Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Hi, isaachobar 𝒫𝐿𝑒𝒶𝒮𝑒__𝒞𝟢𝓃𝒻𝒾𝓇𝓂
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Moving through the stages of life and meeting each on its own terms is the supreme art of living =TBUSIDKDQ the ultimate test of self-respect and self-love.
Often, what most blunts our vitality is the tendency for the momentum of a past stage to steer the present one, even though our priorities and passions have changed beyond recognition
often led to believe that getting older is in itself somehow a betrayal of our idealistic younger self, but sometimes I think it might be the other way around. Maybe the younger self finds it difficult to inhabit its true potential because it has no idea what that potential is.
It is a kind of unformed thing running scared most of the time, frantically trying to build its sense of self =AIUVVXSCL This is me! Here I am! =SUHMYGQVM in any way that it can. But then time and life come along, and smash that sense of self into a million pieces.
Then comes the reassembled self, the self you have to put back together.
WDC338HGOBNL1QYQKMDXZVMBAPAS126WJTHCKWIGX5EXYS1ZFDOQ62R26I866IBK74ML73E96IWMMWBOMFUWBPC52PA73YVVNI4Z2DY8X2VYou no longer have to devote time to finding out what you are, you are just free to be whatever you want to be, unimpeded by the incessant needs of others. You somehow grow into the fullness of your humanity, form your own character, become a proper person =AZXQCNHWB I don=E2=80=99t know, someone who has become a part of things, not someone separated from or at odds with the world.
After years of travel, I=pclgdid begun to wonder what kind of paradise can ever be found in a world of unceasing conflict =DIHZWIYCW and whether the very search for it might not simply aggravate our differences.
And the natural place to embark upon such an inquiry =BPOJDDBAH should we discard the notion of heaven entirely? =BDIGFZKZJ seemed to be the culture that had given us both our word for paradise and some of our most soulful images of it.
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RockAuto February Newsletter | Early Edition Read About: + Standard Motor Products GDI Fuel Injectors + New RockAuto Commercial + "Automotive Fuel Type" Trivia + "Why Listen to Experience?" Blunder + Old Fashioned Problems With New Cars + Dakota's 1973 Cadillac Eldorado + And More... Zoomalia B71EMJKX8G3A76WH5Q4R--39I5REM0WALLLGGMELZFV--OVOBKE9RASZ7PAH2BJ---------------------------------------547TL1P1F9EPTD--N29KO7W3CYDOKI1--1OCKYPHK5OWZAH38 YFPB2N7SPA6L1CC9A6OX--6PUAEMFCI35IH9WSU9F81--RG7VL13O27J4JMJIXN---------------------------------------25QJP3LELCLCDE--P6D3NAIZXALCNU3--NPMEIVU7OJRLWYP6 isaachobar, we're donating all certificate revenue this weekend to Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief Funds. Join us!
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posted by Isaac Hobart at 10:45 AM
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