2018 -The year you EarN that degree online
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thank You for Completing the Survey! You're the Best! That's it! I really appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts and questions about what it takes to change course and create the life and work you really want. As a small gesture of appreciation I'd like to share with you my latest motivational quotes on my new Pinterest board. I encourage you to pick your favorite and post it where you're sure to see it each day. Thanks again. p.s. If there's anything else you'd like me to know, or if you have a changing course success story you'd like to share, drop me a line at Kathy@kathycaprino.com. I'd love to hear from you! Read more at: https://kathycaprino.com/thank-you-for-completing-the-survey/ Today would not have been as fun and exciting without you to celebrate with me. Thank you so much for coming! It made me so happy to see you there at my party. I had a wonderful time. I hope you had a wonderful time as well! It's always a blessing to celebrate a special day surrounded by everyone you love. Thank you for coming and squeezing in a little time to spend with me. I'm glad I celebrated this big day with the most important people in my life. Thank you for coming. I will never forget it. The party may be over, but I still play the events over and over in my head. I had such a great time. Thank you for making time for me yesterday. Thank you for adding a wonderful energy to our wedding. You got everyone dancing! I also appreciate the beautiful gift. Thank you so much for coming! Your presence made my party feel like a big music festival. You could really feel the shift in energies in the room. How do you do that? Anyway, thank you so much for being there! Thank you for being a part of our big day. It truly means a lot to us. It's awesome friends like you that stop me from feeling old on my birthday. Thank you for celebrating with me! I knew I was special to you when you blocked off this date and booked a flight straightaway. Thank you very much for all your efforts, and for coming to join in on the celebrations. Celebrating this special day was so much fun because I was surrounded by all my loved ones. Thanks for coming by and celebrating with me. I really do appreciate it. Thank you for your gift of love and for celebrating our precious gift from above. We truly appreciate your coming! You are one of my life's biggest blessings. Thank you for witnessing this special day in my life. Without you, my birthday would have been just a regular day in the calendar. Thank you so much for coming. It really means a lot to me that you remembered! As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I am very grateful. I'm grateful every day to work with dedicated professionals who are passionate about educating children. I am also grateful for the opportunity to serve your children in such a supportive community. One of the many supportive members of our CCE community is Mr. Chad Wicks. Last Sunday, Mr. Wicks coordinated a Dads' Club clean-up day at CCE. For those of you that don't know Mr. Wicks, he is committed to helping Cedar Creek in any way possible. With his efforts, and the 25 plus volunteers, the front of our school has new walkways, several items are freshly painted and numerous plants have been trimmed. Please take a moment to thank Mr. Wicks and all the members of Dads' Club who are serving as excellent role models for our youngsters at CCE. I'm sure you will agree that we have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I truly hope you cherish this time special time with your family and friends. Before we break for the Thanksgiving holiday, please come join us for the 5th Annual Eagle Dash in support of Mobile Loaves and Fishes, on Tuesday, November 21, 2017. Please see the message below from our enthusiastic co-chairs, Mrs. Erica Davies and Mrs. Sophie Gamwell, regarding donation suggestions. We would love to have you join us for the event! Each grade will run on the field during the designated FIT time. Please refer to the Cedar Creek website for individual class FIT times. After a day of running, students will be dismissed at 2:50 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21, 2017 for the Thanksgiving holiday. We will be ready to welcome students back to Cedar Creek Elementary on Monday, November 27, 2017. Looking ahead, on Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 8:30 AM, our fifth grade students will be performing, Go West. Please feel free to join us for this delightful musical. Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday! Celebrating my birthday was so much fun. Thank you for being a part of the festivities! I really appreciate it. Your presence made all the difference. I know how busy you are, but you still made the time to spend this special day with me. I will remember it forever. Thank you! Holiday festivities will not be complete without you around. Thank you for moving mountains and making it this year. We really had the best time. Thank you, and I hope to see you again real soon. I just want to express my heartfelt gratitude for how happy you made me today. Thank you so much for coming all the way out here. You don't know how happy you made me. Thank you for celebrating this special day with us. Your presence made all the difference. You brought so much joy in our lives today. Thank you for celebrating this very special day with us. Eagle Dash is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle with an emphasis on giving back to the community. The big race will be on Tuesday, November 21st during your child's FIT time (see schedule below). Moms and Dads are welcome to join us on race day to cheer on your child! This year we will be making donations to Mobile Loaves & Fishes. The format has changed slightly as we will now only be accepting donations on race day, November 21st. Mobile Loaves & Fishes is a local charity that helps people in need by providing food, clothing, hygiene products and other life sustaining items to the homeless. Below is a list of items your child can donate to help others in need. If you have any questions please contact Erica Davies at momsgotjokes@gmail.com or Sophie Gamwell at campsophie@hotmail.com Birthdays and birthday parties will come and go. But the way you made me feel and the priceless memories we made will forever stay in my heart. Thank you for coming! This massive headache that I have only means that last night was epic. Thank you for coming even at such short notice. I had a really great time! Welcome to our first Rapport of the 2016-2017 school year! Our goal is that Rapport provide parents with timely information regarding activities around Ursuline. Any comments or suggestions to improve this publication and better achieve our goal can be directed to Ashley Enyeart, who compiles Rapport. We are looking forward to a great school year. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of our faculty members if we can be of help to you or your daughter. Dropoff/Pickup Information Friends like you make simple celebrations like this into one of the happiest and most memorable. Thank you so much for coming by. I really do appreciate it. This beautiful cake and delicious food will be a waste if I don't share it with the people who truly matter. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to spend it with me. I was thinking more of Chinese takeout, a glass of wine, and Netflix. Then you showed up at my door and brought a party. Thank you. Thanks for coming and turning the night around. Welcome to the Southern Marin Mothers Club! We are a community of moms and dads who join to connect with other parents, get advice and recommendations, and find activities and playgroups for their kids, ranging in age from birth through the school years. With over 1300 members, the club strives to provide a supportive, nurturing community for families to share meaningful experiences, fun, and fellowship that strengthen family bonds. I want to thank you for all the wonderful ways you make me happy, even when you don't realize it. Just seeing your face or hearing your voice can make my day already. It's a treat when I get to spend the entire day with you and do all our favorite things together. Because of you, I have a permanent smile on my face and butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Thank you for giving me this giddy, happy feeling every time. I'm so grateful for you because you never left my side when I was going through some emotional issues. You made sure that I had someone who would be with me, to hold my hand, to dry my tears, and to offer emotional support. I'm so glad that it was you. I am forever indebted to you. I thank God every day that He gave me someone like you for a boyfriend and a best friend. Thank you, my love! Thank you to everyone who came out for our October General Meeting. We enjoyed a generous spread of delicious food provided by the Sophomore class mothers, and were happy to have Todd Forfinski, President of the Dads Club, speak to us on MDC events. We closed the evening with a wine tasting led by Bryan Gluth. We welcome Salwa Assofi to the Board in the newly created Volunteer Coordinator role. Salwa will be instrumental in coordinating all of the many hours of service and social activities that the MMC supports. We are sorry to report that we are postponing the Evening of Reflection. This is a very special Mother-Daughter event and a Mercy tradition; we know you will not want to miss it and we appreciate that a lot of hard work goes into making this a wonderful experience for all. The Board is making progress on the process for our first ever MMC elections this year. Please review the proposed deadlines and think about how you might like to get involved in Board leadership. Welcome to the Club: 100 Parenting Milestones You Never Saw Coming Hardcover Thank You For Being You Your beautiful soul and humble personality goes farther than you know. Life is all about meeting new people and building relationships. You meet new people every day, even when you don't realize it. We all know, that many people come and go in our lives, but it is the ones that stay around and want to be involved in your life that make your heart and world brighter. It is about the ones that make an impact on us, that touch us the most. Life is a roller coaster ride...literally. It can be fun, happy, sad, thrilling, difficult and that's the beauty of it. You are going to come in contact with people that you would've never in a million years thought you would cross their path. Some will stay, and others will leave. It is the ones' that stay that mean the most. Yes, you are going to have a lot of friends, coworkers, family members, etc., but we all have that one person in our lives that we connect with the most in the sense, who we don't hesitate to call up when we have happiest of news and on the other extreme the most horrendous news. You know that someone is going to be the first one to want to truly hear about that exciting thing that happened today or the first one that will drop everything to come to your house if something tragic happened in your life. That someone you put the most trust of yours into their hands. That someone who helps others' before they help themselves. That someone who just "gets it." Someone you call your "person." So here are 10 reasons why I am grateful for you: 1. Thank you for letting me be me and not judging me even after knowing my whole life story. It means something. 2. Thank you for giving me the greatest advice, even when sometimes I am too stubborn to take it. 3. Thank you for always being there, with the ups, downs, and in-betweens. 4. Thank you for keeping me sane. I can be crazy and a handful, so thank you for always calming me down. 5. Thank you for always being up to get food and coffee with me. 6. Thank you for treating my life, like it's your own. 7. Thank you for making me a better person, even when you don't realize it. 8. Thank you for always, always making me laugh when I need it most. 9. Thank you for always doing adventurous things and being spontaneous with me. 10. Thank you for having the biggest heart and dropping everything in the world for me. Lastly, your beautiful soul and humble personality go farther than you know; believe in yourself, because you have something incredible to offer the world. Thank you for being such a wonderful person and best friend to me. It's amazing how love works. I never thought that we would hit it off because I have always pegged you as someone who's so focused on her career. I will forever be grateful for that fifteen minutes we spent trapped in the office elevator. It was a scary fifteen minutes, that's for sure. But it also gave us the chance to talk and discover something new about each other. The rest, as they say, is history. Thank you for your love and for making me a better man. Just the thought of living without your love is enough to get me anxious and distracted. I don't ever want to know how that feels. I want to be with you and feel this happy forever. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I will not stop showing you just how much you mean to me. Thank you for the love and for making me the happiest guy around You keep asking me what I love most about you, and you always get annoyed when I can't answer you seriously. That's because it's so hard to give you just one answer when there are so many. There's a lot of things I love about you, and it's impossible to just give you one thing that I love about you. I love you, my sweet and adorable goofball. Thank you for making every day the highlight of my life.. Sometimes I just stop in the middle of what I'm doing and smile, because I remember that I love you and you love me back. Never in my wildest dreams did I think something like this would happen. But it did, and we're together, and we have been crazy about each other ever since. Life is good, don't you think? I love you, and thank you for making me feel like I'm the luckiest guy in the planet. Thank you for saying yes that first time I asked you out on a date. Thank you for not believing the rumors and for giving me a chance to prove myself to you. Thank you for letting me into your life and opening your heart to me. Thank you for trusting in me and allowing yourself to love me back. I want you to know how crazy in love I am with you, and I promise to take good care of you and what we have. When you became my girlfriend, I also gained a second family. You opened the doors to your home for me and made me feel like family. Thank you for sharing all that you love with me. I will be forever grateful. Being with you has changed me in so many ways, and I thank you for giving me that lifeline I needed so badly. I love you so much. Thank you for the making the effort to like the things I like, even if I know you can't stand sports or getting sweaty out in the sun. Thank you for always making sure that my fridge is stocked with healthy food. Thank you for reminding me about important dates so that I don't look like a fool. Thank you for being my biggest fan, and for loving me the way that you do. I wouldn't have it any other way. I have to admit that I asked you out because I thought you were the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I still do. But now there's more reason to love you because I learned that you're also the smartest, kindest, most compassionate, and most loving person in the world. You always find a way to surprise me, and you always give me reason to fall in love with you. Thank you for giving me the chance to be in your life and to love you. Everything you do is magic. From the quick and efficient way you make my sandwich, to the tender and loving way you tell me that everything's going to be alright. I didn't think it was possible to fall deeper in love with you, because I already am. But every day you find a way to make me fall even harder for you. Thank you for putting up with a goofball like me. Thank you for the love that makes me feel invincible. On April 19, 2010, I sent out an email to about six hundred friends, family members, and "travel companions"—people who had requested to receive my travel letters—asking for financial support via Fractured Atlas to start writing the novel while I continued looking for a job. It was before the advent of Kickstarter and IndieGogo, and even now, asking for support to write a novel is rare. What happened is chronicled here. Tonight I signed a hardcover for every person who contributed and provided a mailing address. I'm putting them in the mail on Monday so (inshallah) they'll get their copies before the official release date. They're also all thanked in the Acknowledgments at the end of the book. Thank you for having faith in me. It meant so much. It still does. You have taught me so much about love by showing me that without forgiveness, there is no love. I'm still amazed at how generous you can be with your love. I guess only an angel on earth like you can truly understand. Thank you for giving me the best kind of love there is. I love you to the moon and back! Thank you for your interest in working with us. We are an equal opportunity employer and will consider all applicants for all positions equally without regard to race, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation. Because our goal is to match your qualifications with an available position within our company, please answer this application as accurately and thoroughly as possible. Please print or write clearly and sign your name at the end. NAME:_______________________________________ DATE:____________ POSITION:______________________ SOCIAL SECURITY #:__________________________ TEL. #:______________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City, State Zip AGE (ONLY IF UNDER 18):_________________ PROOF OF EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY: ____________ HAVE YOU BEEN CONVICTED OF A FELONY WITHIN THE LAST 7 YEARS? ______________________________________ IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: ____________________________________________________________________________ Note: A conviction will not necessarily disqualify you from employment. ARE YOU SEEKING FULL TIME: _____ PART TIME:______ TEMP_______ DATE AVAIL:____________ PLEASE CIRCLE DAYS / SHIFTS YOU ARE AVAILABLE TO WORK: Mon AM Tue AM Wed AM Thurs AM Fri AM Sat AM Sun AM Mon PM Tue PM Wed PM Thurs PM Fri PM Sat PM Sun PM TELL US 3 QUALITIES THAT WILL HELP YOU EXCEL AT YOUR JOB: Very cool. I guess I have faith in you as well, based only on reading a few blog postings. I plan on buying your book as soon as it is released, despite knowing nothing about its subject matter, because there is something so novel and compelling in your posts that I can't wait to see what you'll write about next. Thank you for being a writer. Reply EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (Please start with your most current position): COMPANY NAME_______________________________________ DATES: FROM/'TO (MO/YR) __________ ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________ PHONE:________________ JOB TITLE/DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: _________________________________________________________ STARTING SALARY: _____________________________ ENDING SALARY: _________________________ Hello! I was just calling because I wanted to let you know that I got a job. I had an interview last Friday, and I start today, which is Monday. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I'm hoping that everything will work out okay. I want to thank you so much for encouraging me and guiding me and believing in me. It means a lot to me. I know some people think stuff like that doesn't matter, but it matters so much to me because I know there are certain places I can't get to in life without other people supporting or helping me. And I have never let anybody support or help me, I never did, and now I see that it's okay to accept other people's help or support in order to get where I'm going in life. I'm glad, and appreciate all of your love and support, and know I couldn't have done it without you, I know I couldn't. But I still want to come up to CEF! I want to save my money, I have to save my money. I have two savings goals by the end of December so I'll still come up there and I need someone to help me with my money like we discussed, so I'll still be coming! Love you! Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. You'll receive our monthly fund updates and invitations to exclusive webinars and events. If you haven't seen it yet, you can find our latest blog post here. Please don't hesitate to contact us at any time if you would At a fundraiser for CEF last fall, Howser gave back to the organization in the form of a $500 dollar donation, the largest of the evening. He coordinated with several workers at CEF to print a big check to present to West as a surprise during the event to say thank you. "All gifts to CEF matter, but gifts from members truly glow, they cause ripple effects throughout the organization, and seem to snowball and grow," West said. When Steven Howser first came to the Community Empowerment Fund (CEF) around four years ago, he was seeking work development assistance to help him qualify for a seven day bus pass at the shelter. After years of support and involvement with CEF, Howser has not only secured income and housing, but is also giving back. "I wanted to give back to show people what a good organization they are, and the resources they have to help people in the community," Howser said. "So the people in the community won't be afraid to donate time and donations to them because they really help a lot of people." Thank you very much for subscribing to the Games 4 Gains newsletter! You should receive a welcome email with a link to your FREE Fraction Bump Games shortly. Please be aware that there can sometimes be delays of up to several hours depending on whether your email is making it through. Please be patient while waiting for your welcome email to come to you. If you believe there was a problem, please try again or contact me directly at brittney@games4gains.com. Warning: Please be sure to "whitelist" or "safe list" my email address - brittney@games4gains.com - or your email system might delete my emails as spam before you see them. Thanks and I'll be in touch with you soon. Cheers! Brittney Thank you. We sincerely appreciate your business. Look forward to working with you again soon! Thank you. Your business is greatly appreciated. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We greatly value your business. I look forward to meeting you when the job is completed. We appreciate the confidence you have placed in us and we look forward to providing you with the best possible service in the future. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in the future. We know you have a world full of choices. Thank you for selecting us. We sincerely appreciate your business. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you. We truly appreciate your business, and we're grateful for the trust you've placed in us. Please don't hesitate to call me if ever a problem should arise. We hope to have the pleasure of doing business with you for many years to come. You are the reason we stand strong. Thank you for the privilege of your business. You are very important to us. Thank you for the trust you have placed in us. Please call us anytime with any questions or concerns. Your loyalty as a customer is greatly appreciated. Almost half of employers believe that sending a thank you note following an interview from a candidate is considered to be somewhere important. Additional interesting facts about business thank you card etiquette is outlined in the below infographic. What's so beautiful about this is that life is always giving you exactly what you need to grow to your next level. Though it may feel absolutely crappy in the moment, with a little time and perspective, the crap often turns to gold. So let's turn this inspiration into action. In the comments below, I want to hear about your escalator moment. Let's have a real, honest to goodness thank you fest for those times someone hasn't believed in you. Or, when life has challenged your belief in yourself. Tell me how it has, or can, fire you up to create what you set out to. Learn 3 simple strategies that'll give you the courage & confidence to do anything. Download Marie Forleo's free audio training to learn three simple strategies that'll give you the clarity and confidence to build your dreams, on your terms. Download Be as specific as you can because thousands of incredible souls come here each week for insight and support, and your share may be exactly what someone else needs to hear! Since it's easy to get down and dirty talking smack about folks who were mean to us, let's take the high road here and focus on what you learned and how it's moving you ahead. P.S. While we were making this episode we found this genius video that involves three things we love and thought you may too. a killer escalator moment at 1:15. badass dancing Christopher Walken You're welcome. Thank you so much for continuing to make this one of the most supportive and positive places to visit on the internet. With all my love, XO Thank you for all that you do. The support that you give our school is countless and unforgettable. MHC wouldn't be the same without you! - Maddy Skrak '18 Thank you so much for your continued support of MHC. Everything that you do allows me to continue to pursue my passions. It wouldn't be possible without you, and I cannot begin to explain how appreciative we are! Love, your Mount Holyoke Family Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to explore more, be more fearless, and adapt to change better! Thank you for your support, you are an inspiration! - Simran Malhotra '18 Students are saying thanks to all who have joined the 10,000 alumnae for Mount Holyoke movement! Check out more at Thank an Alum Days. Join us for Thank an Alum Days Events #mhcten #ThanksAlums MHC Advancement Written by MHC Advancement inShare Topics: Mount Holyoke alumnae Thank an Alum Days 2015 MHC students Thank an Alum MHC sister Previous Post It's Thank an Alum Days! Next Post Celebrating women of color Thank you so much for all you've done for us and continue to do Email Print My husband just received his adaptive clothing a few weeks ago and felt so much more comfortable after receiving them because he could actually wear clothing that fit around his wound dressings. Thank you so much for all you've done for us and continue to do for our wounded warriors who need adaptive clothing to make it through the tough times before their wounds are completely closed. Thank you so much and please have a Happy Thanksgiving, Joseph & Lisa 111 Thank you for joing us Everyone likes to be thanked, even those who you only know on a professional basis. Thanking someone is a way to show appreciation. When you send a thank you, people know that you appreciate the time, effort, and energy they put into something. Of course, it can be difficult to know who to thank and how to thank them. Once you understand the protocol, you will be able to show your appreciation to all of the right people. That will help you form valuable professional relationships throughout your career Grateful I am so grateful for the things you did for me. What a blessing you've been. Bless your generosity! A heartfelt thank you for all that you've done. You made my day! Our highest gratitude and appreciation – we are so grateful for your support. Magnificent! You're a life saver! I'm humbled and appreciative for all you've done on our behalf. The world is full of wonderful things like you! Our highest appreciation for your kindness. At this difficult time, it's so nice to feel appreciated. Check out our Thank You Images. Quotations The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. Dalai Lama Being thankful not only shows good manners, but a simple expression of thankfulness can go a long way in relationships and communication with others. It not only enhances our own lives, but makes other people feel appreciated. Daniella Whyte Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. Voltaire As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy Thank you expressions Much obliged! I am all gratitude. You were there for me during a very difficult time. Thanks! It was so awesome of you. I will forever be beholden to you. You have my gratitude. What would I do without you? I will never forget what you have done. I'm so grateful for your thoughtfulness.
posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:38 PM
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