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You can also find out about our work at We are seeking a committed and enthusiastic individual to take up a placement with us in September and October 2018. The placement is a new opportunity at Tangle which we are piloting. Applicants must demonstrate a passion for African - Caribbean theatre and some experience of theatre directing and / or assistant directing. In line with Tangle’s remit, we particularly welcome applications from BAME people . The successful applicant will receive a fee of £1,000 for the 10 days of engagement , with travel and accommodation paid on top if appropriate . In consultation with our Artistic Director, the recipient will devise their own programme of work, based on the ‘menu’ provided on Page 3 of th is pack. This covers opportunities to gain experience of a professional rehearsal room, theatre touring , event management and / or education workshops . This self - selecting approach ensure s the placement can fit the work around other commitments and that a pplicants have the freedom to select areas of practice that interest them . To apply, please email your CV, and a covering letter of no more than two sides telling us about your skills and experience and your interest in the Placement . In the letter, p lea se include a clear description of your chosen ten day activity programme and explain why you have made those selections. Please email both letter and CV as two separate PDF attachments to Anna Coombs, Artistic Director at by the closing date of 12 noon on Monday 16 July . Interviews will take place on Friday 27 July at The Arcola Theatre, Dalston, London E8 . All applicants will receive feedback from us. We hope to notify shortlisted applicants no later than Monday 23 July . If you have any questions about the placement , please email me at and I will be happy to help. W e hope you will wish to apply, and we look forwar d to receiving your application. Best Wishes , Anna Coombs Artistic Director name on each document. • Release of any application information will not be granted to another person without writte n consent from the applicant . The materials listed in this section are to be sent to: Graduate Studies Showalter Hall 206 E astern W ashington U niversity Cheney, WA 99004 DO NOT SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS TO THE DEPARTMENT • Two (2) copies of the Application for Admission to Graduate School. You can also apply online at through the EagleNet link. If you choose this method of application, you will pay a $50 fee via credit card for each program to which you apply. Since the electronic application will print out in duplicate, you should submit only one application per program. • $50 Application Fee. This non - refundable application fee must be submitted with the Application for Admission to Graduate School. Do not su bmit your payment to the department. • Two (2) official copies of your transcripts. NOTE: The Graduate Studies Office can obtain these from the Office of the Registrar if you have previously attended Eastern. You must request transcripts from other inst itutions. • Do not submit your transcripts to the D epartment.