Thanks for your email! We aim to respond to emails within one business day.

Craig Levy

2003 - Reservados todos los derechos

¿Puedes ayudarme? Yo no sé nada de tu escuela. ¿Es grande? ¿Sabes tú

*Bonjour vVHYsnKJ,*

Merci pour votre inscription sur dmjv9p. Nous sommes ravis de vous compter parmi nous et impatients de vous proposer le meilleur des ressources pour préparer et animer votre classe.Pour rappel, voici votre identifiant de connexion à votre espace personnel : H0XUVtt Vous pouvez dès à présent *accéder gratuitement * à toute la rubrique Métier d'enseignant mais *nous tenons aussi à vous offrir 10 crédits* pour tester nos contenus premium et découvrir la richesse de nos outils.

¡Hola! biblioteca!

Kind regards

If your issue can't wait, please call our Support Team on 13 22 58 or our Sales Team on 13 19 17 and we'll be happy to help.

*Maintenant, à vous de jouer !* Vous pouvez utiliser vos crédits « découverte » selon vos besoins et attentes : - *1 crédit :* 1 fiche pédagogique - *2 crédits :* 1 module de formation - *5 crédits :* 1 animation et/ou 1 défi pour la classe - *10 crédits :* 1 expérience pédagogique *ET* retrouvez vos contenus préférés dans votre espace personnel Lea & moi. Bonnes découvertes, directrice de JLDLfaW

Zipcode: Zipcode Thank for your order Previously ordered | Thank for your order Thank you - your order has been received. Your Graduation Coordinator will be in touch closer to graduation to let you know when and where to collect your regalia.


Perm itid o el u so sin fines co merciales

Voy a ser un nuevo estudiante en tu escuela y tengo muchas preguntas.

cuántos estudiantes hay? ¿Conoces tú a muchos estudiantes?


Thanks for subscribing to the The ACMA email list. To complete your subscription, you need to confirm you got this email. To do so, please click the link below:


Vous aimez ou incarnez l'esprit MOSL, la Moselle Sans Limite ?
Vous êtes habitant, étudiant, acteur économique, acteur
touristique ou un visiteur ?
Vous souhaitez partager votre expérience de la Moselle,
promouvoir son territoire et ses richesses, et participer
ainsi à son développement.
Tous ceux qui aiment la Moselle : habitant ou pas, expatrié, amoureux de
la Moselle, toute personne qui a un lien avec le territoire, a été conquis par
son état d'esprit et souhaite contribuer à sa promotion.
L'ambassadeur partage les valeurs, l'état d'esprit et le positionnement "Sans
limite" de la marque et peut participer activement au développement de son
Nous sommes persuadés que le développement de la Moselle se fera avec
toutes les forces vives et sera la somme des mobilisations individuelles et
collectives pour faire émerger les projets et talents de demain.
Vos missions en tant qu'ambassadeur sont liées
à vos activités, vos prises de parole ou vos actions
ayant un lien avec le territoire.
Le rayonnement du département et de la marque MOSL
seront la somme de toutes les réalisations communes de la
marque et de ses ambassadeurs.
entreprises, start-up,
jeunes talents, artistes,
sportifs, créatifs...


Hi Kennedy,

Thank you for reaching out. Before we can get a quote to you, there are a couple of questions we need to understand.

Can you please tell me the language you are interested in and the use case?
Which Operating System does it need supported?
Do you need any additional packages/modules or are you interested in our out-of-the-box distribution for those specific languages?
What is the number of instances?
Timeframe for going into production?

I hope to hear back from you soon.

Thank you,
Ernest Pau
Enterprise Solutions Advocate

,???osszfrqp???, Software
Dir: +tx EXT. 556
Tel: +971253

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Welcome to KYaoEW. To activate your txomuqyc account you must first verify your email address by clicking this link.


If the link above did not work, you can copy and paste the full URL from your mail client into your web browser. The URL should be a single line, if your mail client splits it into multiple lines, copy and paste each line separately.



Thanks for your email! We aim to respond to emails within one business day.

Craig Levy

2003 - Reservados todos los derechos

¿Puedes ayudarme? Yo no sé nada de tu escuela. ¿Es grande? ¿Sabes tú


In providing services for third-party/contract recruiters, University policy requires that:
1. Third-party/contract recruiters operate in congruence with the university policy of Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action and do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, or national origin. An employer or agency using the services of Career Development understands
that compliance with all related federal and state statutes and regulations is required for initiation or
continuance of Career Development.
2. Third-party/contract recruiters will abide by the Principles for Third-Party Recruiters as described in the NACE
Principles for Professional Practice.
3. All positions listed by third-party/contract recruiters with Career Development be fee paid by the employer.
4. Third-party/contract recruiters will provide information about their operations and services to Career
Development for candidate review. That information may accompany this form, or be forwarded under
separate cover.
5. It will be the responsibility of the candidate to contact the third-party/contract recruiter. Candidate names
and/or information concerning candidates will not be released to third-party/contract recruiters unless
candidates provide a written release, signed and dated by the candidate, for that specific agency. Federal law
requires that confidential letters not be shared with candidates.
Organizations can further advertise position vacancies through the Xavier University newspaper, The Newswire.
Xavier requires hiring organizations to understand the laws pertaining to paid and unpaid (“volunteerships”)
internship experiences as they relate to the Department of Labor’s 6-factor test and the Fair Labor Standards Act
(FLSA). These laws require an employer to pay an intern/trainee minimum wage in accordance with FLSA or
applicable state minimum wage laws unless the primary benefit is with the student/trainee/intern.
Many academic departments at Xavier University offer credit-bearing courses for internship experiences. Academic
departments determine all eligibility requirements, number of credit hours, etc. Employers and students should be
referred to their internship coordinator or department chair to find out whether the internship does meet
requirements for academic credit. The award of academic credit does not waive the minimum wage requirement (see
FLSA link above).
Career Development Office
PH: 513-745-4886
Xavier University
530 Conaton Learning Commons
3800 Victory Pkwy, Cincinnati, OH 45207

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Voter Information

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Steps to take if you are a victim of a scam
§ Identify the situation. Did you give out any personal information? If so, target the areas that
you think may be compromised and work with banks, your credit card company, or other
entities to ensure best safety measures. This may include closing bank or email accounts that
were jeopardized or ordering credit reports to scan for any unusual activity.
§ Document everything! This will help the University or law enforcement better assist you and
ensure that others may be warned in the future.
Campus resources available to you:
§ UT Police Department: 512-471-4441
§ UT Legal Services for students:
§ Career Service Offices:
University Career Services and The University of Texas at Austin’s college/school career service offices
take measures to help protect students from fraudulent internship/job postings on campus job boards.
While our moderators vet all positions and employers as best we can, we cannot take responsibility for
each position. This information is to help educate students to further protect themselves when
searching for employment.


posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:24 PM


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