PO/001 Dear All, I am Charlotte Glancy, part of Bank Solutions who are the independent appointed Programme Officers for The London Borough of Richmond Local Plan. This letter is to briefly update you of the stage we are at with the Examination in Public (EiP). The Inspector is working through the information and evidence submitted by the Council in relation to the Plan. Information relating to the Examination can be found on the following website where all documents will be uploaded throughout the Examination Process. This includes recent correspondence between the Inspector and the Council. http://www.richmond.gov.uk/local_plan_examination We are working to be in a position to shortly send out an introductory letter that will explain the process and will normally set out the intended dates for any necessary Hearings, the venue, the Inspector's 'matters and issues' for examination and a draft timetable. At this point we will invite representors, where a duly made representation has been previously made, to confirm if they wish to participate in the hearing Sessions for the EIP. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions. Charlotte Glancy & Chris Banks Programme Officers C/O Banks Solutions bankssolutionsuk@gmail.com 01403 783276 +447519 628064

posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:43 AM


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