Hello Isaac,

It's important to know that education opens the doors to a completely new world of jobs and dream careers!

Education is the best gift one can give oneself. There are plenty of educational opportunities available for those who seek to further their economic goals in life. A good college education is the best option for this. Although experience is essential, a lifetime of experience will not help to achieve the same level of education that an undergraduate college course will impart.

Every level of college degree increases the earning potential. For instance, a year long degree course in any technical field will provide higher advancement in the career as compared to a high school diploma and the earning potential will increase manifold in case the individual upgrades from the associate degree program to a bachelor's degree.

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By the same logic, graduate students who opt to study for the master's degree have a greater earning potential as compared to the majority of students who start working after attaining the bachelor's degree.

A college degree and education in general, is never a waste. Even though your degree may not be of use in the job that you are applying for, the fact that you have a degree will give you an edge over the other job applicants. Therefore, it is vital to have a college degree and formal education if you wish to gain a foothold in today's competitive job market and business environment.

I hope this helps,



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