Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet

posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM


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