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Have you read and signed your agreement? You need to sign your New Look card credit agreement before we can complete your application. If you have already done this, thank you. If you haven't signed your agreement: Go to e You'll need your reference number 856994 Please follow the instructions on screen and print or save a copy so you can refer to it in the future. If you have any questions or need help Give us a call on 0371 781 3051*, one of the team will be happy to help. Sharon Bamford Signature Sharon Bamford Customer Service Operations Manager Ikano Bank AB (publ) Hey There qsdqsd, BEW is changing lives. We have Doctors, Lawyers, Insurance and Realty agents on board. Currently have over 90,000 members. BEW is doing something right. We are finding FREEDOM for people. We had such a Great Response on this week`s Special Offer, we decided to extend the offer thru the weekend; (There Will Be NO Saturday Email Tomorrow): This Offer Goes Out To ALL Our FREE Members For This Weekend ONLY: Become A Paid Member Today And Receive A One Time Courtesy Bonus Bump Up To The Next Level At NO Additional Cost. FREE Members: Choose YOUR Paid Option of $88 - $3,500 One Time Membership To Put You In A Better Receiving Position. Examples: $88 Will Be Equivalent To $188, $188 Will Be Equivalent To $288, $288 Will Be Equivalent To $500, $500 Will Be Equivalent To $1,000, $1,500 Will Be Equivalent To $2,000, $2,000 Will Be Equivalent To $2,500, $3,500 Will Be Equivalent To $5,000. Just login and complete your Payroll form, Send a note with your membership payment stating `BUMP ME`. If you are still sitting on the fence, do yourself a favor and look up Best Easy Work on You-Tube and see what Real People are experiencing. EARN BIG GIVING AWAY FREE INSTANT WEBSITES! This is your retirement people, we are not going anywhere. Talk To You Soon! Login: USERNAME: Dfm9ui4tCw PASSWORD: Dcts7AVvL CHEERS! Martin Ruiz To Unsubscribe And Cancel Your Account, Go To; Hello my team please read Found this in the forum interesting post Posted 19 hours ago, edited 19 hours ago More by Jayanti V. As we know newly entered PSA are full of energy and eager to earn money /commission at the earliest stage . Most of them are impatient and do not have patience to understand , read ,study . Recently I was asked by many PSA as to how much commission I will earn ? when I will earn ? For the benefits of such eager and enthusiastic PSA I have tried to sum-up the basic activities one needs to perform in SFI business which is produced below .( its in the form of a email) Friends give your comments and suggest about more important information . Its in the form of an email to PSAs I appreciate your keen interest and sincerity to earn on SFI . I understand that you are serious and trying your best to gear up your business of SFI . Please keep it up your efforts . Please read my mails sent to you from time to time . I have given you the best possible tips to gear up your business . Here below I have tried to sum up some of the basic points. 1. It is all about earning VPs ( READ $$$) and achieving & retaining status of atleast Executive Affiliate by scoring 1500 VPs every month which is minimum requirement to gain various benefits which will ultimately lead you to earn the desired commission . 2. As I informed you earlier your commission will be in proportion to you understanding the business and aff course your efforts & depending upon your rank ie EA , BCQ, STL, GTL etc higher the rank more the benefits /commission . 3. Steps are like this A Complete your profile , upload your photo,confirm your registration , B. learn 62 Launch Pad lessons , C. login every day , visit everyday 15 alert tabs and turn them green , D. Visit Triple Clicks every day and study the various products ,refer PRM personally referred members on Triple Clicks using your Gateway link , E. play EZ games Free games as well as with TC , Visit PB (Price bidders) study it & participate in at least one Bid ,participate in T-time contest , F. participate in Daily Grand contest , Earn badges, read your SFI mails , G. participate in Time Machine ,Earn points in Free Wheel contests , participate in daily Biz quiz . H. subscribe for S builder ,co-op builder purchase TC as required for games and earning VPs that may be required . This should be considered as investments to keep going your business and not expenditure . PLEASE NOTE NOTHING IS COMPULSORY IN THESE POINTS BUT EACH OF THE ACTION WILL EFFECT VOLUME OF YOUR EARNING OF COMMISSION . SO I SUGGEST YOU SHOULD PUT FORWARD YOUR BEST LEG AND TRY TO ATTEND THE MAXIMUM POSSIBLE OR IN PROPORTION TO YOUR REQUIREMENT/expectation OF COMMISSION INCOME I . Please always keep in mind that commission is being paid from the revenue being generated by selling the goods/TC/Services online with your help . So emphasis should be on selling goods, appointing PRM and invite friends to play games , join SFI . 5. Please note answers to all your questions are being given in Launch Pad lessons and Forum posts by Mr.Gary Carson himself and other senior experienced dignitaries of SFI . So every day read /STUDY the Forum posts. More you know about the business more you will earn that is my word Kindly regards Markarida Serilo Email:isaac This message has been sent to you by SFI ( on behalf of Markarida Serilo (isaac), a member of your SFI Upline Support Team (see to contact). Do not reply to this email. To protect your privacy, unless you are personally sponsored or co-sponsored by Markarida Serilo, he/she has not been provided your contact information. To report an inappropriate email, go to: . To opt out of any future communications, go to: . OR, to just opt out of mailings from Markarida Serilo, click here:
posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:30 AM

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