Hey Isaac,

Going back to college as an adult is never an easy decision. However, it can be tougher when you do not consider all aspects of your life. It's best for you to tackle these issues early to eliminate unnecessary stress from your learning experience.

1. Which degree should you earn in what school? Start y evaluating why you want to go back to school in the first place. Do you want to advance your career? Are you looking to change careers? Knowing the purpose will help you decide the course that will help you achieve your objectives. Next, you should choose the preferred college, depending on whether the course you want to take is available and its location.

2. Full-time or part-time? The next decision you should make is the study module. Evaluate your schedule and see if full-time classes would be more suitable than part-time classes and vice versa. If you go for full-time studying, you should have enough money to cater for schooling in that you don't have to work. Also, your family responsibilities should be minimal.

3. Family support Deciding to study as an adult is challenging, so you should make sure you have your family's support. Changes in family life can be challenging to everyone, including your children and spouse. That is why one ought to discuss the decision with family members. Ask them to support your decision and explain how it will affect them, so that that they can prepare for the changes.

4. Financial impact on your lifestyle The financial implications of attending school have become more complex than they were years back. School will drain some of your resources, which means that you won't have as much money as you had at your disposal before joining school. Evaluate your lifestyle and look at where you can eliminate unnecessary expenditures, reduce your expenses and cut back on leisure.



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