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Instructions on how to activate your account have been emailed to you. Please check your email and follow the instructions to activate your account. Dear Parent/Carer Y11 Student Progress Check 1 (SPC1) Please find enclosed the first Student Progress Check (SPC) for your son/daughter. This provides you with a comparison of both his/her Latest Attainment Grade (LAG) for the 2017 â€" 2018 academic year and Working at Grade (WAG) against his/her target grade. In addition, we have indicated if this WAG is higher (+), the same (=) or lower ( - ) than their previous WAG. Following the removal of national curriculum levels, the school has developed a single assessment system across Years 7 â€" 11 based on the new 1 â€" 9 GCSE grades. We are only using grades 1 â€" 8 as grade 9 is awarded to the top 20% of students who achieve grade 7 or above and therefore cannot be determined until after the final examinations are sat. Student targets for each subject are based on t heir prior attainment at KS2 using the nationally recognised FFT Aspire Programme. Students achieving their targets will make a high rate of progress compared to students nationally who have a similar ability. This is the minimum expectation in school. Coding below indicates your child’s achievement against his/her target: Exceeding Target Meeting Target Working Towards Target Progress Concern Explanation of Grades Attainment Grades Attitude to Learning Grades (ATL) Progress is graded as follows using the example of a GCSE Grade 3: 3+ Mastery of Grade 3 3= Secure Grade 3 3 - Emerging Grade 3 Preparation, Motivation and Communication are graded as follows: The full descriptors for these are found in the Progress Check. 1 Outstanding 2 Good 3 Requires Improvement 4 Inadequate Your child’s Form Tutor, Year Leader and Subject Teachers are already aware of any issues raised in this progress check and will be following these up in school. If a student has received more than three Grade 3 or lower for any of their Attitude to Learning (ATL) grades the school will be in touch with you to discuss this further, as student progress will be significantly hampered if this is not good the majority of the time. Therefore, all Attitud e to Learning Grades of 3 or below are coded red. If you would like to discuss this report further, please contact your child’s Form Tutor in the first instance. Yours sincerely Julie - Anne Craig Assistant Headteacher Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for your interest in the Power Quality Data Interchange Format (PQDIF). Enclosed you will find the PQDIF Software Development Kit (SDK) that Electrotek is making ava ilable free of charge. This SDK provides supplemental tools and information to facilitate implementing the IEEE 1159.3 power quality interchange format as it evolves. If you’re not familiar with PQDIF, please take a moment to read over the next section. If you are familiar with the format, feel free to skip ahead for more information about the SDK. The PQDIF Format This SDK contains public - domain documentation and source code to help companies evaluate and implement PQDIF in their products. In general, t his implementation will involve native or component - based implementation of the PQDIF format. • Native implementation of PQDIF is possible in any operating system or CPU, including DOS, Unix, Linux, Macintosh, Java, and others. • Component - based implementati on (using the component included as part of the SDK) requires a 32 - bit Windows operating system, and uses the Microsoft Component Object Model (COM). Either way of implementing PQDIF will allow a product to read or write out standard PQDIF files. See the IEEE 1159.3 draft standard for more details a discussion of how to go about implementing it Dear Vincennes University â€" Vincennes Campus Student: Fall 2017 Please read carefully the enclosed infor mation for the start of the 20 1 7 Fall Seme ster. All first time students are expected to attend the Welcome Ceremony, “ Reach New Heights ” which will begin Friday, August 18 at 1:30 PM in the PE Complex. Returning commuter students should pick up your Student Survival Guide & Handbooks at Campus Police or the Student Center office. Dear exchange students, A t the University of Vienna it is in most cases n ecessary to register online for the lectures/courses you would like to attend. In case your department uses U :SPACE all regis trations are managed within this system, therefore it is important to have an active u : account. (For more information please click here : - students/erasmus/registrationadmission/#c372878 ) In U:SPACE you can register for lectures/courses of the study programme within which you have been nominated. This step - by - step guide is intended to guide you th rough this registration process. For further questions and details please contact the relevant lecturer directly. Registrations for courses via U:SPACE are possible only within the registration periods of the respective study management depar tments ("Studienprogrammleitungen"). The course registration periods are listed in the course catalogue U:FIND directly in the course details or at the fields of study after clicking on the option "Browse - Course Directory" and choosing, e.g., the area “B achelor”. If you cannot find any information, please visit the website of the department. If there are also no details published, please contact your departmental coordinator. To register, you have two possibilities Dear Seniors, Hopefully finals week has been bearable for you so far. Christmas break is almost here, just hold out for a couple more days. Remember to finish out first semester strong because colleges will see these grades. Over Christmas break take some time to relax and refocus so you can come back in January ready to start your last semester of high school. Keep up your schol arship search for next year, and be sure to bring in copies of your acceptance and scholarship letters to the guidance office. Have a fun and safe break, see you next year. Sincerely, Ms. Triplet ** Dear Customer, Gigaset Communications GmbH is the legal successor to Siemens Home and Office Co mmunication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), which in turn continued the Gigaset business of Siemens AG. Any statements made by Siemens AG or SHC that are found in the user guides should therefore be understood as statements of Gigaset Communications GmbH . W e hope you enjoy your Gigaset. DE Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, die Gigaset Communications GmbH ist Rechtsnachfolgerin der Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), die ihre rseits das Gigaset-Geschäft der Siemens AG fortführte. Etwaige Erklärungen der Siemens AG oder der SHC in den Bedienungsanleitungen sind daher als Erklärungen der Gigaset Communications GmbH zu verstehen. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude mit Ihrem Gigaset. FR Chère Cliente, Cher Client, la société Gigaset Communica tions GmbH succède en droit à Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC) qui poursuivait elle-même les activités Giga- set de Siemens AG. Donc les éventuelles explications de Sie- mens AG ou de SHC figurant dans les modes d’emploi doivent être comprises comme des explications de Gigaset Communications GmbH. Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup d’agrément avec votre Gigaset. IT Gentile cliente, la Gigaset Communications GmbH è successore della Sie- mens Home and Office Commu nication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC) che a sua volta ha proseguito l’attività della Siemens AG. Eventuali dichiarazioni della Siemens AG o della SHC nei manuali d’istruzione, vanno pertanto intese come dichiarazioni della Gigaset Communications GmbH. Le auguriamo tanta soddisfazione con il vostro Gigaset. NL Geachte klant, Gigaset Communications GmbH is de rechtsopvolger van Siemens Home and Office Co mmunication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), de onderneming die de Gigaset-activiteiten van Siemens AG heeft overgeno men. Eventuele uitspraken of mededelingen van Siemens AG of SHC in de gebruiksaan- wijzingen dienen daarom als mededelingen van Gigaset Communications GmbH te worden gezien. Wij wensen u veel plezier met uw Gigaset . ES Estimado cliente, la Gigaset Communications GmbH es derechohabiente de la Siemens Home and Office Co mmunication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC) que por su parte continuó el negocio Gigaset de la Siemens AG. Las posi bles declaraciones de la Siemens AG o de la SHC en las instrucciones de uso se deben entender por lo tanto como declaraciones de la Giga- set Communications GmbH. Le deseamos que disfrute con su Gigaset. PT SCaros clientes, Gigaset Communications GmbH é a sucessora legal da Sie- mens Home and Office Commu nication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), que, por sua vez, deu continuidade ao sector de negócios Gigaset, da Siemens AG. Quaisquer declara- ções por parte da Siemens AG ou da SHC encontradas nos manuais de utilização deverão, portanto, ser consideradas como declarações da Giga set Communications GmbH. Desejamos que tenham bons momentos com o seu Gigaset. DA Kære Kunde, Gigaset Communications GmbH er retlig efterfølger til Sie- mens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), som fra deres side videreførte Siemens AGs Gigaset-forretninger. Siemens AGs eller SHCs eventuelle forklaringer i betjeningsvejledningerne skal derfor forstÃ¥s som Gigaset Communications GmbHs forklaringer. Vi hÃ¥ber, du fÃ¥r meget glæde af din Gigaset. FI Arvoisa asiakkaamme, Gigaset Communications GmbH on Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC)-yri- tyksen oikeudenomistaja, joka jatkoi puolestaan Siemens AG:n Gigaset-liiketoimintaa. Käyttöoppaissa mahdollisesti esiintyvät Siemens AG:n tai SHC:n selosteet on tämän vuoksi ymmärrettävä Giga set Communications GmbH:n selosteina. Toivotamme Teille paljon iloa Gigaset-laitteestanne. SV Kära kund, Gigaset Communications GmbH övertar rättigheterna frÃ¥n Siemens Home and Office Co mmunication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), som bedrev Gigaset-verksamheten efter Sie- mens AG. Alla förklaringar frÃ¥n Siemens AG eller SHC i användarhandboken gäller därför som förklaringar frÃ¥n Gigaset Communications GmbH. Vi önskar dig mycket nöje med din Gigaset. NO Kjære kunde, Gigaset Communications GmbH er rettslig etterfølger etter Siemens Home and Office Co mmunication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), som i sin tur videreførte Gigaset-geskjeften i Siemens AG. Eventuelle meddelelser fra Siemens AG eller SHC i bruksanvisningene er derfor Ã¥ forstÃ¥ som meddelelser fra Gigaset Communications GmbH. Vi hÃ¥per du fÃ¥r stor glede av din Gigaset-enhet. EL Î'γαπητή πελάτισσα , αγαπητέ πελάτη , η Gigaset Communications GmbH είναι η νομική διάδοχος της Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), η οποία έχει αναλάβει την εμπορική δραστηριότητα Gigaset της Siemens AG. Οι δηλώσεις της Siemens AG ή της SHC στις οδηγίες χρήσ ης αποτ ελούν επομένως δηλώσεις της Gigaset Communications GmbH. Σας ευχόμαστε καλή διασκέδαση με τη συσκευή σας Gigaset. HR PoÅ¡tovani korisnici, Gigaset Communications GmbH pr avni je sljednik tvrtke Siemens Home and Office Co mmunication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), koji je nastavio Gigaset poslovanje tvrtke Siemens AG. Zato sve izjave tvrtke Siemens AG ili SHC koje se nalaze u uputama za upotrebu treba tuma č iti kao izjave tvrtke Gigaset Communications GmbH. Nadamo se da sa zadovoljstvom koristite svoj Gigaset ure Ä' aj. SL SpoÅ¡tovani kupec! Podjetje Gigaset Communication s GmbH je pravni naslednik podjetja Siemens Home and Of fice Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), ki nadaljuje dejavnost znamke Gigaset podjetja Siemens AG. Vse izjave podjetja Siemens AG ali SHC v priro č nikih za uporabnike torej veljajo kot izjave podjetja Gigaset Communications GmbH. Želimo vam veliko užitkov ob uporabi naprave Gigaset. <div style="clear:both; padding-bottom:0.25em"></div> </div> </div> <p class="day-date"> <em>posted by Isaac Hobart at <a href="" title="permanent link">4:35 PM</a></em> <span class="item-action"><a href="" title="Email Post"><img class="icon-action" alt="" src="" height="13" width="18"/></a></span><span class="item-control blog-admin pid-1569513089"><a style="border:none;" href="" title="Edit Post"><img class="icon-action" alt="" src="" height="18" width="18"></a></span> </p> </div> <!-- End .post --> <div align = 'center'> <table width="700" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <td width="350"><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-1615617800707729"; google_ad_host = "pub-1556223355139109"; google_ad_host_channel="00000"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; google_ad_format = "336x280_as"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_ad_channel =""; google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; google_color_bg = 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