ...

Job fairs set for Oct.



Small Class Sizes

Easy to Transfer

Unmatched Support
Enrollment Services

How to Apply

Request More Info

Schedule a Campus Visit

Request a Transcript
Financial Aid
Applying for FA

Financial Aid Forms

Important Financial Aid Dates

Financial Aid TV
Workforce Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Online Registration

Public Safety Training

Workforce Education
Student Academic Calendar
Events Calendar

News & Announcements
SCC Foundation celebrates another record-breaking gala
Gala raises over $86,000 for student scholarships
Read the Complete Story ...

Student Newsletter: Week of 9/24/19
Check out the latest news and updates
Read the Complete Story ...

Eight-week online courses offered this fall
Accelerated online courses start Oct.
Read the Complete Story ...

NASA ‘Space Apps Challenge’ will be held at SCC Oct.
NASA challenge coming to SCC
Read the Complete Story ...

Student Newsletter: Week of 9/17/19
Check out the latest news and updates
Read the Complete Story ...

Lockdown update: All Students & employees are safe, campus is secure
Read the Complete Story ...

Job fairs set for Oct.


Sample Regret Letter text: https://hr.fsu.edu
(Insert Date)
Dear (insert applicant’s name),
Thank you for taking the time to apply with our office for the (insert Job Title), Job ID # (insert
job ID). Please note, our position has been filled. If you are interested in future job openings at
the Florida State University, please visit the FSU Jobs website at www.jobs.fsu.edu or contact
the HR-Employment section at 850-644-6034.
We very much appreciate your interest.
(insert Your Name, Title)


Dear Students, https://www.kem.edu

The GSMC- MUHS UNESCO Bioethics Unit invites application for the year 2017 for being
associated with it as members of the “Students’ wing”. Two students will be selected from each
batch of medical undergraduate course and one each form nursing, Physiotherapy and
occupational therapy.
To be associated with GSMC MUHS UNESCO Bioethics unit is a matter of great prestige and
you will have an opportunity to interact and represent your college nationally and internationally.
You will also be a responsible individual in organizing events related to bioethics and be
messengers and leaders to spread it far and wide amidst your fellow friends and peers. Learning
about humanity and working to spread it at a personal level would also help you to be more
compassionate and humane health care professional.
To give you a brief background, this unit was formally established in November 2015, with 15
faculty members from various disciplines and departments of Seth GS Medical college and
KEMH under chairmanship of Dean and Director Dr. AvinashSupe. Our present students wing
members have organized 2 major successful events ‘E-debate’ (Debate on Bioethics) and a
guest lecture on ‘Doctors without borders’. They spread the message of ‘Child Dignity and
Child Rights’ on the World Bioethics Day Event through a skit. They have got opportunity to
attend national and international Bioethics workshop and conference as well.

To know further details of the unit activities, please visit the webpage

We look forward to having enthusiastic student-members. If you wish to be one of them, please
fill in the details in the following format and submit via email to the respective batch-in
charges (Please see the table below) on or before 31st December 2016.

----sSzC;qz;ssqf ----LzqJ;pa;ptrd

Please confirm your subscription

You've signed up to receive the latest new just click the link below to confirm your subscription:

If you didn't request this email don't worry - you wont be subscribed if you don't click the confirmation link above!

Copyright .All rights reserved.


Cardinal Station Newburg Center for Primary Care
215 Central Avenue, Suite 100 1941 Bishop Lane, Suite 900 215 Central Avenue, Suite 205
Louisville, KY 40208 Louisville, KY 40218 Louisville, Ky 40208
I:\FCM\Phyllis Harris\Forms\New Patient Pkg Components
UofL Department of Family & Geriatric Medicine
Dear New Patient,
Welcome to your University of Louisville Physicians Family practice! We
are offering patient-centered medical care and are enthusiastic about our
relationships with our patients. In order to better serve your needs, we are
enclosing several forms and ask that you completely fill each form out.
The first sheet will help us learn more about you; please completely fill out this
form about your family history. The next sheet is titled, "Authorization for the
use and/or Disclosure of Protected Health Information", and you will need to
completely fill that out for our doctors to treat you to the best of their ability; it
gives us permission to review your medical records from your previous primary
medical facilities.
Following, please completely fill out the Registration, Social Services & Consent
Form. Next, you will find our Privacy Notice, followed by an acknowledgement that
you have received and understand our Privacy Policies. Finally, the last form is the
Office Acknowledgements and Policies form. Please read carefully and sign
your name at the bottom of the letter.
Please make sure to bring all of these forms with you to your first office visit.
Do not mail them back to the office. Also, please remember to always
bring your picture ID, current insurance cards and your co-payment. If your
health insurance requires you to select a primary care doctor please do so prior to
your office visit. Please bring in any and all medication you take, in their
original bottles, to your appointment.
If the patient is under 18 years of age he or she must be accompanied by an
adult and will need to bring a copy of their current immunization certificate.
Please arrive 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment time so that if
you have questions about these forms or we need more information, we can
address it all prior to your appointment.
We look forward to seeing you!
University of Louisville Physicians
UofL Family and Geriatric Medicine


Voter Information

posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:54 AM 0 comments