Congratulation isaac your roof is covered

2 4 th of August 201 5 Dear Congratulations on obtaining your place at the University of Bath and welcome to the Department of Economics. I look forward to meeting you during Induction Week , please find enclosed, a programme of activities for your information . This can also be found on the Department of Economics Induction Web Page. - year/induction/events/department/timetable/economics.html Induction activities will take place during the week commencing 2 1 st September 201 5 . As a new student you will be assigned a Personal Tutor, who will be responsible f or your pastoral and academic care . Alongside this you will have a Peer Mentor who is a current s tudent at the University , they will be able to share their experience and answer any questions you may have about being a student here at Bath. You will also have the opportunity to me et your Personal Tutor and Mentor during Induction W eek. On the above web page you can also find the First Year Student Handbook . It contains important information about your programme, the department and the serv ices provided b y the University. Once you have registered your attendance on - line you will have access to the Department's Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle) by logging in with your username and password. You will also be abl e to view the handbook here; If you have a disability or learning support need, it is important that you contact the Student Disability Advice Service before starting your studies with us, even if you have already declared this on your UCAS application. Additional support and any alt ernative exam arrangements can take time to arrange so do contact them as early as possible to ensure you get the support you may be entitled to. Visit Student Disability Advice webpages to learn more: - support.html The UK Department of Health advises all first year undergraduate students, of any age, to be vaccinated against the C strains of meningococcal meningitis. A lthough meningitis is quite rare, it is a very serious condition and can be fatal. You should be vaccinated against meningitis at least two weeks before arriving at university. As part of the Induction Week Activities, you will be presented with a compli mentary t - shirt from the department. Please send an email to economics - ug - with Fresher's T - Shirt Order in the subject line and your name and t - shirt size (S, M, L, XL or XXL) in the ema il. Please confirm your order by Monday 1 st September 2015 at the latest to ensure your preferred size is available. Please do not hesitate to contact the Undergraduate Programme Administrators , Hannah We eks and Joanne Deverell at economics - ug - should you have any enquiries prior to your arrival. Yours sincerely Dr Cathy Winnett Director of Studies for Undergraduate Prog rammes Department of Economics

posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:45 AM


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