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tangentpen.com Dear eren, The Royal Wedding we've all been waiting for is just around the corner. InterNations London is joining the lucky couple, Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle, in celebrating their lifetime event. We are pleased to invite you all to join this celebration. So, let's raise the glass 🥂 and start celebrating from 19:00.The first 100 attendees will receive a free welcome drink and there will be … Read more Where were you the first time you saw a mountain of LaCroix stacked at the end of a supermarket aisle? I remember how I felt—elation, at having found it, and a small tremor of snobby revulsion, like when you realize your secret restaurant just got four stars in the paper, or your favorite underground band shows up on the radio. It's past trendy. It's no longer hip. Fizzy water, long a mainstay of silent film comedy routines and dinner tables on Manhattan's Upper West Side, is now simply ubiquitous. It makes sense: soda sales are way down and have been falling for decades. That leaves an awful lot of hands without a can to hold. Big companies, like Pepsi, have introduced brands of sparkling water of their own with flavors reminiscent of LaCroix, even if no one has yet to match the style statement. (It takes guts, after all, to make a mostly illegible logo on a swirling mess that looks like a cut and paste job from the famed Solo Jazz cup design. It's got a sort of Prada-esque disregard for what's considered attractive: it's so hot, rich, and sophisticated, it can tear up the carpet and wear it as a coat. You'll still want to take it home.) For all this, however, I can't help but feel that the flavors of fizzy water are being focus group tested on the same room that is approving oatmeal varieties. As a result, we're still stuck with the water equivalent of brown-sugar-teddy-bear flavor. Because I want more from life than berries and oranges, and I am starting to think that these endless mountains of cans (destined for, hopefully, recycling) are sorta gross, I built my own carbonation system. I bought a six-liter keg, some tubes, and borrowed a CO2 tank with a regulator. The math looks bad, at first, because these items aren't cheap, but then again, neither is sustaining my regular seltzer habit. The act of carbonating something feels like it should be easy, and it sort of is. (Sparkling water, of course, has literally been popular for centuries, coming in and out of vogue. In Europe, it even comes bottled in a range of fizziness levels.) How quickly you become a soda expert really depends on how well you can decipher the postings on beer geek forums to learn about Cornelius kegs, and cold crashing. You also need to figure out how a CO2 regulator works. How'd I do? I'd say I'm squarely average to slightly below average, but I feel like my keg is beginning to spurt bubbly water that is something like what I want. From here on it's all fine tuning. If it seems that I skipped over a whole segment of products designed to make soda water at home, you are right, I did. One of the reasons why cans are so popular is that these soda machines and gadgets generally cannot produce the fierce fizziness that I crave. Darcy O'Neil wrote well about this problem in his book, Fix the Pumps, which is all about the history of traditional soda fountains. "The first factor to consider is the size of the bubbles. Taste perception is critically linked to aroma and smaller bubbles pick up more aroma molecules than larger bubbles." Lots of pressure will make bigger bubbles, but if the bubbles are too big, they'll quickly come out of solution and the seltzer will go flat. "Lower pressure," O'Neil continues, "produces a finer bubble, but the seltzer water may lack the biting sensation found in heavily carbonated water." So, the trick is to find the equilibrium. The technical answer is that good seltzer really comes down to high PSI as well as displacement of air and many home soda makers aren't able to achieve a balance of the two. So I asked Chris "Moose" Koons, one of the founders of the Rocky Mountain Soda Company, for some advice. He told me to get a "carb stone," which acts as a diffuser inside the water tank, and that he carbonates the water at up to 40 PSI. (For reference, old-school seltzer was much higher than that.) Top officials in the North Korean regime, including Kim Jong Un himself, have spent weeks in the global spotlight, participating in important discussions over how to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Yet despite those steps onto the world stage, North Koreans elsewhere are working hard to remain unseen. In an era of intense sanctions, the country's overseas business networks know that the more visible Pyongyang's links are to their overseas trade and finance networks, the more external scrutiny they will invite. To avoid this, they have honed techniques that allow them—at first glance—to appear Chinese, Southeast Asian, or Russian. They leverage relations with foreign facilitators and middlemen, utilize opaque offshore jurisdictions, and create elaborate corporate structures. As a result, they have successfully managed to extend their networks around the world, and remain active in sectors where few even realize North Korea is a player. The global information technologies (IT) sector is one. Over the last several months, the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies carried out detailed investigations into North Korean IT networks active overseas, including in China, Russia, Southeast Asia, and Africa (PDF). We uncovered firms linked to Pyongyang that are developing and selling encryption technologies, virtual private networks, and software for fingerprint scanning or facial recognition. North Korea-linked IT firms are offering comprehensive IT packages for companies and developing apps or websites for customers who range from small firms in Europe to a U.S. primary school. Take a drive in Turkey, and your license plate could be read by North Korea-developed vehicle recognition software. Put your finger on a scanner when entering certain parts of the civil service in one Nigerian state, and it could be captured by North Korean technology. The same possibility exists for fingerprint scanners in Asia, where there are indications that North Korean algorithms may have been incorporated into the supply chains of major producers of that hardware. North Korea's activity in the global IT sector is a significantly underappreciated problem with several dimensions. It represents another source of continued revenue for North Korea. At present, Pyongyang is not prohibited from providing these sorts of services per se; U.N. sanctions have focused mostly on banning the export of North Korean material goods, including electronics. While sanctions prohibit North Korea from sending migrant laborers overseas, it is unclear to what extent North Korea actually relies upon this practice for its IT business. Several of the Pyongyang-linked individuals and firms we identified purported to have hundreds of employees or large numbers of developers at their disposal, despite other indications that they are small operations. This suggests that the staff carrying out the work may be based elsewhere, potentially in North Korea itself; networks overseas may simply be the vehicle by which to generate new contracts for North Korean developers back home. Sanctions would be relevant if specific designated individuals or entities are involved. During our investigations, we found several IT firms within networks directly linked to North Korea's sanctioned intelligence agency, the Reconnaissance General Bureau. But these ties are extremely well hidden. Few countries are likely to perform the sort of in-depth investigations that will help them confirm that a particular IT company is linked to a sanctioned entity. An IT company in Malaysia remains an active entity despite the fact that one of its shareholders was publicly exposed as a North Korean intelligence agent over a year ago. This guide is a comprehensive resource for contributing to Python – for both new and experienced contributors. It is maintained by the same community that maintains Python. We welcome your contributions to Python! Quick Reference Here are the basic steps needed to get set up and contribute a patch. This is meant as a checklist, once you know the basics. For complete instructions please see the setup guide. Install and set up Git and other dependencies (see the Get Setup page for detailed information). Fork the CPython repository to your GitHub account and get the source code using: git clone https://github.com//cpython Build Python, on UNIX and Mac OS use: ./configure --with-pydebug && make -j and on Windows use: PCbuild\build.bat -e -d See also more detailed instructions, how to build dependencies, and the plaform-specific pages for UNIX, Mac OS, and Windows. Run the tests: ./python -m test -j3 On most Mac OS X systems, replace ./python with ./python.exe. On Windows, use python.bat. With Python 2.7, replace test with test.regrtest. Create a new branch where your work for the issue will go, e.g.: git checkout -b fix-issue-12345 master If an issue does not already exist, please create it. Trivial issues (e.g. typo fixes) do not require any issue to be created. Once you fixed the issue, run the tests, run make patchcheck, and if everything is ok, commit. Push the branch on your fork on GitHub and create a pull request. Include the issue number using bpo-NNNN in the pull request description. For example: bpo-12345: Fix some bug in spam module Note First time contributors will need to sign the Contributor Licensing Agreement (CLA) as described in the Licensing section of this guide. 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posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:54 PM


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