Content-Type: text/plain; one: Property Owner Property Manager Caretaker Key Holder I hereby request a 30 day 180 day letter and authorize the Sheriff to act as my agent regarding any trespass violation: Date Signat 8. If you accidentally start a fire and are found negligent, you may be held liable for all suppression costs or citations, as well as any damages to surrounding properties. 9. Contact the Fire Prevention Bureau with questions at 760-643-2801 Dear Property Owner: The Upper Peninsula (U.P.) of Michigan is in need of additional power generation. In January, Upper Michigan Energy Resources Corporation (UMERC) filed an application with the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) for approval to construct two natural gas-fueled generation facilities â€" one in Baraga County and the other in Marquette County. If approved, this proposal will facilitate a long-term solution that assures electric reliability in the U.P. We anticipate a decision by the MPSC later this year. If approved, construction is planned to begin in late 2017 or early 2018 and is expected to take 18 months to complete. Commercial operation of the generation facilities is planned for 2019. We invite you to attend one of the information meetings listed below to learn more about the project. Baraga County Tuesday, May 23 Ojibwa Casino Conference Center â€" 16449 Michigan Ave., Baraga Marquette County Wednesday, May 24 Negaunee Township Hall Gymnasium - 42 East M-25, Negaunee Each meeting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. An overview presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m. We hope you will attend to learn more about our proposal. If you have any questions, please call us at 877-380-0522. Sincerely, Richard D. Rayborn General Manager Dear Property Owner: In Lycoming County commercial and industrial properties are valued using standard appraisal techniques. One of these methods is the “Income Approach”. In the income approach to value, estimates are made of the potential gross annual income that might be expected from rental of the real estate, and of rent losses and expenses that might be incurred by the owner. When actual rents and expenses can be obtained, values are more accurate and equitable. As the owner, or manager, of this commercial property, you are aware of the economic and physical factors that affect the market value of this property. In order to determine the most fair and just assessment for your property, we are asking you to provide the income and expense information that pertains to your property. Please be assured that any information you supply will be strictly confidential. It will not be a matter of public record. INSTRUCTIONS: OWNER INFORMATION Please provide the parcel number, if known, the location of the property, the name of the business, and the name and daytime phone number of someone who can verify the information. MARKET INFORMATION Please provide any sales or improvement information from the last 5 years. APARTMENT INFORMATION Please provide the number of one, two, and three bedroom units on each floor with the average monthly rent for each unit. If there are no apartments, please indicate “N/A”. Please indicate who pays the utilities. MOBILE HOME PARKS, CAMPGROUNDS & RIVERLOTS INFORMATION Please provide the number of spaces for single-wide mobile homes, double-wide mobile homes, pullthrough spaces, pull-in spaces, or primitive spaces available. If there are no spaces, please indicate “N/A”. Please indicate the amenities that are available. LEASE INFORMATION Please provide the lease information for all tenants that occupy the property. If you are not sure of the exact amount, please give an estimated amount and indicate with “est”. If there is no leased space, please indicate “N/A”. Please indicate if the utilities / expenses are paid by the landlord or tenant. LANDLORD / OWNER EXPENSE INFORMATION Please provide at least two years expenses, to include fixed and operating expenses. Please use the two most recent years. Dear property owner/occupier Trimming vegetation around power lines â€" Hazard Warning Notice Orion New Zealand Limited owns and operates one of the largest electricity distribution networks in New Zealand. Our network covers 8,000 square kilometres across central Canterbury between the Waimakariri and Rakaia rivers and from the Canterbury coast to Arthur's Pass. Orion has in place a tree management programme which involves monitoring, trim/cut and removal of trees or vegetation that may contact the distribution network. The program undertaken is in accordance with the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003. Overall our objective is to assist tree owners in managing their trees or vegetation and to remove any potential dangers that may arise from contact between power lines and trees. Once Orion is aware of trees or vegetation encroaching or actually growing in the ‘Zones’ stipulated in the regulations we are required to advise the tree owners that they need to carry out a cut/trim of trees to remove any potential contact with overhead power lines. Location of vegetation which requires trimming We have been made aware that that some trees or vegetation are in or encroaching the ‘Notice Zone’ around the «Location_of_TreeVegetation» and requires a cut/trim to prevent further growth towards the ‘Growth Limit Zone’ for compliance. We note that our records show we have carried out an initial/first cut/trim and any subsequent work, responsibility and liability is now yours. Action to be taken by you You can manage this situation and prevent further growth by organising a cut/trim. To facilitate this work we recommend that you hire professionals with the necessary competencies and expertise to ensure that all work around power lines is carried out safely and appropriately. This work must be undertaken by a competent worker(s) who are qualified or trained in accordance with Section 3 of the approved “Code of Practice for Safety and Health in Tree Work â€" Part 2: Maintenance of Trees around Power Lines”. Once organised would you please advise Orion, of the time this work will be undertaken and by whom, at least three working days before the work begins. 2 Orion can assist if you require us to do so and we will monitor the situation to ensure compliance with the regulations. If you take no action to remedy this situation and the ‘Growth Limit Zone’ is breached then you will be served with a cut/trim notice. To further assist tree owners’ in managing their obligations under the regulations, Orion provides a ‘safety cut’ and post cut asset condition assessment program to manage and identify any vegetation that is in proximity of the overhead power lines and associated equipment. The safety cut programme is a continual cycle that fits into two categories of High and Low Voltage. The timing cycle occurs every 2 years for High Voltage (generally rural) and 5 years for Low Voltage (generally urban). At the mid cycle point in time for the High Voltage network, there is an inspection to re-assess the vegetation growth in proximity to the electrical conductors. If it is found that additional work is required for re-growth then the tree owners will be notified by Orion. It is important to note that between cycles it is the tree owners’ responsibility to manage their trees/vegetation and Orion is available to assist with this if required. Orion does not manage all existing or newly planted trees/vegetation as some tree owners have already taken responsibility to ensure that their vegetation remains outside of the prescribed distances. It is envisaged that over time, this combined approach will significantly remove the issues that problematic vegetation can cause and minimise unplanned power outages and any potential danger. All trees (including protected trees) and vegetation are to be kept clear of overhead power lines to prescribed minimum distances. The enclosed leaflet explains further the details of mandatory requirements. If you are a recent newcomer to the property would you please contact us so we can update our records. Additional information about the regulations and our requirements can be found on our website If you have any questions about this notification or require further information about managing your trees/vegetation please call us on telephone (03) 363 9898. Yours sincerely