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When I became a citizen I decided to leave my profession and realized my long life dream of becoming a Police Officer. My career was going well; I was doing what I love and excelling specifically in Traffic and D.U.I. enforcement, which is my passion. The futu re looked bright. I was looking forward to becoming a Traffi c Officer with my department and furthering my career in the field I loved. Then came December of 2006 and the world as I knew it caved around me and my family. My department started an IA investigation on me for lying under oath, which was false. It was the first time in my life that I was in a situation that could affect the rest of my career, life and integrity. The FOP representative John Puleo (A GODSEND) has been there for me since the initial I.A, taking 5,6 sometimes 10 calls a day from me, all day everyday. There was not one time he did not answer me, had a good word for me and has believed in me during this hard times. The department decided to send my case to the state attorney on April of 2007 and a few months later when I was notified of that, I had to re tain not only John Puleo's support and dedication, but an atto rney from the union. At that time, the RRA firm was representing the FOP and my case was assigned to their lawyer. Not to get any names thrown under the bus, let's just say that after John Puleo's unconventional dedication, the lawyer was the exact opposite. I had no service, let alone support from the lawyer who was suppose to help me save my life and career. I then decided, after "shopping" and asking who the best in the business was to privately hire Tony Livoti (ANOTHER GODSEND). Tony is the best defense lawyer I ever came across, and I've seen a few during my career... Tony took the case and spent days as well as nights with me and then alone studying my case, because he and John always believed I was innocent. I cannot tell you how much they helped me and my family. Tony would talk to my wife on the phone if she needed support, him a nd John would come to my house to visit and check up if I was doing alright. Tony always (as John) answered the phone, no matter what time, or how many ti mes I called. If not for the two of them, I don't think I could survive this ch apter in my life. Furthermore and for your information (which I'm sure you know already), Tony, knowing the bad representation I got from the FOP lawyer at the time, did not charge me a dime!!!! In the mean time, the FOP hired John Fry and Tony Livoti as consolers for the FOP and it is probably the best de cision the FOP could have made. After about a year of investigation an d sleepless nights on Tony and John's part, talking to and coopera ting with the state attorney, the state attorney decided not to file ANY charges on me and closed the cas e, turning it back to the department. As I stand today, the Chief has given a r ecommendation to fire me for violating the department's code of conduct for untruthfulness. I had my pre-determination hearing with the city-manager on 8/20 /08. John and Tony were present and I could not have asked for a better representation from either of them, they know my case as if they went through my situ ation! A decision on the hearing will be made in approximately two weeks. Tony a nd John told me that if the decision if not in my favor and I quote: "they will take this to whatever level they need to prove the truth and my innocence." I am honored to have both John Puleo a nd Tony Livoti as my representative and lawyer and furthermore as friends. I wish for all lodges the same help and support as I got from these two guys! I would like also to let you know that Ralph Dean has been a great support, he as well, showed me that the FOP will sta nd behind me. With your permission, I will also like to tell you the full outcome of this case when it comes to a closure. Sincerely yours, Uri Tal Uri Tal, FOP lodge 161. 954-881-1615 Dear HSU Housing Resident, Welcome Home to Humboldt! We are excited that you will be joining our active living and learning community for the spring semester . More than just a place to sleep and study, our housing options allow you the opportunity to meet people, get involved and to connect with your faculty in an informal and comfortable atmosphere. We believe that involvement matters: so get out and get busy! Our staff are committed to helping you make the most out of your time on campus. It is my hope that you fi nd a place to belong; a place to grow and question in an environment that supports both your inner voice and your stewardship of the world we live in. If there is any way I, or any of my HSU colleagues, can assist you or support you in finding your home a t Humboldt, please let us know. Best, Steve St. Onge, Ph.D. Director of Housing and Residence Life This Move - In Guide is to provide you with information about what to expect when you arrive on campus . If you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact us directly at 707.826.3451, email us at or visit . Dear Environment Committee member, As a resident of CT and advocate for environmental protection, I support SB 7, HB 5363, and SB 345. It is time for bold climate action. The sooner we tackle carbon pollution, the sooner the state will start reaping the health, safety, environmental, and economic benefits that follow. We must recommit Connecticut to proactive planning and concrete actions towards a healthier climate. SB 7 You must ensure science - based policymaking will continue in Connecticut by streng thening climate, energy, and coastal and flood management statutes: a. Emissions analysis shows Connecticut's climate pollution has been rising since 2012. We need to get Connecticut back on track to meet our state 2050 climate mandates under the Global Warming Solutions Act. We need an interim target of a 45% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030. This target will also create badly needed jobs and revenue for the state. b. Make Connecticut a more effective climate watchdog by requiring energy planning to consider impacts on climate and greenhouse gas emissions through a comprehensive climate and energy strategy and a permanent council on climate change. c. Prepare Connecticut for sea level rise using the most up - to - date projections by the Connecticut In stitute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation. HB 5363 Please support setting a price for the dirty carbon emissions that pollute our air. You can take a step further and allow some of these revenues to be returned to those most burdened by the high elec tric bills and pollution that come from our reliance on fossil fuels, through strategic reinvestment in clean energy and energy efficiency in low - income communities. SB 345 Climate change is based in science and affects every aspect of our lives. Make c limate change part of Connecticut's public schools curriculum so our children can more effectively address the links between human activities and climate change. I strongly urge you to do the right thing for not only my family, but for all residents of C onnecticut — please put us on a positive path to a sustainable, healthy, and renewable energy future by strengthening and voting for SB 7, HB 5363, and SB 345. Sincerely, Ms Allison Joslyn 285 Lester Rd Jewett City, CT 06351 - 1421