Hey Isaac,

I hope you're not having a bad week! Have a look at this, I think it could help.

Do you have an injury or illness that prevents you from working?

You may be able to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)!

Find more information here!

This is a government run program that awards people who are down on their luck.

This extra income allows people to maintain a healthy standard of living while they are unable to work.

They provide up to $3,627 a month to people who really need it!

See how much you're able to qualify for here, Isaac!

You may think that your ailment doesn't count towards SSDI, but you could be wrong.

There is an extensive list of different injuries, illnesses, and ailments that leads to acceptance into this program.

Learn about what conditions are covered here!

I hope this helps you find the help you need!

Best wishes,

Account Manager

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