
Dear Sir or Madam, We would like to express our deepest gratitude to each of you for submitting proposals regarding the Request for Information (RFI) through International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID). We received a total of 780 technical proposals between September 25 and October 23. Please accept our warmest thanks for your cooperation. Since we received so many proposals we are now able to grasp the overall picture of the technologies in the area of countermeasures for contaminated water treatment. We consider the proposals very variable information. With regard to the contaminated water issue at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the "Committee on Countermeasures for Contaminated Water Treatment" developed the package of preventive and multi-layer measures for contaminated water treatment on December 10 (Report is available on the following website in Japanese, English translation under preparation). URL:http://www.meti.go.jp/earthquake/nuclear/pdf/131210/131210_01d.pdf(PDF:105,276KB) PDF File,(ZIP:102,661KB)ZIP File(in Japanese) The report describes an overview of the measures considering potential risks as below: Overview of preventive and multi-layered measures 1. Additional multi-layered measures for risks in case of difficulty occurring in existing measures 1) Measures to prevent ground water inflow 2) Measures to store contaminated water in the tanks etc. 3) Measures regarding the sea-side area 4) Comprehensive evaluation of several options for tritium treatment 2. Additional preventive measures for risks not covered by existing measures 1) Countermeasures against large-scale tsunami 2) Countermeasures against leakage of contaminated water from buildings etc. The report identifies the technology areas to be utilized for the above measures with the following 4 categories. (It is not intended be an indication of adoption of individual proposals.) Technologies recommended to be used immediately; Technologies recommended to be used after selection of the appropriate method Technologies that are potentially effective but require verification before use Technologies that require further verification by experts Among these areas of technology, those that have high technical difficulty will be verified by government through open procurement process before implementation, and others will be considered by TEPCO hereafter. In addition, IRID will start the RFI related to decommissioning. Please visit the IRID website (http://irid.or.jp/fd/External Site Link) for further information. Again, we would like to express our gratitude to each of you for providing valuable information. We consider that the received proposals, even those which are not implemented immediately, can be used as a reference depending on the situation. Toshihide KASUTANI, Assistant Secretary General (Director-General for Policy Planning and Coordination(with special mission for contaminated water management), METI) Tatsuya SHINKAWA, Yoji UEDA, Hirofumi SHIBATA, Secretariat Team for Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Countermeasures ACTIVATE ACCOUNT Or copy and paste this url in your browser: HAVING TROUBLE REGISTERING? If you are having trouble completing your registration, chat with our customer service team (24/7). NEED HELP? Check out our FAQs for a quick answer to your question or chat with our customer service team. We're available 24/7. 123FormBuilder comes with several easy options for web form thank you pages. In the form editor, you’ll find them at Settings ? Thank You Page. Look at you. You’ve made web forms look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you’re ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast! Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? 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