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GDAL-linked (r.external) maps do not have or use a NULL bitmap, hence r.null cannot manipulate them directly. Here NULL cells are those whose value matches the value reported by the GDALGetRasterNoDataValue() function. To apply the GDAL-linked the user need to either create a MASK (e.g. with r.mask) and then "apply" it using e.g. r.resample, or use r.mapcalc to create a copy with the appropriate categories changed to NULL (if() condition). EXAMPLES RGB Orthophoto from GeoTIFF # import of all channels (each channel will become a GRASS raster map): r.external input=/home/user/data/maps/059100.tif output=ortho g.region raster=ortho.3 -p d.rgb r=ortho.1 g=ortho.2 b=ortho.3 r.composite r=ortho.1 g=ortho.2 b=ortho.3 output=ortho.rgb Processing workflow without data import and export External raster maps to be processed can be directly linked using r.external; likewise, results can be written out to standard raster formats with r.external.out (GDAL supported formats): # register GeoTIFF file to be used in current mapset: r.external input=terra_lst1km20030314.LST_Day.tif output=modis_celsius # define output directory for files resulting from GRASS calculation: r.external.out directory=$HOME/gisoutput/ format="GTiff" # perform GRASS calculation (here: extract pixels > 20 deg C) # this stores the output map directly as GeoTIFF: r.mapcalc "warm.tif = if(modis_celsius > 20.0, modis_celsius, null() )" # cease GDAL output connection and turn back to write GRASS raster files: r.external.out -r # now use the resulting file elsewhere gdalinfo $HOME/gisoutput/warm.tif P.S. If you have already completed your payment, thank you, and please disregard this email. Did you forget your password? No problem â" you can reset it. Hopefully your new password is a little more memorable! response as soon as possible. Nous avons bien pris en compte votre inscription à la newsletter de Sciences Humaines, merci Votre inscription sur UMNIA BANK a bien été enregistrée. University of Applied Sciences and Arts been created with Ticket ID 201801108574. Nous sommes très sensibles à l'intérêt que vous portez à notre entreprise, et conservons vos coordonnées afin de vous recontacter au besoin. The Research Division of the St. Louis Fed publishes economic research, accessible essays, and informative reports. Our email newsletter delivers the latest content to your inbox. Subscribe here. Western Union Business Solutions Education Team The remaining schedule of meetings and hearings will be posted in the coming weeks, and we will send out another email announcement when it is available. Il est porté à votre connaissance qu'à partir du 30 mars 2014, Peugeot Maroc A support representative will be reviewing your request and will send you a personal a late testing fee of $55.00 applies Peugeot Maroc Nous vous remercions pour lâintérêt que vous portez à la marque Peugeot. If you have any further queries, please contact us at reception@sprachcaffe.com or on. Soyez cependant assurée que cette décision ne met pas en cause vos qualités personnelles, ni même celles de votre formation. Welcome to Fanshawe! August 3, 2016 We are looking forward to meeting each of you and hope to make your transition to Fanshawe College as smooth as possible. Below, you will read some important information regarding your arrival in Canada and first days at Fanshawe. If you have any questions or concerns before you arrive, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you! Classes begin on Tuesday, September 6. To better serve our new students arriving for the Fall 2016 semester, the International Centre (Room E2025) will be open special hours on: Saturday, September 3: 10:00am â" 2:00pm Sunday, September 4: 10:00am â" 2:00pm Monday, September 5: 10:00am â" 2:00pm The International Centre will also be open regular hours Monday to Friday 8:30am â" 4:00pm. We are advising all new students to arrive any time between Sunday, August 28 and Monday, Please be advised that College is closed on Monday, January 2nd, 2017. Please do not reply to this automatic email. Please make your funds transfer to us within 24 hours. This can be done through your bank, either in person, over the phone, or online. Once your payment is received, we will transfer your funds to Seneca College on the same day. Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Vous recevrez d'ici peu votre newsletter. - de postuler à nos offres, We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has Thank you for using the Western Union GlobalPay for Students platform. We have received your request to make a payment to Seneca College. Nous avons bien reçu votre demande, nous vous contacterons dans les plus brefs délais. If you have any further queries, please contact us at reception@sprachcaffe.com or on. Questions? Visit the Help Center or contact SteelSeries Support Ces identifiants vous permettront de : Fortes du succès des deux précédentes éditions, qui ont rassemblé chacune plus de 1000 participants, l'Ambassade de France au Maroc, Campus France Maroc et l'Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs organisent une nouvelle rencontre Ingénieurs & Docteurs placée sous le signe des relations entre les formations d'ingénieurs et les formations doctorales avec les entreprises, l'entrepreneuriat et la recherche. Sincerely, In addition to our schedule of meetings, our website offers a wealth of information about rent stabilization, including current and past rent guidelines; RGB research reports; answers to FAQs; and much more. Check it out at: Nous sommes très sensibles à l'intérêt que vous portez à notre entreprise, et conservons vos coordonnées afin de vous recontacter au besoin. Je me tiens à votre entière disposition pour tous renseignements complémentaires. Je vous prie, Madame, Monsieur, d'agréer l'expression de mes respectueuses salutations. Please note that your ESL assessment test will be administered by our English Language Institute on the following date/time: Note: The test given on the published date is free of charge to new Seneca College students; After this date, a late testing fee of $55.00 applies Thank you for your interest in Sprachcaffe. From now on, you should receive our regular newsletter. We look forward to informing you about our current offers, new language courses and useful travel information. We may also let you know about interesting related products, including cultural and language holidays, as well as other trips from our Work and Travel offer or our selection of tours. International Admissions The Research Newsletter is sent every other Tuesday and features updates on published research, working papers, and research division news. Thank you for your interest in Sprachcaffe. From now on, you should receive our regular newsletter. We look forward to informing you about our current offers, new language courses and useful travel information. We may also let you know about interesting related products, including cultural and language holidays, as well as other trips from our Work and Travel offer or our selection of tours. Fachhochschule Dortmund Reset Password Thank you for your patience. Nous vous rappelons vos identifiants de connexion : In addition to our schedule of meetings, our website offers a wealth of information about rent stabilization, including current and past rent guidelines; RGB research reports; answers to FAQs; and much more. Check it out at: Welcome to the FH Dortmund IT department Support Team. L'équipe de Sciences Humaines.incerely, There are some tasks that need to be done over and over again like reading each record of a file till its end. The loop statements used in COBOL are â' Perform Thru Perform Until Perform Times Perform Varying Perform Thru Perform Thru is used to execute a series of paragraph by giving the first and last paragraph names in the sequence. After executing the last paragraph, the control is returned back. In-line Perform Statements inside the PERFORM will be executed till END-PERFORM is reached. Syntax Following is the syntax of In-line perform â' PERFORM DISPLAY 'HELLO WORLD' END-PERFORM. Out-of-line Perform Here, a statement is executed in one paragraph and then the control is transferred to other paragraph or section. Syntax Following is the syntax of Out-of-line perform â' PERFORM PARAGRAPH1 THRU PARAGRAPH2 Example IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO. PROCEDURE DIVISION. A-PARA. PERFORM DISPLAY 'IN A-PARA' END-PERFORM. PERFORM C-PARA THRU E-PARA. B-PARA. DISPLAY 'IN B-PARA'. STOP RUN. C-PARA. DISPLAY 'IN C-PARA'. D-PARA. DISPLAY 'IN D-PARA'. E-PARA. DISPLAY 'IN E-PARA'. JCL to execute the above COBOL program. //SAMPLE JOB(TESTJCL,XXXXXX),CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=C //STEP1 EXEC PGM=HELLO When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result â' IN A-PARA IN C-PARA IN D-PARA IN E-PARA IN B-PARA Perform Until In âperform untilâ, a paragraph is executed until the given condition becomes true. âWith test beforeâ is the default condition and it indicates that the condition is checked before the execution of statements in a paragraph. Syntax Following is the syntax of perform until â' PERFORM A-PARA UNTIL COUNT=5 PERFORM A-PARA WITH TEST BEFORE UNTIL COUNT=5 PERFORM A-PARA WITH TEST AFTER UNTIL COUNT=5 Example IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 WS-CNT PIC 9(1) VALUE 0. PROCEDURE DIVISION. A-PARA. PERFORM B-PARA WITH TEST AFTER UNTIL WS-CNT>3. STOP RUN. B-PARA. DISPLAY 'WS-CNT : 'WS-CNT. ADD 1 TO WS-CNT. JCL to execute the above COBOL program â' //SAMPLE JOB(TESTJCL,XXXXXX),CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=C //STEP1 EXEC PGM=HELLO When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result â' WS-CNT : 0 WS-CNT : 1 WS-CNT : 2 WS-CNT : 3 Perform Times In âperform timesâ, a paragraph will be executed the number of times specified. Syntax Following is the syntax of perform times â' PERFORM A-PARA 5 TIMES. Example IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO. PROCEDURE DIVISION. A-PARA. PERFORM B-PARA 3 TIMES. STOP RUN. B-PARA. DISPLAY 'IN B-PARA'. JCL to execute the above COBOL program â' //SAMPLE JOB(TESTJCL,XXXXXX),CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=C //STEP1 EXEC PGM=HELLO When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result â' IN B-PARA IN B-PARA IN B-PARA Perform Varying In perform varying, a paragraph will be executed till the condition in Until phrase becomes true. Syntax Following is the syntax of perform varying â' PERFORM A-PARA VARYING A FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL A=5. Example IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 WS-A PIC 9 VALUE 0. PROCEDURE DIVISION. A-PARA. PERFORM B-PARA VARYING WS-A FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL WS-A=5 STOP RUN. B-PARA. DISPLAY 'IN B-PARA ' WS-A. JCL to execute the above COBOL program â' //SAMPLE JOB(TESTJCL,XXXXXX),CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=C //STEP1 EXEC PGM=HELLO When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result â' IN B-PARA 1 IN B-PARA 2 IN B-PARA 3 IN B-PARA 4 GO TO Statement GO TO statement is used to change the flow of execution in a program. In GO TO statements, transfer goes only in the forward direction. It is used to exit a paragraph. The different types of GO TO statements used are as follows â' Unconditional GO TO GO TO para-name. Conditional GO TO GO TO para-1 para-2 para-3 DEPENDING ON x. If 'x' is equal to 1, then the control will be transferred to the first paragraph; and if 'x' is equal to 2, then the control will be transferred to the second paragraph, and so on. Example IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 WS-A PIC 9 VALUE 2. PROCEDURE DIVISION. A-PARA. DISPLAY 'IN A-PARA' GO TO B-PARA. B-PARA. DISPLAY 'IN B-PARA '. GO TO C-PARA D-PARA DEPENDING ON WS-A. C-PARA. DISPLAY 'IN C-PARA '. D-PARA. DISPLAY 'IN D-PARA '. STOP RUN. JCL to execute the above COBOL program: //SAMPLE JOB(TESTJCL,XXXXXX),CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=C //STEP1 EXEC PGM=HELLO When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result: IN A-PARA IN B-PARA IN D-PARA Date: Tuesday, January 3rd , 2017 Time: 9:30 a.m. Location: International Admissions Newnham Campus 1750 Finch Avenue East Toronto, ON M2J 2X5 The purpose of t.rast.extract is to extract a subset of a space time raster dataset and to store that subset in a different space time raster dataset. The where condition is used to select the subset. In addition a r.mapcalc sub-expression can be specified that performs operations on all maps of the selected subset. In this expression the name of the input space time raster dataset can be used as simple map name. Other STRDS than the input STRDS can not be specified, but any raster map. In case a r.mapcalc sub-expression is defined, the base name of the resulting raster maps must be specified. The r.mapcalc expression can be used to select maps as well, since by default resulting empty maps are not registered in the output space time raster dataset and removed after processing. The number of parallel GRASS GIS processes can be specified to speed up the processing. If no r.mapcalc expression is defined, the selected maps are simply registered in the new created output space time raster dataset to avoid data duplication. NOTES The r.mapcalc sub-expression should not contain the left side "map =" of a full r.mapcalc expression, only the right side, eg.: t.rast.extract input=tempmean_monthly where="start_time > '2010-01-05'" \ output=selected_tempmean_monthly basename=new_tmean_month \ expression="if(tempmean_monthly < 0, null(), tempmean_monthly)" EXAMPLE t.rast.extract input=tempmean_monthly output=tempmean_monthly_later_2012 \ where="start_time >= '2012-01-01'" t.rast.list tempmean_monthly_later_2012 name|mapset|start_time|end_time 2012_01_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-01-01 00:00:00|2012-02-01 00:00:00 2012_02_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-02-01 00:00:00|2012-03-01 00:00:00 2012_03_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-03-01 00:00:00|2012-04-01 00:00:00 2012_04_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-04-01 00:00:00|2012-05-01 00:00:00 2012_05_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-05-01 00:00:00|2012-06-01 00:00:00 2012_06_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-06-01 00:00:00|2012-07-01 00:00:00 2012_07_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-07-01 00:00:00|2012-08-01 00:00:00 2012_08_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-08-01 00:00:00|2012-09-01 00:00:00 2012_09_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-09-01 00:00:00|2012-10-01 00:00:00 2012_10_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-10-01 00:00:00|2012-11-01 00:00:00 2012_11_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-11-01 00:00:00|2012-12-01 00:00:00 2012_12_tempmean|climate_2000_2012|2012-12-01 00:00:00|2013-01-01 00:00:00 Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. Note: The test given on the published date is free of charge to new Seneca College students; After this date, a late testing fee of $55.00 applies Please be advised that College is closed on Monday, January 2nd, 2017. International Admission r.in.ascii allows a user to create a (binary) GRASS raster map layer from an ASCII raster input file with (optional) TITLE. The GRASS ASCII input file has a header section which describes the location and size of the data, followed by the data itself. The header has 6 lines: north: xxxxxx.xx south: xxxxxx.xx east: xxxxxx.xx west: xxxxxx.xx rows: r cols: c The north, south, east, and west field values entered are the coordinates of the edges of the geographic region. The rows and cols field values entered describe the dimensions of the matrix of data to follow. The data which follows is r rows of c integers. Optionally the following parameters can be defined in the header section: null: nn type: float multiplier: 2. "null" defines a string or number to be converted to NULL value (no data). "type" defines the data type (int, float double) and is not required. "multiplier" is an optional parameter to multiply each cell value. NOTES The geographic coordinates north, south, east, and west describe the outer edges of the geographic region. They run along the edges of the cells at the edge of the geographic region and not through the center of the cells at the edges. The NW value occurs at the beginning of the first line of data, and the SW value occurs at the beginning of the last line of data. The data (which follows the header section) must contain r x c values, but it is not necessary that all the data for a row be on one line. A row may be split over many lines. r.in.ascii may import integer, floating point, or double cell types using the -i, -f, and -d flags, respectively. The header information in ESRI Raster ASCII files differs from GRASS. To convert an Arc/Info (ArcView) ASCII grid file into GRASS, see r.in.gdal. SURFER (Golden Software) ASCII files may be imported by passing the -s flag. EXAMPLE The following is a sample input file to r.in.ascii: north: 4299000.00 south: 4247000.00 east: 528000.00 west: 500000.00 rows: 10 cols: 15 null: -9999 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SEE ALSO r.import, r.out.ascii, r.in.gdal, r.out.gdal, r.in.bin, r3.in.ascii AUTHOR Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory Surfer support by Roger Miller r.contour produces a vector map of specified contours from input raster map. Contours can be produced using a comma-separated list of values in levels, or at some regular increment using the step parameter, using minlevel and maxlevel as minimum and maximum contour values, respectively. If no minlevel or maxlevel is specified, the minimum and maximum cell values in the input raster map will be used. NOTES r.contour will either step through incremental contours or produce contours from a list of levels, not both. If both a list of levels and a step are specified, the list will be produced and the step will be ignored. Zero is treated as a valid data value by r.contour. If a contour level exactly matches a category value in the raster map, the contour line may backtrack on itself, causing illegal arcs to be produced in the output vector map. The optional cut parameter allows the user to specify a minimum number of raster cells eligilble to be included in a contour line written to the output vector map. It acts like a filter, omitting spurs, single points, etc., making the output more generalized. EXAMPLES In the Spearfish location, produce a vector contour map from input raster elevation.dem with contour levels from 1000m to 2000m, 100m contour step, and a minimum of 200 input raster points contributing to the contour line: r.contour input=elevation.dem output=elevation_dem_contours \ minlevel=1000 maxlevel=2000 step=100 cut=200 For an example of using levels with r.contour this example uses the elevation map from the North Carolina database: g.region raster=elevation r.contour in=elevation out=contours levels=60,90,120,150 --o d.mon wx0 d.rast elevation_shade d.vect contours color=red v.net.connectivity computes vertex connectivity between two sets, i.e. the minimum number of vertices whose removal would separate two given sets. NOTES Two sets (set1 and set2) are specified by respective layer, where and cats parameters. Similarly to v.net.flow module, capacities of nodes can be given by node_column option. v.net.connectivity finds the set of nodes of minimum total capacitiy separating the two given sets and outputs map containing points on the positions of these nodes. Default capacity, which is used when no column is specified, is one. EXAMPLES The following command finds the minimum number of intersections separating roads on the left bank from roads on the right bank. v.net.connectivity input=roads output=roads_conn set1_where="bank=left" \ set2_where="bank=right" v.net.connectivity input=airtraffic output=connectivity \ set1_where="name=JFK" set2_where="name=Heathrow" node_column=capacity SEE ALSO v.net, v.net.flow, v.net.bridge AUTHORS Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor
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