Hey Isaac,

When working from your home, you have the luxury to make it whatever you please. There are no committees telling you not to hung posters or drink coffee at your desk. Now that you have the freedom to design your office, you ought to consider its impact on the environment. Check out these ideas.

1. Go for a laptop instead of a desktop

Are you aware that laptops consume 80 percent less electricity than desktops? They can also function on a third to a fifth of energy. Although it might seem insignificant, the overall effect on the environment is considerable. Energy efficiency also varies depending on the model and the make, so go for one that suits your needs.

2. Take note of furniture materials

Most people practice appropriate habits with regards to their home office, but are not cautious about the items they purchase. Consequently, they might end up buying desks that are made from fiberboard or particleboard. Such materials require high energy to produce and are not favorable to the environment. Opt for eco-friendly materials like bamboo; they are stylish and attractive too.

3. Minimize your dependence on paper

Considering the several communication methods such as text messaging, vide chatting and email, there is barely need for printing anymore. Be mindful of the environment by resorting to use of paper only when other means are unavailable. Reducing your dependence on paper is essential in sustaining earthly resources.

4. Use of non-toxic materials

Cleaning materials will disinfect your house and get rid of pathogens, but they might also destroy the environment. Now that you spend a lot of time in the office and are in contact with the surfaces, you ought to be cautious with regards to the cleaning materials you use. Go for non-toxic cleaning materials where necessary. It implies that you should check the ingredients every time before buying.

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