
Greetings, Please provide your confirmation number to your application. Admissions and Records Office Dear Nancy, Could you please specify which level of study you are interested in? Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD? Best regards, Pavla Bartosova Pavla Bartosova FaME International Office Faculty of Management and Economics Tomas Bata University in Zlín Tel.: +420-576-032-514 E-mail: pbartosova@utb.cz | web: www.fame.utb.cz Address: Mostní 5139, 760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic
Dear Peter,

Thank you for contacting the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Please contact gradschool.umd.edu for more information on your admission to the Graduate School.

If you have additional questions, please reply to this email or contact us at 301-314-8377.

Office of Student Financial Aid
Enrollment Management  |  0102 Lee Building University of Maryland, College Park  | College Park, MD 20742
(301) 314-TERP(8377) |  Fax: (301) 405-9265  |  Email: umfinaid.umd.edu
FAFSA Priority Deadline - January 1st |  School Code - 002103

On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 4:32 AM, Peter MTalley <petermtalley.gmail.com> wrote:
I am applying for a position in the Masters of International Information Systems programme

So can i know if there is any progress about My apply 


Dear Nancy, See the following link http://www.ru.nl/english/ Met vriendelijke groet, Marian Bogaard | Managementassistent | Dienst Marketing & Communicatie | Radboud Universiteit | Postbus 9102, 6500 HC Nijmegen | Bezoekadres Comeniuslaan 6, 6525 HP Nijmegen | (024) 361 22 30 / 361 17 76 | www.ru.nl Dit bericht en elke eventuele bijlage is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde(n) en kan vertrouwelijke informatie bevatten. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent mag u dit bericht en de bijlage niet kopiëren of aan derden ter inzage geven of verspreiden. U wordt verzocht de afzender hiervan onmiddellijk op de hoogte te stellen en het bericht te vernietigen.