New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: or the DIS workshop programme on: If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274

posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:38 PM


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