Hey Isaac,

Once you settle on remote working, the first step is to create conducive working space. Once you have a suitable office design in mind, you are now ready to take up the next step – making it work. Check out these ideas on how to set up an office at home.

Clear, build, replace, clean

Above all, your office space should be efficient. You might have the best design idea, but it will not amount to much unless you pull it together. The steps below will make the process easier.

l Remove all existing furniture or items from the space or room you have chosen as your office. If you settle for a closet, remove all the clothes. This will enable you to start on a bare level; thus you can fill in your office design ideas.

l If you require remodeling, do it now. It may include demolishing the existing partitions and shelves.

l Install any fixtures that you require in the office. Things such as cable outlets, wall partitions and electricity should be installed in the office space while it is still empty.

l Clean and paint the space. If you want to hang light fixtures, use wallpaper or add floor coverings, this is the right moment.

l Bring in the office furniture. Now that the basic set up is in place, you can arrange the office equipment and furniture in its place.

l Before you bring in the small items, make sure you are satisfied with the layout and the arrangement. At this point, you may now place the wall hangings, chalkboards, whiteboard and other items.

Have an open mind with regards to home office ideas

A good remote working office means that you should work efficiently. Even the best designs can be improved. Therefore, do not be close minded to new ideas. If you feel that an adjustment would enhance your working conditions, do not shy from implementing it.

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