We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. P.S. The Nation depends on readers for financial support. Please consider a low-cost digital or print subscription. All subscriptions can be linked and delivered to any Apple or Android tablet or smartphone. Another way to support our journalism is to donate to The Nation. We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. Welcome to Seneca College! We are looking forward to having you with us. Before you can begin your studies with us, you must take our English as a Second Language assessment test. J'ai le plaisir de vous offrir mon guide "La Methode pour Rentabiliser un Blog" Thank you for filling out your information! PS - Vous voulez utiliser Hootsuite pendant vos déplacements ? Téléchargez l'application mobile gratuite Hootsuite pour iOS ou Android. Please make your funds transfer to us within 24 hours. This can be done through your bank, either in person, over the phone, or online. Once your payment is received, we will transfer your funds to Seneca College on the same day. Rencontre Ingénieurs & Docteurs jeudi 20 avril 2017 à partir de 9h Il est porté à votre connaissance qu'à partir du 30 mars 2014, Cheers! Please note that your ESL assessment test will be administered by our English Language Institute on the following date/time: Please note that your ESL assessment test will be administered by our English Language Institute on the following date/time: Please note that if you are living on-campus in the dormitories, as a new international student you are able to move in starting on Tuesday, August 18th. This is due to the mandatory International Student Orientation that begins on Thursday, August 20th. I know that you would have received an email from the Housing Office saying that the move-in date was August 23rd, but we have a special agreement with the Housing Office regarding a move-in date for you starting on the 18th. When you arrive to campus, please come to the International Affairs Office first to check-in with us. Cheers! Très cordialement. Is peanut butter healthy? Does it cause weight gain? Or even worse, can it cause toxic health issues? You may be shocked to find out the answer in our brand new free report that you can download for the rest of the day today: >> What peanut butter does you to your body (shocking) To your success, Joel