STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 Web Site: TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. 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Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 Web Site: TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. 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posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM


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