Hey Isaac,

The older you get, the more you realize the number of times that you have been duped into purchasing things you didn't require. Besides, you can learn to do without some things all together if you really don't need them. Get rid of these items from your grocery list and save money than before with DIY experimentation or cheaper substitutes than before.

1. Deodorant

You don't have to spend money on deodorants, yet you can use natural and inexpensive alternatives. Lemons are a perfect natural deodorant. Citric acid gets rid or odor and kills bacteria. Cut the lemon into wedges and use the juice on your armpits. Make sure that the whole area is wet. The best part is that you can use one wedge for both armpits severally until it dries out, which can be over a week. However, avoid applying after a fresh shave.

2. Mouthwash

You can save money by using saltwater to rinse your mouth, which costs a few cents, as opposed to $7 on a bottle of mouthwash. Mix warm water with salt and you get the cheapest mouthwash. Alternatively, you can use apple cider vinegar. Use a cup of filtered water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to get a cheap and effective mouthwash.

3. Shaving cream

Sub in hair conditioner or bar soap instead of spending money on shaving cream. Use the nearly empty bottle of conditioner the next time you want to shave. Bar soap and conditioner are not good choices for facial shaves. Therefore, try aloe vera or shave soap. When using aloe vera, apply it directly to your face or apply an affordable gel. It is also an excellent option for aftershave.

4. Cleaning rags

Use clothes that are not fit for donation, old undershirts, or leftover fabric as cleaning rags. Tear them into pieces, as you remove any buttons. They last longer than most clean rugs that you have previously bought.

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