Hey Isaac,

Whether you are going to campus for the first time or are going back to complete your studies, you should understand your learning style if you want to have an effective learning experience. There are several ways to be prepared for a college degree. One of them is to make best use of your study time.

1. Study your books before commencing studies

One of the first ways adults should prepare for school is by reading the course books before attending the first class. Unfortunately, most students fail to pay attention to this fact and they end up starting their course on low footing. When you are well acquitted with the course work, you will have an easier time understanding the lessons. You will also be able to answer questions in class, which is one of the ways of being an outstanding student.

2. Learn different note taking styles

The second step towards a successful adult education experience is to understand the various note taking styles. You have to take notes, both in and out of the classroom. Make sure you take some quick notes when the teacher is in class, so that you have a guideline of what you should study. When doing your personal study, take time to make elaborate notes. You can use mobile applications for this.

3. Talk to your teachers

You can improve your learning skills by consulting your teachers. Ask them about a unit and take it from there. Your teacher is the best person to approach for advice on how to study. However hard it might be to believe, even the teacher went to school to get their degree. Therefore, they understand how it's like to be a student.

4. Read many times

When you do not understand a unit, read it as many times as possible. It doesn't hurt to re read a topic, as long as you understand its contents.



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