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September 11, 2017
Dear Parents:
Congratulations! Your child, _________________________________, has qualified to
participate in the highly selective Duke University Talent Identification Program 7th Grade
Talent Search sponsored by Duke University. Your child will have the opportunity to take a
college entrance examination and possibly be recognized for his/her performance. The Duke
program is dedicated to identifying academically talented students and providing innovative
programs to support the development of their optimal educational potential. Your child’s
participation, however, is completely voluntary.
This letter will assist you in completing the registration process if you decide to participate.
Please review the enclosed information for specific details concerning your registration.
If you have any questions about the application, please do not hesitate to call me at 903-295-
5081 at ext. 1260 or email me at Sometimes what comes in the mail may be
confusing, and you may have other questions. The early postmark deadline for application is
October 10
, so don’t delay if your child plans to test in December.
You do have the option to register online by visiting the Duke TIP web site at We also have a paper registration form that you can send directly to
Duke TIP. If you’d prefer the paper registration, please send your child to my office and I will
give him/her the paper registration. You will need the following information for your written or
online registration:
Section 6: School ID Code 800604-GC
Section 7: Pine Tree Junior High School address is P.O. Box 5878, Longview, TX
75608; school phone # is 295-5081; Coordinator is Misti O’Keefe
Section 8: Select either the ACT or SAT. Bubble in just one date.
Please indicate first and second choices for sites. Pay attention to the deadlines,
the first being October 10th (December test dates), and December 13th

(February test date).
SAT is available:
December 2, 2017 at: Longview High School – 44-616
Hallsville High School – 44-462
Kilgore College-44-573
April 2017
Dear Parents/Guardians and Graduates:
Deer Valley High School is excited to be hosting its graduation ceremony at the University of Phoenix Stadium
on Friday, May 19, 2017 at 4:30 PM. The Stadium is located at 1 Cardinals Drive, Glendale, AZ 85305. We
are providing the following rules and suggestions in order to conduct a smooth and dignified graduation.

Please keep this list for reference:
 A Graduation meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 in Room 212 through English
Language Arts classes. Students not enrolled in an ELA class on our campus or who are early
graduates may contact the counseling office for information at 602-467-6716.
 Senior checkout is on Thursday, May 18, 2017 from 8:30 – 10:00 AM in the Practice Gym. At
checkout, seniors will receive their cap and gown unit (which includes a tassel) and name card
for the ceremony. Prior to going to the checkout, seniors must have cleared all debts in the bookstore
and library. If any monies are owed, they must be paid in cash at that time. Students are
encouraged to pay debts on or before Tuesday, May 16, 2017 to avoid long lines at the
bookstore on Senior Checkout day.
 Graduation will be at the University of Phoenix Stadium on Friday, May 19, 2017 at 4:30 PM.
Graduates, families and friends should be at the University of Phoenix Stadium by 3:30 PM.
 It is suggested that family drive to the University of Phoenix Stadium with the graduate. This will
facilitate parking and allow families to select their seating. Graduates, family and friends will need to
park by Gate 3. There will be designated parking within walking distance of the University of Phoenix
Stadium. There is plenty of parking for handicapped guests should it be needed. Guests will not be
admitted before 1:30 PM. Guests will enter through Gate 3 and graduates will enter through Gate
 This is a special event. Those wearing cut-offs, t-shirts, flip-flops, etc. may be denied admission.
Guests may sit wherever they would like in the general seating area. Seating is available in Sections
 Upon arriving at the University of Phoenix Stadium, graduates go to the Gate 2 entrance. They will
travel down a tunnel to reach a designated staging area to pick up their blue name card and wait until
the processional begins.
 Graduates must carry their caps and gowns into the University of Phoenix Stadium until they
have checked in.
 Male graduates must wear dress slacks, socks and dark colored shoes, and a shirt with a collar.
Ties are preferred. Female graduates should wear dresses or skirts and blouses and are
discouraged from wearing floor-length dresses or slacks. Flip-flops are not appropriate
footwear. All graduates should remember that graduation is a dignified occasion.
 Caps and gowns are NOT to be decorated.
 Tassels will be worn on the right side of the cap.
 No corsages, gifts, flowers (loose or in vases), or balloons will be allowed to be delivered at the
University of Phoenix Stadium. Corsages, wrist corsages, leis, or boutonnieres should not be
worn on gowns. Please leave them with family or friends until after the ceremony.

April 2017
Dear Parents/Guardians and Graduates:
Deer Valley High School is excited to be hosting its graduation ceremony at the University of Phoenix Stadium
on Friday, May 19, 2017 at 4:30 PM. The Stadium is located at 1 Cardinals Drive, Glendale, AZ 85305. We
are providing the following rules and suggestions in order to conduct a smooth and dignified graduation.

Please keep this list for reference:
 A Graduation meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 in Room 212 through English
Language Arts classes. Students not enrolled in an ELA class on our campus or who are early
graduates may contact the counseling office for information at 602-467-6716.
 Senior checkout is on Thursday, May 18, 2017 from 8:30 – 10:00 AM in the Practice Gym. At
checkout, seniors will receive their cap and gown unit (which includes a tassel) and name card
for the ceremony. Prior to going to the checkout, seniors must have cleared all debts in the bookstore
and library. If any monies are owed, they must be paid in cash at that time. Students are
encouraged to pay debts on or before Tuesday, May 16, 2017 to avoid long lines at the
bookstore on Senior Checkout day.
 Graduation will be at the University of Phoenix Stadium on Friday, May 19, 2017 at 4:30 PM.
Graduates, families and friends should be at the University of Phoenix Stadium by 3:30 PM.
 It is suggested that family drive to the University of Phoenix Stadium with the graduate. This will
facilitate parking and allow families to select their seating. Graduates, family and friends will need to
park by Gate 3. There will be designated parking within walking distance of the University of Phoenix
Stadium. There is plenty of parking for handicapped guests should it be needed. Guests will not be
admitted before 1:30 PM. Guests will enter through Gate 3 and graduates will enter through Gate
 This is a special event. Those wearing cut-offs, t-shirts, flip-flops, etc. may be denied admission.
Guests may sit wherever they would like in the general seating area. Seating is available in Sections
 Upon arriving at the University of Phoenix Stadium, graduates go to the Gate 2 entrance. They will
travel down a tunnel to reach a designated staging area to pick up their blue name card and wait until
the processional begins.
 Graduates must carry their caps and gowns into the University of Phoenix Stadium until they
have checked in.
 Male graduates must wear dress slacks, socks and dark colored shoes, and a shirt with a collar.
Ties are preferred. Female graduates should wear dresses or skirts and blouses and are
discouraged from wearing floor-length dresses or slacks. Flip-flops are not appropriate
footwear. All graduates should remember that graduation is a dignified occasion.
 Caps and gowns are NOT to be decorated.
 Tassels will be worn on the right side of the cap.
 No corsages, gifts, flowers (loose or in vases), or balloons will be allowed to be delivered at the
University of Phoenix Stadium. Corsages, wrist corsages, leis, or boutonnieres should not be
worn on gowns. Please leave them with family or friends until after the ceremony.
Dear Parents:
Happy New Year! Today marks 81 days of school, and we have two weeks left before
completing our 1st semester for this school year. Can you believe how time moves so rapidly?
I want you to know that our school actions exemplify our title of a National School of
Character. We collected over 750 pounds of food in November, for the food pantry for Loaves
and Fishes located at Ada Jenkins in Davidson, North Carolina. We collected over 200 toys
for the Salvation Army Toy Drive in December. We were able to help about 70 children again
this year to have a Merry Christmas. These acts of kindness could not be possible without
your support and your willingness to teach your children about giving to others.
You received the 2013-2014 Parent Input for Student Placement form yesterday in your child’s
Blue Folder. If you wish to provide us information that would be helpful to our placing your
child in a classroom next year, you will need to complete the form and send back to your
child’s teacher by Friday, February 22, 2013.
We received lots of feedback regarding the new K-2 Report Card for this school year. Please
join us Thursday, January 17th, at 6:00 p.m., in our Media Center to understand and dive
deeper with the new K-2 report card. This workshop will increase your understanding of the
new report card, allow you to ask questions, and learn how to help your child meet his or her
target goals identified from the Common Core State Standards and Essential Standards.
The Principal’s Coffee for January will focus on 5th grade students who will be attending Bailey
Middle School in 2013-2014 for 6th grade. Mr. Chad Thomas, Principal of Bailey Middle
School, will be our guest speaker, and will discuss registration, classes, electives, and parent
concerns. In addition, our sister school, J. V. Washam Elementary parents will be attending
the Principal’s Coffee scheduled for Wednesday, January 16, at 9:00 a.m., at Just Baked
Cupcakes and Coffee House.
We are continuing to keep the Sandy Hook Elementary School in our prayers. Thank-you for
your support with the safety measures that were put in place the last of week of school before
our winter break. Remember, parents who want to walk their child to class, must sign-in at the
front office and put on a visitor’s badge. Our walkers and car riders must enter through the
front entrance doors from Catawba Avenue.
th January 2018
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Harris Academy S2-5 Course Choice Information Evening and Careers Convention
Wednesday 31st January 2018
4 – 7pm
This year’s Course Choice Information Evening is combined with a Careers Convention,
providing a range of information and advice to support pupils in making informed subject
Please see overleaf for a list of universities, colleges, training providers, employers and
support agencies attending this event.
The evening will be split as follows, with the Course Choice Presentation repeated at three
different times, to offer choice for parents.
S2 and S3 4.15, 4.35 and 5.00pm Course Choice Presentations in the Maths Dept.
4.15pm – 5.30pm Opportunity to visit the Career Convention.
S4 and S5 5.15, 5.35 and 6.00pm Course Choice Presentation in the Maths Dept
5.30 – 6.30pm Opportunity to visit the Career Convention.
Subject Staff will also be available to discuss courses and advise on progression routes, as
will our Guidance Team. Career advice can also be sought from our Careers Advisers from
Skills Development Scotland throughout the evening.
We do appreciate that these timings may not be convenient , so please do feel free to attend
the Careers Convention at a time that suits your commitments. However, please be advised
that the Course Choice Presentations contain information specific to those particular year
If you have any queries about the evening, please do contact us at the school.
We look forward to seeing you on the 31st January.
Yours faithfully,
Alison Mitchell
Acting DHT


posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:06 PM


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