Popular Housing Programs For Isaac

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Hello Isaac,

Making ends meet is never easy when you decide between covering your phone vs. a roof over your head.  

Resources are immediately available for folks in need. 

Isaac, see what you qualify for today.

Susan Taylor
Support Representative


posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:17 PM 0 comments

Get Your Resume Job Search Ready


Now that you are set to search for a new job, the only roadblock would be how fine tuned your resume is. The recruiter gets the first impression of the job applicants from the resume you send. When the stakes are high, ensure that your resume is at its best. Here's how to do it:

1. Set the right parameters first

A resume is never a one-size-fits all. The job you want to apply to should determine the fields that come first and those that follow. Your experience should come out clearly because that is what most hiring managers check first. The second aspect is to consider the length of your resume. How long it is will depend on your experience, if you have been working for less than three years, aim for one page. Job seekers with more than three year's experience can get to two pages.

2. Have the basics in check

Regardless of the industry or the job you are applying to, there are certain must-haves for every resume. They include work, job titles, years worked on every position and the responsibilities. Remember to include your contact information too.

3. Consider keywords

Recruiters are now opting to use software to filter out candidates that aren't suited for the position based on a set of keywords. The keywords are usually phrases that relate to the job directly. For instance an inspector role would require someone with strong research skills. Take the time to consider important keywords and ensure you feature them on your resume. Do not overuse the words.

4. Increase your odds

Getting past the short listing stage requires more than skills. Your resume should highlight the relevant skills. Although you have tons of experience and skills to showcase on your resume, the recruiter wants to see the ones that fit the position you are applying to.


Unsubscribe | Update your profile | PO Box 1175 #17191, Cincinnati, OH 45201

posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:33 PM 0 comments

Relief Programs For Isaac (please review)

This email was sent to isaachobart@gmail.com by Natalie@financialhealthsupport.net

Salius Marketing, Inc. 301 W. Platt St., #616, Tampa, FL 33606

posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:40 PM 0 comments

Reminder - Isaac - Verification Needed

Hello Isaac,

I wanted to make sure you got this before I head out of the office.

Many people may not realize that there was a fourth round given to specific individuals.

Are you a part of those that will receive it?

Find out now here, Isaac.

Susan Taylor
Support Representative 

posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:25 PM 0 comments

Isaac - TANF: Government assistance program

Hello Isaac,

The US Government is providing a program called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

Improving the well-being of US citizens for a better future.

Check your eligibility now here - Isaac.

Good luck!

Susan Taylor
Support Representative 

posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:41 AM 0 comments

Reminder - Isaac - Federal Financial Help (please review)

This email was sent to isaachobart@gmail.com by Natalie@financialhealthsupport.net

Salius Marketing, Inc. 301 W. Platt St., #616, Tampa, FL 33606

posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:32 AM 0 comments

Here to help (Energy Assistance)


Did you know that you can lower the expenses of your energy consumption at your home?

The government is providing Home Energy Assistance Program to help families afford home energy services.

Read the full article here

While every state is different, a lot of states also help with energy-related home repairs as well as weatherization. They provide these assistance options as well because they also want to try to reduce the ongoing consumption of energy per household.

Good Luck!


In Partnership with Dailyprosper.com

Unsubscribe | Update your profile | PO Box 1505 #17191, Austin, TX 78767

posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:29 AM 0 comments

Isaac - Continuum of Care (CoC) Program & More

Hello Isaac,

Over the past two years, CoC has been updated to help people in need.

Our article outline an easy-to-read guide on how to to get it.

Isaac - Click here for information on getting the support you deserve.

Susan Taylor
Support Representative 

posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:41 AM 0 comments

Facing Your Fears About Returning To School

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Anyone who's been out of an academic setting for a number of years understands first hand all the anxieties associated with going back to school. After being out of high school for only five years, I had all sorts of worries. It wasn't like there was one concern to overcome and then the rest would all come together. There wеrе lоtѕ оf rеаѕоnѕ tо bе аfrаіd and that's why the thought оf higher education ѕеtѕ оff the раnіс buttоn fоr ѕо mаnу. A growing number of career colleges and vocational training schools now offer bachelor's and graduate degree programs oriented toward working adults. Pеорlе frequently enroll іn саrееr соllеgеѕ tо асԛuіrе nеw ѕkіllѕ or enhance their knowledge.

Unfortunately in most time, many would-be adult students who desire to position themselves for a career change or return to college do not do so because of fear. A growing number of career colleges and vocational training schools now offer bachelor's and graduate degree programs oriented toward working adults. Strategies for banishing the fears you have related to returning to school. By the end of this, you'll feel confident returning to college, whether virtually or physically.

1. Admit your fear
Fear is real. It is deeply human to be afraid. In fact, in many ways fears serves a good purpose in our lives. It keeps us from blindly walking into oncoming traffic or deciding its fun to wrestle a wild bear. There are physical, chemical aspects of fear as well. Your body goes into fight or flight mode when you're afraid. You can't overcome fear if you don't first admit that it's there.

For those with concerns about attending сlаѕѕеѕ with younger adults, mаnу сlаѕѕеѕ саn now be completed rеmоtеlу entirely online. Also, a growing numbers of middle-aged adults are now returning to college to pursue or finish their degree, and many adults find they actually enjoy interacting and learning with younger students who are enthusiastic about education.

2. Pursue Your Passion
Perhaps fаmіlу pressure to fоllоw іn others' footsteps influenced уоur first attempts at obtaining a degree, оr mауbе уоu just weren't interested in your initial chosen degree path. But now, you may have found a career you are passionate about, a hobby that you would love to delve into professionally full time, or volunteer work that opened your eyes to a new life goal. There's no need to worry about getting the highest grade or meeting familial expectations anymore, because, if you are passionate about what you are learning, you are more likely to succeed. Love what you do, and the learning will follow.

3. Fear Won't Learn Anything New or Valuable
Working professionals often become concerned that returning to school will not significantly benefit them. In other words, they feel that they will not learn anything new they haven't learned working or that will develop skills that will improve their marketability in the job market.

However, mоѕt реорlе who have rеturnеd tо college as an adult and completed their degree on campus оr online wіll tеll уоu the еxасt орроѕіtе. College classes at accredited schools are taught by qualified professors with expertise and experience in the subject they teach, and classes at most career colleges are staffed by working professionals with in-depth backgrounds and experience in the subject they teach. Whether students decide to attend a campus-based program or complete their degree online, they will still learn new things they never considered and benefit from the opportunity of interacting with other students and experienced professionals.

4. Go one step at a time
While it's essential to always keep the end goal in mind, if you try to go more than one step at a time, you can easily become stressed out. Think of it like any big project. When you're building a house, it can seem like a huge, overwhelming endeavor. But if you break it down into a simple, step-by-step process, it can be done.

The same goes for returning to school. As a whole, the prospect can seem terrifying. It can seem big and vague and confusing and overwhelming. When that happens, figure out the next step. Is the next step to register for classes? Set up your computer? Purchase your textbooks? Do one thing at a time, then move to the next? By focusing only on the task in front of you, you can avoid the panicky feeling that comes when you try to bite off too much. Plus, there are real scientific benefits to setting and achieving small goals.

One of the greatest challenges facing adult students is between skills learned and skills needed to perform in the workplace. Yоu wіll оftеn hear ѕtоrіеѕ about people in their thirties, forties and fifties who get lаіd off оr "lеt gо" and аrе rерlасеd by younger, more computer savvy, social media-savvy workers. After working for the same company for many years, adults are being dismissed from their jobs because the skill set necessary to perform their jobs has changed in recent years.


Unsubscribe | Update your profile | PO Box 1175 #17191, Cincinnati, OH 45201

posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:46 PM 0 comments

The Maximum SSI/SSDI Benefits

Hello Isaac,

Hope everything is going well with you.

Due to a recent update, you could qualify to receive up to $3,345 / month in benefits from the Social Security Administration.

Isaac, see what you could qualify to receive here

Make sure to check what you qualify for immediately, as a delay could cause your benefits to get denied.

Best wishes,

In partnership with dailyprosper.com

301 W. Platt St. ,#616, Tampa, FL 33606

posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:00 PM 0 comments

Isaac - Federal Help Is Available (details enclosed)

This email was sent to isaachobart@gmail.com by Natalie@financialhealthsupport.net

Salius Marketing, Inc. 301 W. Platt St., #616, Tampa, FL 33606

posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:39 PM 0 comments

Isaac (Time Sensitive) Federal Assistance

Hello Isaac,

It would be a shame if you missed out on this, but it is important to know that there is help.

If assistance is immediately available, why wait?

See what's available to you here, Isaac.

Susan Taylor
Support Representative 

posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:17 PM 0 comments

Updated Notification For Isaac

Hello Isaac,

There are plenty of programs created by HUD.

Our article outlines a guide for applicants to find out which programs they're eligible.

See what you are eligible for here, Isaac.

Susan Taylor
Support Representative

posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:40 AM 0 comments

Isaac - Help With Groceries

Hello Isaac,

Are you struggling to cover food but unsure how to get help?

Fortunately, there have been updates to the SNAP program.

Here's a simple guide to understanding it.

See if your eligibility here, Isaac.

Susan Taylor
Support Representative 

posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:24 AM 0 comments

Reminder - Isaac - EBT is available

This email was sent to isaachobart@gmail.com by Natalie@financialhealthsupport.net

Salius Marketing, Inc. 301 W. Platt St., #616, Tampa, FL 33606

posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:49 AM 0 comments

Available Housing Information


If you are in a situation where you are searching for an affordable housing program, but you're not finding what you need from the Housing Coalition (NLIHC)

They can still help you, as they provide valuable resources, including a Rental Housing Database as well as a Renters In Foreclosure Toolkit. Both are available on the NLIHC website and can help you connect to other programs.

In our latest article, we discuss the NLIHC and the resources they provide you with to find an affordable housing option.

Check out our article from here to know more.


In Partnership with Dailyprosper.com

Unsubscribe | Update your profile | PO Box 1505 #17191, Austin, TX 78767

posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:36 AM 0 comments

Housing Assistance Opportunities For Isaac

Hello Isaac,

If you are a person (or know a person) that faces financial struggle to cover housing expenses, then you should know there is support available for you.

Our article outlines a guide for applicants to find out which programs they're eligible.

See what you are eligible for here, Isaac.

Susan Taylor
Support Representative 

posted by Isaac Hobart at 6:32 AM 0 comments

Isaac - EBT is available now

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Hello Isaac,

We've assembled a simple guide to understanding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Would you like to be one of those receiving it?

Isaac - Find out now here.

Susan Taylor
Support Representative


posted by Isaac Hobart at 10:34 PM 0 comments

Isaac - [NOTICE] Need to Boost Your Situation?

  This email was sent to isaachobart@gmail.com by Karen@readyhomeassistnewsletter.com

PO Box 5750 #17191, Huntsville, AL 35814 US

posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:31 PM 0 comments

Isaac - Federal Assistance (pending)

  This email was sent to isaachobart@gmail.com by Susan@readyhomeassistnewsletter.com

PO Box 5750 #17191, Huntsville, AL 35814 US

posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:31 PM 0 comments

Important Update - Isaac - American Relief Program

  This email was sent to isaachobart@gmail.com by Barbara@readyhomeassistnewsletter.com

PO Box 5750 #17191, Huntsville, AL 35814 US

posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:03 PM 0 comments