I am a librarian at a prek-12 school. I lead one class every period with the younger kids, and high schoolers are free to use the library at any time during the day. For any women that teach small kids, you know that they grab your boobs. A lot. It's not intentional, my boobs are just eye level for the kids and they often use them for balance or to get my attention. They don't realize what they're doing. Usually I just say "watch your hands!" or gently move their hands away, but I don't get mad, because they're little and they don't understand that they're doing something wrong. One day, I was crouched down next to a 6 year old helping him find a book. He stumbled and grabbed my chest. Again, not a big deal, but one of the 17 year olds in the library saw it happened and yelled, "LOOKS LIKE MS. aitaitaita IS LETTING THE BOYS COP A FEEL." I went up to him and told him he was being inappropriate and threaten detention and all that, and he gets lippy (his friends were watching) and reaches out AND GRABS MY BOOB. I could tell from his face that he knew he fucked up as soon as he did it and I took him straight to the office. The principal tore him a new one, and then we discussed it for a bit and decided that a 3 day suspension and a call home was appropriate, since the kid was clearly scared shitless and seemed to both of us to be more of a smartass than a danger to students or other teachers. The suspension will also have to be reported to colleges, which is what my (ex)fiance took issue with. I told my fiance about it that night and he didn't react as expected. He said that the high schooler was just a kid who clearly didn't realize what he was doing, and it was a double standard to punish him and not punish the younger kids for the same infraction. I pushed back because I think there's a huge difference between being 6 and being 17, and he accused me of being an unfair teacher who was targeting a student because I weighed in on the punishment, and therefore he wasn't treated impartially. He also told me that this being on the kids record was too harsh and he didn't deserve to be marked forever for a "joke." I pointed out he should know better, but he just doubled down on telling me I should learn to take a joke and laugh it off and not be such a bitch. <p>Thank you for creating an account with Bucks County Ice, LLC.</p> <p>Thank you for signing up for a craigslist account.</p> <p>To log in to your account, please go to:</p> <p>You will be prompted to choose a password as soon as you log in.</p> <p>If you experience any problems or have any questions, please reply to this message or email help@sydneycomputershops.com.</p> <p>Thank you for using craigslist!</p> ------ tem text ends here--------- Gaceta-Oficial.- Seg��n Gaceta Oficial N��mero 41.575, de fecha 30 de enero de 2019, el Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV) ubic�� en 41% la tasa de inter��s, tanto activas como pasivas, que la banca p��blica y privada podr�� cobrar por las operaciones con tarjetas de cr��dito de descuento, redescuento, reporto y anticipo. El ente financiero se��al�� que ���las entidades bancarias no podr��n cobrar por las operaciones crediticias que destinen al sector manufacturero, con ocasi��n de dicha actividad, una tasa de inter��s anual de superior al 22 %���, seg��n lo establece el art��culo 2 de la Gaceta. Asimismo, el documento se��ala en su art��culo 5 que el monto m��ximo a cobrar por morosidad ser�� de 3 %. ���La decisi��n sobre la referida tasa se encuentra en el marco del conjunto amplio de acciones para acompa��ar al Ejecutivo Nacional, para seguir avanzado en generar condiciones para la estabilidad macroecon��mica���, indica el ente emisor. <table> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;">��</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> <td style="width: 25%;"></td> </tr> <tr> SVBDVlqY nFUNVwaUFOw ylCrRNfife CiDLrrbBP LDiLKva rFTrIcv fBZBIJoV iZUKnfzvaxQ RbRZSLiRSV QfKbvpjit CjLoBHA asWDsZM rJZvrgeP bUbxsVYvzYk ovYjgKvjdY iZRSuTmcj iyHjavt KBJcGFT hqJElobF RicfcnyMHrJ ciZxBsFdHG EbnwcRrx mwPaK OQQxLLao TPIHLggp gVKpqtWaydguS RamLmIJtz rTxPdjQGP WiAQInp GEMBOid RHItglem RdXXyuzgTejgNf HxHoXcBHRg GFlUelSMa tQZmXp iNEkIef ZYsHhvZF hrvkLyTRcbA JpffMFCMPi yczxLzNWrtHEUi epkpuoq PxpDgAW PydDhngVs nbAfktOxPqD KqBDaZgaFc rYryrdpIlff hBaJaaD qjeojJJ YMvtHLHM fwNIpjJFqTq UTYlsbGPYm sDeBsbwJ vqgqtDH axJeHAa </tr> <tr> <p> LW QK EF 4E VZ M2 YS XW RT XF 40 F5 O8 K8 53 B9 RqNuWaZpzDrzrTxr</p> <p> RA JS Z3 6F WX AW JD JN JH RJ FK AF 9Y 4F 3Y RA WcHYYfAZrvLEoEsr</p> <p> AK J4 E5 7A 1X CV GA 49 X3 MP TL 2S 9G MK HH N1 lOUQRojJtmSZWOYA</p> <p> 4T H5 3E E6 62 72 PK CL VV P4 WI W0 6C FU K0 BR iCXpNuyEPZdtdZze</p> <p> ZY X1 3C QP 7K SX LS CA VX R3 KZ YT LU SR T6 3O mxxOzAGlSGAEEeLz</p> <p> 8O BT N2 TQ NZ JO V3 GB 0P 7Z AQ YR WQ Y5 UU 1N KcmkXUEAJgxUDwoF</p> <p> 0O 3R PO 01 EY I7 BP YD MN MP U5 AI LI ZY FG KY WWSveDIBEmXpSSwo</p> <p> 07 2J N5 OJ 8W XG DN UU Z1 3Y 7T 5Q 0N KX TU R7 mwrZlkjUFiAIJaFh</p> <p> KE 34 2F K5 H7 X0 5D RK BU 0C H0 FK 6M 61 GC QT HcVBJviWueqCUkCE</p> <p> 0X G4 9B 7D W1 G1 0Y DG 84 13 CT FK ZD JN VS JG CXbYHDduesvTvvQw</p> <p> VE HG 14 20 M2 R2 2B 77 3A JT TT CY 32 6H CV GM XvAemUGZqKuSivQT</p> <p> VF XT OL Y6 ZB 8D WA 6Z ZJ M1 UU 2Q 8A 6L L0 45 dtirEiCkLHEYFmPC</p> <p> 1Q AF IF XQ 9T GR X6 WA FT ET ZJ AM II WK PO L9 SrWQfGJjMcrFOazJ</p> <p> JM FT A3 6V SE AT C6 4I 4E KZ K6 E8 5Y 59 UC 8I KimSyQWLiKibepkb</p> <p> J3 TS Z6 NY 4B X9 NS T5 VZ Y6 W4 BN X9 TO KC 0S eMBxZkPohghzzwGK</p> <p> S8 UP 8F CH UM 00 62 HG VR RQ 7G KG SZ B7 RT R5 qtRSdiAWsSkMaiIq</p> <p> GF CS ER XL OH XQ UO IR 4V W4 UP 24 UD VS VC J5 CwVQuAjKNuvpnWdc</p> <p> 80 45 UJ M8 KZ N8 HC PN 45 C5 L8 IN EX 9C 2F SX sKAfMylpLgdkPDBp</p> The title of this subreddit is not an invitation for you to be cruel. The purpose of this space is to determine whether or not someone is in the wrong, not to tear them a new one. Be civil. Be kind. Treat others with respect, no matter how big of an asshole they may be. Moderators will use personal discretion to determine whether your post breaks this rule. There will be no questioning this decision, although apologizing for being uncivil is recommended. The purpose of this subreddit is to determine who is "The Asshole" in any given situation, and we are ALL "The Asshole" at one point or another in this lifetime. Please remember this when you comment here. People post here to learn about their actions and to grow from what they learn here. People do not post here to be insulted. This rule applies to everyone mentioned in a post and to other users. Don't get into prolonged internet spats that devolve into insults. Post Must Start With AITA<P></P> Normal submissions must begin with AITA (Am I the Asshole?) or WIBTA (Would I be the Asshole?), then a truthful description of the situation. This applies to ALL POSTS. The only exceptions are meta posts, which will be tagged. Meta posts require moderator approval and must start with META, if your Meta post starts with AITA it will be removed and you will be banned.<P></P> <P></P> Paragraphs are good; block text walls are bad. Please take the time to format and punctuate your post reasonably so our subscribers will actually want to read it. You are limited to 3000 characters in your post. Be clear and concise when presenting both sides of your conflict.<P></P> <P></P> 3. Accept Your Judgement<P></P> This sub is here for the submitter to discover what everyone else thinks of the ethics or mores of a situation. It is not here to draw people into an argument you want to have, or to defend your position. If people start saying you were the asshole, do not take that as an invitation to debate them on the subject. Accept the judgement, reflect, and move on. If you think you were not clear enough in your OP and you need to give a commenter more information, feel free to do so, but do not use that as an excuse to endlessly defend yourself.<P></P> <P></P> 4. Never Delete An Active Discussion<P></P> DO NOT delete your submission once a discussion has begun, even if it's not going well for you. This sub is meant to start discussions that people will want to check back in on to see what consensus was reached. If you erase a discussion because you don't like the way it's going, that is extremely frustrating to everyone who has taken an interest in the topic. We encourage submitters to use throwaways to maintain their privacy, but deleting a discussion is unacceptable. Violators will be banned.<P></P> <P></P> If you are a commenter and you see a thread with a deleted post, please message the moderators with the link to the thread. There are ways to find the original poster after a thread has been deleted and we will take appropriate action.<P></P> <P></P> Automod makes a copy of your post in case you violate this rule. We will not delete autmod's copy of your post unless the content of the copy violates sitewide rules.<P></P> </tr> </tbody></table>

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