
Hi, How're you doing? I'm Elango from Site24x7 support, and I'll be your point of contact during your evaluation period. Reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. In the meanwhile, here are some quick links to help you get started. Getting started with Site24x7 What is a monitor? Join our live product demo for free by registering here. We also have an interesting line-up of webinars on various topics for you, Book your spot for free. Add a new Website Monitor | Server Monitor | APM Insight Monitor | Others Happy Monitoring! Elango Vimal Email: Help Guide | Knowledge Base | Blogs | Forums | Free Webinars Site24x7 You are receiving this transactional email because you have an account in Site24x7. The account administrator in your organization is. If you have any other queries, contact support at Join us at our next Pro Bono Program event on March 9, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. CT, virtually or in person at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The event welcomes all current and aspiring entrepreneurs interested in learning more about succeeding in business. Registration is required. Seats for in-person attendance are limited, so register now to secure your spot. Registered attendees will be emailed instructions for joining virtually or in-person prior to the event. Leaders in the intellectual property (IP) and small business community will share their stories and tips on how to protect your IP via patents and trademarks, and how to access resources for starting and maintaining a successful business. This event is part of the United States Patent and Trademark Office?s (USPTO) Pro Bono Program, a collaboration between the USPTO and 21 independently-operated academic and nonprofit regional programs. Collectively, the 21 regional programs match financially underresourced inventors with patent practitioners in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. For more information about the Pro Bono Program or the regional program in your area, visit the program?s page on the USPTO website. For questions about this event, please contact probonousptogo Stay connected with the USPTO by subscribing to regular email updates. Visit our subscription center at wwwusptogosubscribe to update or change your email preferences. This email was sent from an unmonitored mailbox. To contact us, please visit our website wwwusptogoaboutcontacts. To ensure that you continue to receive our news and notices, please modify your email filters to allow mail from subscriptioncentersubscriptionsusptogo Thanks for joining Five Minute Finance. Congratulations on now being part of a community of over 11,000 (and growing) investors. www.wikipedia.org Our turf represents everyone from professional traders, VCs, everyday investors, and apes who chase stonks that only go up. We?re all about one thing: filtering through all the heavy noise out there to deliver the important stuff. If you?re at all familiar with finance ? from traditional finance, to Bitcoin, to DeFi, to stonks and the impending MOASS ? then you know how difficult it is to figure out what?s really happening behind the scenes. There are a million different media outlets and Twitter influencers, but the problem is that they all say something different. More importantly, what?s the motive behind their message? Our mission, each week, is to figure out what?s actually happening. Then, we package it in a way that even my grandmother could understand. And we take this stuff seriously. So much so, that Newsguard ? an independent company that determines trust ratings and judges journalistic integrity for news outlets?gave Tokenist a 100/100 rating. Our research goes deep, because it should. It?s really that simple. Five Minute Finance will be sent out once per week, every Friday morning (EST). If you ever want to leave, you can?and seriously, no hard feelings. Each email will have a link at the bottom where you can unsubscribe. But we?re extremely confident that once you get a taste, you?re only going to want more! www.craigslist.org Keep an eye out for the next edition!

posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:42 AM


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