Dear Colleagues, It is with great pleasure that I am announcing the 3rd Edition of the New Direct Injection 2-Stroke Engines International Workshop and Conference taking place on February 13-14, 2020 at IFP School. The 2nd Edition was already organized by IFP School on February 15, 2018 with the help of a team of highlymotivated students. We were able to bring together 80 professionals and 30 students from 14 different countries. According to the participants feedback, what was mostly appreciated were first, the opportunity of networking within the scientific and technical 2-Stroke community; second, the high quality of the presentations and speakers, and the possibility to have a global up to date overview on the 2-stroke engine topic and on its various applications. The participants also enjoyed being part of an enthusiastic assembly,with a positive energy focused on the future of 2-stroke engines. Finally, almost 100 % of them expressed their interest in attending a 3rd Edition. The success of the 2018 event confirmed the worldwide interest in DI two-stroke engines for some specific and well adapted applications, thanks to its advantages of lightweight, compactness, high efficiency and high specific power. This encouraged us to decide to organize this new 2020 edition. Like the previous editions, the aim of this conference is again to share the latest research and development results on the new generation of DI 2-stroke engines from several companies (manufacturers, suppliers, engineering companies) and research institutions and to develop the networking in this field. When you will discover this 2-day Conference program, you will see the new dimension of this 2020 event. <!--NLE16P3KDLKY4O6--> <!--14IXI73J8QH03SJFZMALYSEQ8--> <!--IKYPWWKITYHJ3S6UJJ757TXV7WIYZHGHDLM--> <!--G7U7TQ2DY8EV8XOPQXJUU6J8OWEZ6H7CEDRVDTMXDCPSZ--> <!--264LEZT9ZBU5KOXC6NRNNAYJQNKBQGS7C4GH6ESE1BF7ESR6XZYFWM1--> Compared to 2018, the number of presentations almost doubled, and the international dimension has been greatly increased with speakers from all over the world (Europe, Israel, USA, Canada, Japan, China, India, Australia). We also introduced new important topics such as the aerial application, low speed large marine engines, and a new panel session on the ���Crossed views on the future of 2-stroke engines applications���. During the last 30 years, the conventional carbureted 2-stroke engine started to progressively disappear because of its high pollution. In parallel, number of worldwide researchers worked to develop a new generation of clean and efficient 2-stroke engines while keeping the 2-stroke cycle���s inherent advantages of simplicity, light weightiness, compactness, low friction and pumping losses, double cycle frequency, high specific power, etc. These new 2-stroke engines are generally based on the use of direct fuel injection ,technology combined with innovative combustion processes. Thanks to these technologies, the 2-stroke engine can meet the most stringent emissions limits while demonstrating for some application significant fuel consumption advantages compared to its 4-stroke counterpart. This new international workshop and conference is then expected to cover all the main current directions in the development of new DI 2-stroke engines for almost every possible application, on water, on land, in the air, between the hands; from the smallest hand-held engines to the biggest marine engines in the world. Therefore, with my colleagues of the Organizing and Technical Committees, we are pleased to invite you to attend the third edition of this unique international event. We are looking forward to seeing you next February 2020 at IFP School. Workshop & Conference Chair Pierre DURET Director, Powertrains & Sustainable Mobility, IFP School

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