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Join 7 other subscribers Email Address Home Meet CJ Rhodes Itinerary Booking Media Blog Tough Minded. Tenderhearted. Transformed Nonconformist. Dear Mr. Speaker: An Open Letter to Brother Philip Gunn, Speaker of the Mississippi House of RepresentativesJune 24, 2015/Church and Community Dear Mr. Speaker, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is CJ Rhodes and I am a resident of our Capital City. I also pastor Mt Helm Baptist Church, Jackson's oldest historically black congregation, which is situated within Downtown's Farish Street Historic District. We are in the shadow of the State Capitol and this year we're celebrating 180 years of ministry. Our establishment dates back to 1835 when our enslaved ancestors worshiped under watchful eyes in the basement of First Baptist Church, Jackson. We remained a part of First Baptist's congregation until 1865. At that time we were delivered from bondage by the Almighty's outstretched arm. With the benevolence of Thomas and Mary Helm, members of Jackson's First Presbyterian Church, Mt Helm (named in their honor) was founded as an autonomous Baptist congregation and has played a vital role in religion and racial uplift ever since. Brother Gunn, it was with great joy that I read your Facebook status about how your Christian convictions caused you to reconsider the Confederate flag following the tragic massacre that occurred at Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC. I salute your courage and thank you for publicly sharing your change of heart. I know that you are a Southern Baptist elder and I assume that has something to do with your pastoral and political concerns for that flag's offense to my people. I am blessed to see how the SBC is having a great awakening regarding race in the country. To God be the glory! In recent days several members of your denomination have taken prophetic stands against the idolatry of white superiority and have called for the removal of the Confederate flag. Dr. Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (where you serve as a Trustee), wrote, "Racial superiority is a sin as old as Genesis and as contemporary as the killings in Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. The ideology of racial superiority is not only sinful, it is deadly." Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd prophesied at the 2015 Convention that now is the time to lead racial justice and reconciliation, decrying all racism as sin. Dr. Russell Moore, Mississippi Gulf Coast native and President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, powerfully avers: White Christians ought to think about what that flag says to our African-American brothers and sisters in Christ, especially in the aftermath of yet another act of white supremacist terrorism against them. The gospel frees us from scrapping for our "heritage" at the expense of others. As those in Christ, this descendant of Confederate veterans has more in common with a Nigerian Christian than I do with a non-Christian white Mississippian who knows the right use of "y'all" and how to make sweet tea. Before these public proclamations another great Southern Baptist was led of the Holy Spirit to respond once again to racial reconciliation. Dan Jones, the former Chancellor of our alma mater, went to great lengths to make the University of Mississippi the flagship university of our State's global future. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., another Baptist (though not Southern Baptist), said: Cowardice asks the question – is it safe? Expediency asks the question – is it politic? Vanity asks the question – is it popular? But conscience asks the question – is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right. Trusting God means doing the right thing. I dare not claim to know all the reasons why some brothers and sisters cling to the Confederate flag the way we are to cling to the old rugged cross. I do not believe that every one of those Mississippians are prejudiced or white supremacists. But as a descendant of enslaved Africans and the grandson and son of Jim Crow generation black Mississippians, I know all too well what that flag has meant to my family and to so many others. To my knowledge, at no time since Mississippi's Declaration of Secession have Confederates or their progeny forcefully repented of the pseudo-scientific and religious assumptions of black sub-humanity that underlined our State's defense of slavery. During and after the Civil Rights revival, led in large measure by fellow Christ followers, that flag in the hands and hearts of segregationists was an emblem of black suffering and shame and was flown is opposition to the full equality of fellow Mississippians. From the Civil War to the Civil Rights movement and beyond, the Confederacy and its battle flag have meant horror, not heritage, to African Americans in Mississippi. That it remains a pronounced part of our State flag should grieve every saint of God. I therefore commend you, a brother in Christ, for your conversion in this matter. Your stand for Christ and his Church is worthy of support and there are countless others standing with you. Brother Gunn, please know that I am personally praying for you, your wife Lisa, and your four children. I also pray that the Spirit of God convicts your colleagues in the House, Senate, and Governor's mansion as well. This is a moment, the first of many, whereby the GOP can once again be the Party of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. So in words that mirror former President Ronald Reagan, tear down this flag so that a more unifying symbol of Mississippi's reconciled future might prevail. May the blessings of the Lord overtake you, and may God shine His face on the Great State of Mississippi. Still amazed by God's grace, CJ Rhodes Al Mohler, The Heresy of Racial Superiority—Confronting the Past, and Confronting the Truth. Ronnie Floyd. "Now is the Time to Lead." Southern Baptist Convention 2015 Presidential Address. Russell Moore. The Cross and the Confederate Flag. Share this:EmailFacebookGoogleLinkedInTwitterTumblr Related CJ Rhodes/18 Comments/0 Likes/Church and Community Next/Previous Related posts Everyday a Day of ThanksgivingNovember 26, 2015Church Revitalization: Keep the Doors of Your Church OpenSeptember 21, 2015Dr. Jerry Young: Envisioning the Future ExceptionallySeptember 14, 2015 Comments (18) Valerie Bass Russell / June 24, 2015 / Reply Thank you Pastor Rhodes for your heart that voice the truth to this and the next generation. Dr. Valerie Bass Russell CJ Rhodes, MDiv Thank you, Dr Russell. Jon David Cole Well said, CJ. As a white Christian, I have INFINITELY more in common with other Christians than anyone that happens to look like me. Jesus is so much more important to me.. and is my only hope! Grace and peace to you, brother. -Jon David Cole Michael I am surprised at how quickly municipalities, states, and businesses are responding! Amos 5:24 But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! Micah Carter Thank you for this open letter to Philip Gunn. I read with great interest and support. Many blessings to you, Pastor. May God do a powerful work in our state, in our generation, toward true and lasting racial reconciliation. Dr. Micah Carter Pastor, First Baptist Church, Ripley, MS (177 years old! Est. 1838) Thank you for your prayers and support, Pastor. I stand on the promises of God with you. David Sills Very well said, Brother. I know the brothers you mentioned in your article and you assessed them well; they are godly men with sincere hearts. You are clearly in their number and I hope to meet you someday so I can add you to the list of godly sincere men I have known. Thank you for your heart and ministry. Blessings to you. Thanks for your kind words, David. Michael Stribling Amen. Bless you. Samuel Love, MD Thanks Rev. Rhodes. Profound, powerful, and graceful. As a man raised in First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, I was proud to see my church's history intermingled with yours, sad that it has not persisted, but remain hopeful for the future. I was wondering if you saw the news from the Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly where Dr. Ligon Duncan (former senior minister of FPC Jackson and current Chancellor of RTS) issued a resolution for a public and open confession by the PCA for racial sins of its past. You can read more here ( Perhaps a powerful start to something I have been hoping for awhile. Thanks for your words. Know that you have my support in this endeavor. June 25, 2015 To God be the glory! Pat Thompson The cross is the only symbol that represents my heritage, my present, and my future. Walley Naylor Very well written and spot on with the points that you made. Thanks, brother. Hilary Zimmerman June 26, 2015 So proud to be a Mussissippian! I love this state and it's magnificent people. We are the light on the mountain. Let's follow Phil Gunn's lead: get rid of that divisive symbol. Bob Boteler June 27, 2015 Thank you. It's time for all to be neighbors. And to remove the barriers that prevent it. Roger Rudd October 3, 2015 Born in MS and a historian the flag should stay as it is. The flag didn't cause slavery. Progressives want to destroy american history by taking things out of text books, remove monuments, change flags. It's our history for better or worse. I put in 23 yrs in the military to preserve America not defend Obama changing it Add comment Cancel a reply Add Comment Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Search for: Subscribe to Blog via Email Recent Posts Everyday a Day of Thanksgiving Church Revitalization: Keep the Doors of Your Church Open Dr. Jerry Young: Envisioning the Future Exceptionally Great Expectations Alcorn: Where Knowledge and Character Matter Categories Church and Community Copyright © 2015 CJ Rhodes. All rights reserved. Send to Email Address Your Name Your Email Address Cancel Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Email check failed, please try again ----- Quality cards at reasonable prices." Fay - Jan 23rd, 2019 more testimonials Cards per Page: 15 30 60 120 Cards: 132 Pages: 5 Most Popular Newest Show adult cards Last Next » Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Loading... Welcome to the Neighborhood - Cozy Home card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Just a little note to welcome you to our little corner of the world and to wish you every happiness in your new home. Artist: � Sue Nollmeyer Artist Notes: Reach out and touch new neighbors with this warm and cozy Welcome to the Neighborhood card featuring a quaint little house with a welcome sign hanging above the door. Design also available in brown tones. Original Design by Sue Nollmeyer�2013. 5213 Product Id: 1083330 view card add to cart Welcome to Neighborhood Birdhouses & Flags card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Wishing you many years of happiness in your new nest! Artist: Simply Put by Robin Artist Notes: Americana birdhouses, flag and bees nest adorn the front of a Welcome to the Neighborhood card. Design by Simply Put by Robin; graphics �Country Life Graphics. Product Id: 1049829 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood - Cozy Home card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Just a little note to welcome you to our little corner of the world and to wish you every happiness in your new home. Artist: � Sue Nollmeyer Artist Notes: Reach out and touch new neighbors with this warm and cozy home Welcome to the Neighborhood card. Design also available in teal tones. 5213 Product Id: 1083328 view card add to cart (1) Welcome to the Neighborhood San Francisco Painting… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: May you paint many beautiful memories in your new home. Artist: �Doreen Erhardt Artist Notes: Welcome new neighbors into the neighborhood with this lovely greeting featuring a row of painted houses in San Francisco and a picket fence. Tuck it into a bit of fresh baked cookies or attach a bottle of wine and you may make lifelong friends. Product Id: 1403836 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: (blank inside) Artist: Marcee J. Duggar Artist Notes: Beautiful Bright Floral Colors make this a gorgeous card to send to your new neighbors. This card is designed to give the impression of a handmade scrapbook card, and that all embellishments are rendered digitally. Product Id: 950219 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: (blank inside) Artist: Marcee J. Product Id: 950219 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood New Home Houses Waterc… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We're so happy to have you in the neighborhood! May you enjoy much happiness in your new home. Artist: Cathie Richardson Artist Notes: A cheerful welcome to the neighborhood greeting card featuring quaint cottage houses, a white picket fence and bright blooming flowers painted in watercolor. A wonderful way to welcome a new neighbor! Product Id: 573368 view card add to cart Customizable Name Welcome to the Neighborhood-Two … Customize: Cover text, inside text Inside Text: Welcome to the Neighborhood. We look forward to seeing your smiling faces! Artist: Christie Black-Creations from the Heart Artist Notes: �Christie Black. Welcoming someone to the neighborhood will be a real treat with this fun greeting. Two tall house characters shake hands and give a smile as they meet and greet each other. Customize with any name. Product Id: 1440410 view card personalize Welcome to the Neighborhood Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We are so glad you decided to make our neighborhood your home Artist: Nikki Cutro Artist Notes: A 13 Black Cats Designs Original Product Id: 282241 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighbourhood, New Neighbours, Funn… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We can't wait to meet you! Artist: Kate TaylorOriginal image by:brookebecker/ Artist Notes: A woman helping a man to be nosey and peek over a garden fence. The card says 'Welcome' 'To the neighbourhood'. Product Id: 1225574 view card add to cart Orange Flower Welcome to the Neighborhood Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: A little note to welcome you to the neighborhood and wish you many happy years in your new home! Artist: Dreaming Mind Cards Product Id: 617567 view card add to cart Cute Birds in a Tree New Neighbor Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We're so glad to have you! Artist: Cheryl Jones Artist Notes: Painted with watercolor, this lighthearted new neighbor card has silly little birds up in a tree. Product Id: 1081848 view card add to cart (1) Cute Birds in a Tree New Neighbor Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We're so glad to have you! Artist: Cheryl Jones Artist Notes: Painted with watercolor, this lighthearted new neighbor card has silly little birds up in a tree. Product Id: 1081848 view card add to cart (1) Blue Stripes Welcome to the Neighborhood Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: A little note, to welcome you to the neighborhood and wish you many happy years in your new home! Artist: Dreaming Mind Cards Product Id: 584469 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: we're doggone happy you're here! Artist: Great Scott Designs� Product Id: 157355 view card add to cart Welcome To The Neighborhood, Wreath On Door card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Welcome to Your New Home & Welcome to the Neighborhood! Artist: Shoaff-Ballanger Studios Artist Notes: Welcome to the Neighborhood, paper greeting card. Card features the front door to a house with a wreath hanging in front of the windows. A bright polished brass door handle is visible on the left hand side. Wreath thanks to: Product Id: 549186 view card add to cart Welcome to our Neighborhood, Trio of Cute Cottages… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: We're so glad you're here! Artist: Teri Nelson Kuster Artist Notes: Welcome a new neighbor to your neighborhood, with this Welcome to the Neighborhood card, that features a trio of cute, small cottages on an arching green hillside. The hand lettered message, is written in green, below the little cottages, with "Welcome to our Neighborhood". The inside wording is "We're so glad you're here!" Product Id: 1106576 view card add to cart Blue Flowers Welcome to the Neighborhood Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Just a note to wish you many happy years in your new home. Welcome to the Neighborhood Artist: Dreaming Mind Cards Product Id: 543188 view card add to cart Houses Welcome to the Neighborhood Card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: A little note to welcome you to the neighborhood, wishing you many happy years in your new home! Artist: Dreaming Mind Cards Product Id: 583399 view card add to cart Lobster Hot Tub card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Welcome to the neighborhood! Artist: mike shiell Product Id: 490394 view card add to cart Welcome to Neighborhood Birdhouses and Snow card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Wishing you many years of happiness in your new nest! Artist: Simply Put by Robin, graphics: Trina Clark Artist Notes: Give your new neighbor a warm welcome with this card that has several sweet snow-covered birdhouses and "A warm Welcome to the Neighborhood" in a fun type style. Product Id: 1505258 view card add to cart Saguaro cactus reaching through window for a margh… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Welcome. We know that you will make a fine addition. Now, let's celebrate. Artist: Jamie J Rice Artist Notes: What goes on in the casa when you�re away? Does your doggie keep secrets? Product Id: 395825 view card add to cart Flower Garden Welcome To Our Neighborhood Cards Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Warmest wishes as you settle in! We hope you'll enjoy it here! Artist: Tammy Moody Artist Notes: image by T fleetwood Moody Product Id: 274458 view card add to cart Welcome to Our Neighborhood, Cartoon Cats. card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: (blank inside) Artist: Kate Taylor Artist Notes: Fun cartoon of several different cats holding dark pink banners above their heads that say 'Welcome to our neighborhood'. The perfect card to welcome any cat lover to your neighborhood. Product Id: 1260154 view card add to cart Cats Welcoming Neighbors (Bud & Tony) card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Hello new neighbor, how do you do? We would like to welcome you. Welcome to the neighborhood! Artist: Betty Matsumoto-Schuch Product Id: 411920 view card add to cart Red Bird Houses Welcome to the Neighborhood Yellow… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: A friendly welcome to you! We're very happy to have you in the neighborhood. Artist: Cathie Richardson Artist Notes: A friendly welcome to the neighborhood greeting card featuring bright red birdhouses and colorful yellow birds perched in the branches of a tree painted in watercolor. You can change the inside message to fit your needs. Product Id: 162221 view card add to cart Welcome to the neighborhood- Funny - Retro card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: One rule: We welcome you with open arms. Welcome to the neighborhood. Artist: Tom Rent Artist Notes: This can also be changed into an announcement, invitation, or congratulations card by you changing the inside text using the Personalization option - It's EASY! Free Modifications. Contact me through my Card Store. - Tom Rent Product Id: 487252 view card add to cart Home is Where You Keep Your Eggs card Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Welcome to the neighborhood! Artist: Diane Duda Product Id: 94575 view card add to cart Welcome to the Neighborhood, Colorful Rag Rug in B… Customize: Inside text only Inside Text: Welcome to the neighborhood and congratulations on your New Digs! Artist: Shoaff-Ballanger Studios Artist Notes: Welcome to the Neighborhood, paper greeting card with the text New Digs on the cover.a

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