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Twitter Instagram Facebook Dear Student, Congratulations on being accepted into Trini ty College Foundation Studies February Main Program 201 8 , commencing Monday, 5 February 201 8 . We hope that you will find your time with us at Trinity challenging and rewa rding. Enclosed with this letter is the Orientation Procedures d ocument with map s of the Trinity College Main Campus & The University of Melbourne attached . Please r ead the information carefully. Your parents are invited to attend the Parent Events on Monday , 5 February and Tuesday, 6 February 201 8 . I f your parent /s would like to attend the P arent Events, p lease follow the instructions in the Orientation Procedures document and submit your registration s by the dead lines which have been listed on the document . Please note it is important for parents/ guests to RSVP for catering purposes. We strongly advise all students to arri ve in Melbourne prior to the commencement of their course. By arriving early, you will have enough time to organise your accommodation, open a bank account, have your phone connected and shop for any personal items you need. Orientation is an opportunity f or you to meet new friends and to settle into your new life at Trinity, and therefore it is essential that you attend all activities. Missing orientation activities and class time in order to attend to personal matters is not an acceptable beginning to you r schooling. The University of Melbourne provides parents of students of Trinity College Foundation Studies the opportunity to receive regular university updates via the Future Students Online Magazine. Your parents can register through to receive this magazine. Should you arrive in Melbourne early and have any queries, you are welcome to visit t he Trinity College Main Reception , located in Bishop s Building ( Dot No. 2 , Reference E6 , Trinity College Main Campus Map) , open from Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 5:0 0pm . If you require any further information, plea se do not hesitate to contact us . More information regarding Orientation and living in Australia is available on the Trinity website: We look forward to meeting you on 5 February 2018 ! Yours sincerely, Joko Horas Student Experience Coordinator , Student Services Trinity College Foundation Studies Pathways School

posted by Isaac Hobart at 6:17 AM


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