Thank you for your opinion, I appreciate it! What about your comments, I can say following. The phrase about self-respecting developers was a kind of incorrect wording, and I’m sorry. I meant every self-respecting developer knows the fact that React & Redux are maintsream technologies, not that everyone of them knows this bunch perfectly. So I’ve already corrected it in the article. Also, I used words like “simply” just to let developers know that they don’t need to be afraid of React & Redux, and that every of described packages is really easy to use when you have a good explanation and examples of it. Anyway, I’ll keep your comments in my mind next time and hope the next article wouldn’t have bad notes :) Thank you for submitting the online registration form. You have taken the first step towards earning your Congressional Award. Please follow the steps below to complete your registration. This is a confirmation of your registration. You are registered for the Congressional Award and may count activities as of today’s date. To complete your registration, follow these steps: Please print out the waiver that confirms your registration. Sign the waiver. If you are under 18 years old, you will also need to have a parent or guardian sign. Mail in the completed waiver and $15 registration fee (check or money order made payable to The Congressional Award) to: The Congressional Award PO Box 77440 Washington, D.C. 20013 Once we receive your waiver and registration fee, it takes a few weeks to process. You will receive a registration packet in the mail once your waiver is processed (allow at least 2-4 weeks from the time we receive the signed waiver). While you complete the registration process, you can start working on your Congressional Award. We have included resources below: Program Book (will also be mailed with registration packet) Record Book (included in the Program Book) Advisor/Validator Guide Join the conversation on social media by following and engaging with our social profiles. Facebook (The Congressional Award) Instagram (thecongressionalaward) LinkedIn (The Congressional Award) Tumblr (The Congressional Award) Twitter (@theaward) We look forward to working with you in achieving Congress’ highest award for youth. If you have any questions about the program or goal setting, please visit our FAQ’s or Contact Us. .thank you for registering your PTS software Thank you for filling out the registration form. A response should be sent shortly with your registation information to the email address provided. When you receive your registration code simply enter the code in the registration screen. For additional information or support use the links below: support page: Click here Knowledgebase: Click here Need help getting started? Try using our Solution Finder. This will allow you to search our online samples for preconfigured applications to use as a starting point for your mobile applications. Thank You For Registering! Thank you for registering your child in Art and Sol! Your form has been received and we look forward to seeing you soon. Please click here to make your payment on-line. This is our secure box office site called “Showclix.” Your registration is not complete until you have made your payment. Click here to make your payment! Thank you and see you soon! Renee Werkheiser Director of Art and Sol Thank you for registering! We look forward to having you on campus. If you need directions, restaurant recommendations, hotel recommendations, or anything else to make your trip with us more enjoyable please do not hesitate to call or email. Get Directions to Wagner A GPS friendly address for Wagner is: 631 Howard Avenue Staten Island, NY 10301 When you get to the top of the hill, turn right into the main entrance of Wagner College, marked "Main Entrance". Proceed to the guard booth and inform them you are visiting the Admissions Office. Driving Directions Thank you for registering You’ve taken the first step to a more energy efficient home. You should receive an email in the next few minutes with our system options and pricing. If you haven’t received anything in 10 minutes, try checking your other email folders such as “Promotions” in case it has been misdirected. If we can be of assistance please feel free to contact us directly at Thank you for registering We have sent an email to the address you provided. Please check your email and click on the link to validate your registration and set your password. If you do not get an email then please check your junk folder in case it was moved to there. Your login should work within 24 hours unless you provided inaccurate information, incorrect information, incomplete information, or I’m simply out of town. Please allow me time to “activate” your user ID, then set which parts of the web site you can access with your ID. I probably will not have time to email you a confirmation that all is activated, set up, and working, so just try logging in and if you still have problems after 1-2 days, email me. And PLEASE type in your user ID and password as you requested it. That helps save time. If you want to change your user ID, you can’t unless I delete your old user ID, and we start all over again. Please note: you should receive an email with an automatically-generated (long) password. Keep and use this password for the time being. I need to use that same ID/PW to set some users up to access different parts of our web site. If you (Graduates & Airlines only) want to change your password, then click “forgot password” and look for an emailed link with reset instructions. BUT….you need to let us know your new password because we would then need to manually reset your new password into the web site’s control panel. YOU WOULD LOSE ACCESS TO PARTS OF THE WEB SITE IF YOU CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD AND DO NOT INFORM US. Until I know of a simpler method, this is it for now. Thank you for your cooperation and patience. Eric Morris President-Sheffield School of Aeronautics (est. 1948) Thanks for helping us get the information we need to be able to support our member’s wishes. If you need to respond to the survey, here’s what you need to do: Tell BT that you: Reject all the pension proposals in the BT Pension Review as they will not generate enough reasonable income in retirement, and that you support the CWU’s campaign for a negotiated agreement. Please include your UIN in the response. You can respond emailing the following address: â€" please copy in the CWU at Thanks Random Man, Your Opinion Is Noted - Call Out For HOYFC Zine Submissions! Mar 25, 2018 I'm excited to be working on a the first ever HOYFC zine! As director of HOYFC, I get a lot of unsolicited advice via emails, messages, comments, tweets and DMs, letting me know exactly how I should be running my business, how I should change my designs for the better, how I should talk to people, how I should dress, etc. This advice is almost exclusively from men, never asked for and always met with exasperation. I'm sure almost all of you have received some unwanted advice in your career or social life: if you're willing to share it, I'd love to hear it and potentially publish it in our new zine "Thanks Random Man, Your Opinion Is Noted". Submission Template Name: You can use your name, a pseudonym or remain anonymous if you wish! Job Title: (If relevant to your story) Website: Please include any links to your website or social media so I can credit you appropriately. Unsolicited Advice: You can copy and paste your unsolicited advice or write a transcript if it was verbal. A short explanation of the context would be much appreciated and if the "advice" was about a design or product you make please let me know if it's ok to reproduce this in the zine for context! Please email submissions to: I can't promise to publish every story submitted, but this zine will collect the funniest, most cringe-worthy awful advice for your eye-rolling pleasure. By submitting your story you are giving HOYFC Ltd permission to publish it. Those submitting stories will be consulted on any significant editing to their submission, and will have a time limited opportunity to proofread their submission prior to print. All successful submissions will receive a free copy of "Thanks Random Man, Your Opinion Is Noted". Thank you so much! Sally HOYFC