Hey Isaac,

When you are working from home, there are no physical boundaries between personal life and work. Even when you are organized, it might be difficult to manage working in the same place you live. Although you might not be able to draw the line between professional and personal, there are strategies you can employ to integrate the various aspects of your life.

1. Dress up

When working in an office, putting on work-appropriate attire was part of your routine. Although you might be tempted to stay in your pajamas, you ought to recognize what effect it could have on your efficiency. You do not have to put on heels and a suit, but wear something that shows you are not going to bed.

2. Communicate

One of the disadvantages of working remotely is that it might create a disconnect; both with your team and the typical work structure. Therefore, you ought to keep ties with team mates and communicate as often as you can. Try as much as possible to have regular video calls and keep in tabs with the trends in the industry.

3. Take breaks

Most home-based professionals do not take some time off. Avoid working non-stop for extended periods, as this might affect your productivity. If you have an errand to run or an appointment to attend to, allow yourself time to do these things. Besides, the whole point of working remotely is the freedom you get to enjoy. You should however avoid unnecessary distractions.

4. Have a designated work space

Just like putting on work outfit, it is also important to set aside some space from where you will be operating. Choose a room or a portion of the room where you feel you will be most productive. Find a working desk and put it in that space. Your mini office should feel like a regular workplace. That way, you will enhance your efficiency.

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