Isaac - EBT is available
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Hello Isaac, Are you struggling to cover food but unsure how to get help? Here's a simple guide to understanding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). See how much you can get here, Isaac. Susan Taylor Support Representative | |
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posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:21 PM

Isaac - American Relief Program Notice
posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:06 PM

Isaac - Financial Support Enclosed (please review)
posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:12 AM

Isaac - Tools To Find Assistance Opportunities (details enclosed)
Hello Isaac, If you are currently in a tough position you might think it is not easy to find help, but it is! There are many ways that aid can help, including facing a crisis, gaining a higher education, and covering medical care. Find out how to get your share here, Isaac. Natalie Taylor Support Representative | |
posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:53 AM

Toute la Team Smile te remercie pour ta participation au jeu concours Smile Wall des ascenseurs Havas. Nous espérons que le jeu t'a plu!
Pas d'inquiétude, tu pourras retenter ta chance, nous reviendrons très vite avec de nouveaux concepts et cadeaux à gagner 🎉
Keep the Smile!
posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:17 AM

Important Update For Isaac
Hello Isaac, Make sure you read this important email immediately. Depending on your situation, you could be owed a lot. The IRS alone recently announced that they owed over a billion dollars to Americans across the country. Isaac - see how to access what you're owed now. Lindsay Valdez Support Representative | |
posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:21 AM

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posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:38 AM

Isaac - Can You Get Another Stimulus in 2022?
Monday, May 30, 2022
Hello Isaac, Do you remember when people got up to three rounds of stimulus payments? While many people thought they weren't able to get another round of assistance, that's actually not the case! Isaac - Determine how much you qualify for here. Susan Taylor Support Representative | |
posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:45 PM

Isaac - Help With Your Lease
Hello Isaac, It can be difficult to cover costs these days, particularly your lease. There are many options that come with rental assistance programs for you and your family. We researched several ways to approach handling it when going through hiccups including different rental assistance programs. Find out how to take action here, Isaac. All programs share the same objective, providing housing to eligible individuals and families across the United States. Natalie Taylor Support Representative | |
posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:46 PM

Isaac - Immediate housing support options
posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:16 AM

Isaac - Federal Resources Are Available (details enclosed)
Hello Isaac, I wanted to make sure you got this. Many people do not realize that there may be a Gov't programs and resources that is available to help their situation. You can check the programs here, Isaac. Our goal is to help you receive the help you deserve in 2022. Natalie Taylor Support Representative | |
posted by Isaac Hobart at 10:59 AM

Isaac - American Relief Program (details enclosed)
posted by Isaac Hobart at 6:39 AM

Additional Support Details for Isaac
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Hello Isaac, I wanted to make sure this reached you before the end of the day. If you need housing support, there are options available. Isaac - see how to get the support you need now. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Lindsay Valdez Support Representative | |
posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:59 PM

Isaac - Housing Programs
| | Hello Isaac,
I hope your weekend is going great so far!
Did you know that the Section 8 program is one of the most popular housing assistance programs. Its goal is to provide a home that's not only safe, clean, and comfortable, but also affordable. All types of residences are eligible, including:
- Apartments - Townhomes - Single-family homes, and more
We discuss this program along with others in our latest article.
Go ahead and give it a read from here.
Take care!
Aaron Account Manager
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posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:45 PM

Isaac - Important Filing Reminder
Hello Isaac, I wanted to make sure you didn't miss out on this important message. Over 1.5 Billion in tax refunds have been declared available by the IRS to Americans across the country. Now with the new filing extension, you still may have time to access your share. Isaac, see if you are currently one of the many that can get it here. Susan Taylor Support Representative | |
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posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:38 PM

Isaac - Federal Housing Support Options Enclosed
Hello Isaac, If you need help finding affordable housing, the government has various support options available for you or your family. This can help you if you find yourself in a time of need! Don't pass up on receiving the help you deserve. Isaac - see what you can access here. Lindsay Valdez Support Representative | |
posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:48 AM