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Remote working has its ups and downs. For parents hoping to have a career-life balance, working from home is a plus. Here are some of the advantages of working from home as a parent.

1. Spend more time with your children

The ever busy career space barely allows parents to have time with their kids. The result of this is out rightly negative, considering that children require parental guidance and care. However, remote working has changed the status. Today, parents can be part of their kids' routine every day. They can see them off to school and receive them when they get home. You can make meals for them and even help them do their assignments.

2. Maintain or increase your income

Parents who have left their careers to raise their children often have to lose their income. Also, getting back into the workforce after such a long break is often a hurdle, and sometimes it is impossible. However, remote working allows parents to continue running their careers while caring for their young ones. This means that they continue to earn an income.

3. Gain a sense of contentment and control

When you work from home, you are in control of your schedule. There is no boss to remind you that work should be done, but you have to complete it anyway. Therefore, you have to plan your time in a way that all the work will be complete as and when required. In the end, it results in a feeling of freedom and contentment.

4. Save money

The highlight of working remotely is that you get to save money in the long run. To start with, you will not be spending money on commute. Secondly, you do not have to buy new clothes for getting to work. Thirdly, you will take lunch from home, so no spending on lunches. Fourthly, if you are lucky enough, you might save cash on childcare expenses.

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