Hello Isaac,

More people are delivering a full day's work without stepping in the office. It is now clear that you can work from home comfortably and productively. However, you will want to grow and flourish in your career, something that requires additional effort. Balancing life and career while working from home is not easy, but these tips will help.

Set goals

Whatever goals you plan to achieve, you must learn to stay focused. Getting what you want will mean you avoid distractions, follow the ground rules, advance your career and designate time to spend with your family. Maintaining a work-life balance will require you to prioritize these goals ahead of your daily routine. To attain your goals, you should break them into a succession of smaller goals. Begin with your general vision then work backwards until you attain what you desire. Leave sticky notes on your desk and set phone reminders. Evaluate your progress regularly.

Work the right amount

Unfortunately, working remotely does not make this easy. Unlike working from an office where you have set timelines, operating from home means you get to organize your time as per your liking. The problem comes in when you spend your entire day working and therefore neglecting your personal duties. Other times you might be caught up in household chores and you forget about your work. To solve this, create a program that you will be following every day.

Get organized

Develop routines and systems that will allow you to stay organized, both when working and during breaks. It means that you should get everybody involved including your kids, create a family calendar that keeps track of everybody's activities. That way, everyone is aware of what they should be doing and they should follow it without fail. It will take come effort to implement the various ways of staying organized. Find something that works for you and stick to it.

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