
Now that you are set to search for a new job, the only roadblock would be how fine tuned your resume is. The recruiter gets the first impression of the job applicants from the resume you send. When the stakes are high, ensure that your resume is at its best. Here's how to do it:

1. Set the right parameters first

A resume is never a one-size-fits all. The job you want to apply to should determine the fields that come first and those that follow. Your experience should come out clearly because that is what most hiring managers check first. The second aspect is to consider the length of your resume. How long it is will depend on your experience, if you have been working for less than three years, aim for one page. Job seekers with more than three year's experience can get to two pages.

2. Have the basics in check

Regardless of the industry or the job you are applying to, there are certain must-haves for every resume. They include work, job titles, years worked on every position and the responsibilities. Remember to include your contact information too.

3. Consider keywords

Recruiters are now opting to use software to filter out candidates that aren't suited for the position based on a set of keywords. The keywords are usually phrases that relate to the job directly. For instance an inspector role would require someone with strong research skills. Take the time to consider important keywords and ensure you feature them on your resume. Do not overuse the words.

4. Increase your odds

Getting past the short listing stage requires more than skills. Your resume should highlight the relevant skills. Although you have tons of experience and skills to showcase on your resume, the recruiter wants to see the ones that fit the position you are applying to.


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