________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ F INANCIAL A ID O FFICE 1600 G RAND A VENUE T EL : 651 - 696 - 6214 S AINT P AUL , MN 55105 - 1899 F AX : 651 - 696 - 6866 www.macalester.edu/financialaid finaid@macalester.edu Secure file transfer : macalester.leapfile.net 20 1 6 - 20 1 7 Federal Direct Loan Request Form  C omplete this form to request a Federal Direct Loan. See macalester.edu/financialaid/about/loans/ direct for full instructions.  Return the completed form to the Financial Aid Office at the mailing address , secure file transfer, or fax number above ( please transmit the form through one method only , do not send multiple copies ).  In addition, first - time Federal Direct Loan bo rrowers must take two other steps : o Complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) at www.studentloans.gov . o Complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling at www. studentloans .gov . 1) Name 2) Macalester ID 3) Student’s Electronic Mail address (W e will contact you by e - mail only if there is a question about your loan request) 4)  Check this box if you do not want a Federal Direct Loan at this time, sign this form and return it to the Financial Aid Office (if you change your mind, you can request a Federal Direct Loan at any time during your 20 1 6 - 20 1 7 enrollment). OR Enter the Amount of Federal Direct Loan you are request ing $ See information below for annual loan limits. Note: I f this is your first Federal Direct Loan request for the 20 1 6 - 20 1 7 school year, enter the total loan amount desired. If this is not your first request for 20 1 6 - 20 1 7 , the amount you request on this form will be added to any amount you have previously requested for 20 1 6 - 20 1 7 . Example: if you have already requested a $1,000 loan and you would like to increase the total amount of your loan to $1,500, enter $500 as the amount requested. 5) Loan Period  Academic Year  Fall Semester Only  Spring Semester Only (choose one) 9 /20 1 6 â€" 5/2 0 1 7 9 /20 1 6 â€" 12/20 1 6 1/20 1 7 â€" 5/ 201 7 6) Student’s Signature Date Dependent Student Federal Direct Loan Annual Limits Base Eligibility 1 Additional Unsubsidized Eligibility 2 Total Annual Federal Direct Loan Eligibility 3 Freshman $3,500 $2,000 $5,500 Sophomore $4,500 $2,000 $6,500 Junior $5,500 $2,000 $7,500 Senior $5,500 $2,000 $7,500 1 Eligibility for subsidy on the based loan amount is determined by the results of the FAFSA. 2 Additional Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan Eligibility available for loans disbursed after July 1, 2008 per H.R. 5715. 3 The total amount of Direct Loan is limited to the student’s cost of attendance minus other financial aid. Return this form to the Macalester Financial Aid Office by mail , secure file transfer (macalester.leapfile.net), or fax to 651 - 696 - 6866.