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Dear Mr. Frisby We are sorry- from us- the alumni-office there is no information regarding your application available. Kind regards, Christine Domnik Hai Team Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg HEIDELBERG ALUMNI INTERNATIONAL Postanschrift: Seminarstraße2, 69117 Heidelberg Besucheranschrift: Marstallstraße 6, 69117 Heidelberg Telefon: +49-6221-5419044 Fax: +49-6221-5419049 ---- Hello, Thank you for your email. We are happy to hear about your interest in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at the University of Regina! Our program descriptions, application deadlines, admission standards, tuition estimates and more are listed on our website for your ease. I have included some links below to help answer your queries and provide the information you need. After reviewing the below information, please let us know if there are any specific questions we can help you with. While our office does not pre-asses transcripts or grades, applicants are urged to check their credentials against our admission requirements list found at the following link: If you would like to discuss your academic credentials further, please contact the Graduate Coordinator for your area of interest for academic advising. A full faculty listing can be found in each program description at the link below. For a list of our Programs and for detailed descriptions and course lists in each of the areas of study that we offer please click here: How to send documents may be found here English Proficiency requirements may be found at: Application deadlines will be listed at the following link with the corresponding semester intakes; . Areas not listed do not have an application deadline. For these area's we recommend submitting your application about two to three months prior to when you wish to begin your program. If there isn't one listed for the area you are interested in, then there is no deadline and you can apply to whichever semester you like. If there is only one date listed, that means applications are only accepted for the Fall semester for that area. For international applicants it is highly recommended to submit application at least 4 months before the start of the class. Tuition and Fee estimates can be found on our website here; Scholarships, awards, and teaching assistant positions are available to those accepted as students. Please see our website for a list of available funding opportunities: Vicki Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) Paskwãw Tower (North Residence) 3737 Wascana Parkway University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2 Canada Fax: 306-337-2444 Email:

posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:51 AM


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