Dear owner of SSH employee stock options, Please find below instructions for exercising your SSH stock options to buy SSH shares. The new custody and settlement system of Euroclear Finland Oy relating to the European wide Target2-securities (T2S) project will be launched in Finland on 7.5.2018. Differing from the previous procedure the option holder must from 7.5.2018 onwards contact their account operator to use options for share subscription. Subscriptions will be accepted only by the account operator where the options are held. All the account operators are required to accept subscriptions from their account holders. Holders of employee option rights who have a book-entry account at Evli Bank can carry out their subscription electronically through the Incentive-portal at Other option rights holders (investor) who have a book-entry account at Evli Bank can subscribe shares by contacting Evli Bank's Helpdesk by email at or by phone at +358 (0)9 4766 9931 (9:00 AM– 4:00 PM). Holders of employee option rights or other option rights holders (investors) who have a book-entry account in another bank or account operator will contact their respective account operator for share subscription. You will also receive further information on how to subscribe SSH shares from your account operator. The account operator will inform Evli Bank on the share subscription and SSH will receive information regarding the share subscription through Evli Bank. Below you can find the needed information on paying the share subscription price for SSH and for registering the shares to the book entry securities systems. . 1. Paying the share subscription price According to the rules defined for the stock option rights, the subscription price for the shares needs to be paid before making the subscription. Pay the subscription price to the given bank account of SSH Communications Security Corporation. You can calculate the total sum payable on your new shares by multiplying the exercise price defined for your stock options by the number of shares you are subscribing. Please pay the subscription price to SSH Communications Security Corporation's bank account: Bank: Danske Bank Plc IBAN FI83 8000 1878 9848 15 (SWIFT-BIC DABAFIHH) Reference: "your name – payment of exercised options". 2. Application to register the shares to the book-entry securities system After receiving your payment and application, SSH Communications Security Corporation will process the subscription together with the Service provider. Please make sure that those stock option rights you want to exercise to purchase the shares now are registered on this particular book-entry account you refer to in your subscription form. In case you want to have the purchased shares registered to another book-entry account (different than where your stock options are), please notify us when signing the registration application. Please note that we will also need information on your nationality and country of taxation for company tax information. 3. Subscription of shares and the required documents Once you have paid your options to the given SSH Communications Security Corporation bank account, Danske bank will inform Evli Awards Management in Evli Bank who will process the book-entry registrations and inform SSH of your subscription. 4. Actions after the share subscription Once you have signed the share registration application, no more actions are required from you to exercise your option rights. The Board of Directors of SSH Communications Security will approve your share subscription; the subscriptions are usually handled once per quarter. After the approval from the Board, SSH Communications Security Corporation will register the increase in the share capital in the Trade Register and will apply that the new shares be made available for public trading at Nasdaq OMX Helsinki on the main list. Please note that depending on the timing of your share subscription in relation to the SSH Communications Security Board meetings, and depending on the handling time at the Trade Register, it may take weeks before the shares will be available for public trading. The dividend rights of the new shares and other shareholder rights shall commence when the shares have been entered in the Trade Register. Please find the more detailed instructions and register forms starting from next page of this document. Best Regards, SSH Communications Security Corporation SSH COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY PLC - SUBSCRIPTION FORM / REGISTRATION APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION FOR SHARES WITH 2013 - OPTION RIGHTS Name of subscriber:________________________________________________________ Personal or company ID:_____________________________________________________ Address :_______________________________________________________________ Book-entry account/register:___________________________________________________ Account operator: _________________________________________________________ Subscription period 1 June 2015 – 1 September 2018: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 2013A ISIN-code: FI4000065545 Subscription period 1 June 2017 – 1 September 2018: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 2013B ISIN-code: FI4000065552 Subscription period 1 June 2018 – 1 September 2018: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 2013C ISIN-code: FI4000065560 Subscription period 15 February 2015 – 1 September 2018: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 2013D ISIN-code: FI4000157128 Subscribed shares: _________________________ pcs Book-entry type: SSH Communications Security new (opt I/2013) ISIN-code: FI4000065578 The subscription price shall be paid in full on subscription of the shares to SSH Communications Security plc's account in Danske Bank. Account number: IBAN FI83 8000 1878 9848 15 (SWIFT-BIC DABAFIHH) I authorize Danske Bank plc to apply for entry of the above option rights from my above book-entry account and for entry of the shares to my book-entry account. I affirm that the subscription has been made in accordance with the Companies Act. _________________________________________________________________________ Place and date Signature of the subscriber APPLICATION FOR ENTRY TO THE BOOK-ENTRY REGISTER (To be filled by Danske Bank) We apply you to enter from the above subscriber's book-entry account the option rights used for his/her subscription and to enter the _______ shares in SSH Communications Security plc he/she has subscribed and paid in full to his/her book-entry account. The entry is based on the subscription of shares approved by SSH Communications Security plc, entry criterion 72 (option subscription), subscription code: DANSKE BANK PLC Place and date Signature TO BE SENT TO REGISTER SSH COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY PLC - SUBSCRIPTION FORM / REGISTRATION APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION FOR SHARES WITH 2014 - OPTION RIGHTS Name of subscriber:________________________________________________________ Personal or company ID:_____________________________________________________ Address :_______________________________________________________________ Book-entry account/register:___________________________________________________ Account operator: _________________________________________________________ Subscription period 17 September 2016 – 1 December 2018: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 2014A ISIN-code: FI4000113121 Subscription period 17 September 2017 – 1 December 2018: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 2014B ISIN-code: FI4000113139 Subscription period 17 September 2018 – 1 December 2018: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 2014C ISIN-code: FI4000113147 Subscription period 1 January 2016 – 1 December 2018: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 2014D ISIN-code: FI4000113154 Subscribed shares: _________________________ pcs Book-entry type: SSH Communications Security new (opt I/2014) ISIN-code: FI4000113162 The subscription price shall be paid in full on subscription of the shares to SSH Communications Security plc's account in Danske Bank. Account number: IBAN FI83 8000 1878 9848 15 (SWIFT-BIC DABAFIHH) I authorize Danske Bank plc to apply for entry of the above option rights from my above book-entry account and for entry of the shares to my book-entry account. I affirm that the subscription has been made in accordance with the Companies Act. _________________________________________________________________________ Place and date Signature of the subscriber APPLICATION FOR ENTRY TO THE BOOK-ENTRY REGISTER (To be filled by Danske Bank) We apply you to enter from the above subscriber's book-entry account the option rights used for his/her subscription and to enter the _______ shares in SSH Communications Security plc he/she has subscribed and paid in full to his/her book-entry account. The entry is based on the subscription of shares approved by SSH Communications Security plc, entry criterion 72 (option subscription), subscription code: DANSKE BANK PLC Place and date Signature TO BE SENT TO REGISTER SSH COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY PLC - SUBSCRIPTION FORM / REGISTRATION APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION FOR SHARES WITH 2015 - OPTION RIGHTS Name of subscriber: ________________________________________________________ Personal or company ID: _____________________________________________________ Address :_______________________________________________________________ Book-entry account/register: ___________________________________________________ Account operator: _________________________________________________________ Subscription period 15 March 2018 – 30 May 2020: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 1/2015A ISIN-code: FI4000157086 Subscription period 15 March 2019 – 30 May 2020: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 1/2015B ISIN-code: FI4000157094 Subscription period 15 March 2020 – 30 May 2020: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 1/2015C ISIN-code: FI4000157102 Subscribed shares: _________________________ pcs Book-entry type: SSH Communications Security new (opt I/2015) ISIN-code: FI4000065578 The subscription price shall be paid in full on subscription of the shares to SSH Communications Security plc's account in Danske Bank. Account number: IBAN FI83 8000 1878 9848 15 (SWIFTBIC DABAFIHH) I authorize Danske Bank plc to apply for entry of the above option rights from my above book-entry account and for entry of the shares to my book-entry account. I affirm that the subscription has been made in accordance with the Companies Act. _________________________________________________________________________ Place and date Signature of the subscriber APPLICATION FOR ENTRY TO THE BOOK-ENTRY REGISTER (To be filled by Danske Bank) We apply you to enter from the above subscriber's book-entry account the option rights used for his/her subscription and to enter the _______ shares in SSH Communications Security plc he/she has subscribed and paid in full to his/her book-entry account. The entry is based on the subscription of shares approved by SSH Communications Security plc, entry criterion 72 (option subscription), subscription code: DANSKE BANK PLC Place and date Signature TO BE SENT TO REGISTER SSH COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY PLC - SUBSCRIPTION FORM / REGISTRATION APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION FOR SHARES WITH 2016 - OPTION RIGHTS Name of subscriber: ________________________________________________________ Personal or company ID: _____________________________________________________ Address :_______________________________________________________________ Book-entry account/register: ___________________________________________________ Account operator: _________________________________________________________ Subscription period 15 March 2017 – 30 May 2020: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 2016 ISIN-code: Subscribed shares: _________________________ pcs Book-entry type: SSH Communications Security new (opt I/2016) ISIN-code: The subscription price shall be paid in full on subscription of the shares to SSH Communications Security plc's account in Danske Bank. Account number: IBAN FI83 8000 1878 9848 15 (SWIFTBIC DABAFIHH) I authorize Danske Bank plc to apply for entry of the above option rights from my above book-entry account and for entry of the shares to my book-entry account. I affirm that the subscription has been made in accordance with the Companies Act. _________________________________________________________________________ Place and date Signature of the subscriber APPLICATION FOR ENTRY TO THE BOOK-ENTRY REGISTER (To be filled by Danske Bank) We apply you to enter from the above subscriber's book-entry account the option rights used for his/her subscription and to enter the _______ shares in SSH Communications Security plc he/she has subscribed and paid in full to his/her book-entry account. The entry is based on the subscription of shares approved by SSH Communications Security plc, entry criterion 72 (option subscription), subscription code: DANSKE BANK PLC Place and date Signature TO BE SENT TO REGISTER SSH COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY PLC - SUBSCRIPTION FORM / REGISTRATION APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION FOR SHARES WITH 2018 - OPTION RIGHTS Name of subscriber: ________________________________________________________ Personal or company ID: _____________________________________________________ Address :_______________________________________________________________ Book-entry account/register: ___________________________________________________ Account operator: _________________________________________________________ Subscription period 1 December 2020 – 31 March 2022: Options rights used for entry: ______________________________________ pcs Type of option: SSH Communications Security option rights 2018 ISIN-code: Subscribed shares: _________________________ pcs Book-entry type: SSH Communications Security new (opt I/2018) ISIN-code: The subscription price shall be paid in full on subscription of the shares to SSH Communications Security plc's account in Danske Bank. Account number: IBAN FI83 8000 1878 9848 15 (SWIFTBIC DABAFIHH) I authorize Danske Bank plc to apply for entry of the above option rights from my above book-entry account and for entry of the shares to my book-entry account. I affirm that the subscription has been made in accordance with the Companies Act. _________________________________________________________________________ Place and date Signature of the subscriber APPLICATION FOR ENTRY TO THE BOOK-ENTRY REGISTER (To be filled by Danske Bank) We apply you to enter from the above subscriber's book-entry account the option rights used for his/her subscription and to enter the _______ shares in SSH Communications Security plc he/she has subscribed and paid in full to his/her book-entry account. The entry is based on the subscription of shares approved by SSH Communications Security plc, entry criterion 72 (option subscription), subscription code: DANSKE BANK PLC Place and date Signature TO BE SENT TO REGISTER Subscription of options are approved in lots according to below approval windows Subscription windows during 2018: • 01.01. - 23.03.2018 • 24.03. - 12.06.2018 • 13.06. - 18.09.2018 • 19.09. - 11.12.2018

posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:47 AM


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