Welcome isaac,

Thank you for your email and for your interest in Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). You have a question about studying at the TU/e. Please be advised that all information regarding this can be found on our website; https://www.tue.nl/en/education/studying-at-tue/ For specific information on how to apply for a TU/e program, please go to; https://www.tue.nl/en/education/studying-at-tue/admission-and-enrollment/ We trust that your question has been answered to your satisfaction. If you should have further questions you can reply to this e-mail. If you should wish to contact us by phone, please mention your report number M18013906. Wij hopen dat je vraag naar tevredenheid is beantwoord. Mochten er nog vragen of opmerkingen zijn, kun je een reply sturen op deze e-mail. Mocht je telefonisch contact op willen nemen, zorg dan dat je het meldingsnummer bij de hand hebt M18013906. Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet, International Office -- Dear Maha, Thank you for your inquiry regarding research or teaching opportunities at the University of California, Berkeley. In order to do research or other work at UC Berkeley, you must first be invited as a "visiting scholar" by a professor in an academic department or lab who will serve as your host. The host department's administrative assistants will then take care of the paperwork necessary for you to obtain a visa to come to the U.S. The host department administrators can also answer many of your questions regarding the J-1 document request. Please check the UC Berkeley web site at http://www.berkeley.edu/atoz/dept for links to the department you are interested in. You can then contact faculty members directly via email and they will help you with your questions and refer you to their administrative staff. For more information, visit our website's Professors and Researchers section at http://internationaloffice.berkeley.edu/profs_researchers/main For information about the Visiting Scholars and Postdoc Affairs (VSPA) Program, go to http://vspa.berkeley.edu/ Additionally, you may call 510.643.9681 or e-mail vspa@berkeley.edu The VSPA Program Office is open from Monday through Friday, from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm only. If you will be attending as an 'international student' instead and not as a 'visiting scholar', please visit our Prospective International Student page for options at http://internationaloffice.berkeley.edu/students/prospective Best of luck and we look forward to seeing you at UC Berkeley soon! Warm Regards, Berkeley International Office

posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:35 AM


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