
Distance learning could mean taking online classes, receiving course work via mail, watching a televised course or even participating in virtual study activities. Whatever type you opt for, you should understand that distance learning is different from traditional learning, and it requires special tactics to succeed. Creating achievable goals, creating time for study and understanding the course objectives are some of the tips for succeeding as a distance learning student.

1. Understand your objectives and create your goals

Take time to understand what is expected of you with regards to community participation, time investment, examinations, and homework deadlines. Understanding the course oriented goals will keep you at par with everything and save you unnecessary surprises throughout your learning experience. However, one of the vital aspects to success as an adult learner is defining your personal goals. Handling resources and time will be easier when you have an objective than when you don't.

2. Prepare for challenges

Loss of motivation on the learners' side might lead to high dropout rate. The truth is that studying as an adult comes with its fair share of challenges. When you are not motivated to learn, you might have to give up along the way or become distracted by obstacles. Life in itself is an obstacle. You have to take care of kids and still do well at work. Before signing up for college, make sure you understand the challenges you may face and develop strategies of handling them.

3. Plan your time

Here are some things that you must do:

l You should study

l You have to listen to lecturers

l You should practice what you learn

If you have a household to run and working full-time, time may seem like a rare resource. Before joining college, take time to consult your schedule, and ensure that you can create time for studying. That way, you will know what to expect from the onset.


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