APA Style Guidelines & Examples (6th edition) NAIT G3TUP Library Table of Contents Guidelines for In-Text Citations & Reference Lists........................................................................... 2 Books ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Journal Articles ................................................................................................................................. 8 Periodicals (Newspapers & Magazines) .........................................................................................12 Case Studies ..................................................................................................................................15 Company Profiles or Industry Reports............................................................................................19 Websites .........................................................................................................................................20 Images .........................................................................................................................................22 Lecture Notes & Handouts .............................................................................................................24 Podcasts .........................................................................................................................................25 Videos .........................................................................................................................................26 Government Documents .................................................................................................................29 Conference Papers .........................................................................................................................33 Wikipedia Entries ............................................................................................................................34 Interviews (Personal Communications) ..........................................................................................35 Blueprints ........................................................................................................................................36 Rev. September 2016, AD www.nait.ca/library APA (sixth edition) Citation Style Guidelines NAIT Library Citation styles are standardized systems for crediting and citing sources you've used for your research paper or assignment. Your program or degree will require you to use a specific citation style. The American Psychological Association (APA) citation style is one of many different citation styles. Other style options include MLA (Modern Language Association), CSE (Counsel of Science Editors) and Vancouver. You must give credit to every source that you use in your research paper. Brief citations included in the text of your paper are called "in-text" citations (or "parenthetical" citations because they are in parentheses, or brackets); APA in-text citations are usually made up of the author, date and page number(s) of the source cited. Full citations are always included in the APA References list at the end of your paper; full citations include all the citations elements (for example a book citation includes the author, title, edition, place, publisher and date). Each in-text citation must appear in the References list, and each entry in the References list must come from an in-text citation. These guidelines will help you to cite your research sources according to the APA style. Included are examples of both in-text citations and References list citations. These guidelines are based on the sixth edition (2010, second printing) of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and the FAQs on the APA website (www.apastyle.org/faqs.html#3). Important: Always ask your instructor what citation style is required for your assignment. Overview of Recent APA Changes The sixth edition of the APA Publication Manual includes two major changes that affect citing your sources: 1. When citing books published in the U.S., include the U.S. Postal Service abbreviations for the state of publication. If the publishing city is outside the U.S., include the city and country. Do not abbreviate the country. E.g. 2. Upper Saddle River, NJ Los Angeles, CA Toronto, Canada When citing articles or e-books from library databases, include the digital object identifier (DOI) in the citation (e.g. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.kmrp.8500141) and do not include the URL, date of retrieval or the name of the database. If the DOI is not available, include the persistent URL of the article or e-book (e.g. http://libezproxy.nait.ca/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db =a9h&AN=22299882&site=ehost-live&scope=site). Rev. September 2016, AD www.nait.ca/library 1 Guidelines for In-Text Citations & Reference Lists In-Text Citations  Include the author's last name, the year of publication, and the page number (for quotes), either as part of the text of your paper or in parentheses. For example: (Smith, 2011, p. 17).  If a source has no author or editor, use a few words of the title instead.  Each in-text citation must lead to the full reference list entry for that source. Reference Lists  The references page is usually located at the end of your written document. However, tables and/or appendices, if used, come after the references page.  The references page lists only the sources you cited in your paper. Every reference list entry should have at least one corresponding in-text citation.  Center the heading, References, at the top of the page.  Alphabetize entries in the References list by the authors' last names.  Author's first names are NOT included in the entries; include only the initials of given name(s). For example: Wells, A.  If a work has no author, place the title first and use that to alphabetize it within reference list. If there is no date, use (n.d.). For a full template explaining how to format your citation when information is missing, visit APA's reference template PDF: http://blog.apastyle.org/files/howto-cite-something-you-found-on-a-website-in-apa-style---table-1.pdf  The date of publication appears immediately after the first element of the citation (usually the author's name). For example, Wells, A. (2005).  The references list is double-spaced within AND between citation entries.  Use the hanging indent format: each entry begins flush left, and any additional lines are indented one-half inch (or five spaces).  Capitalization matters; only the first word of titles and subtitles is capitalized, in addition to proper names. However, each significant word in the titles of journals, newspapers and magazines (for example, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences) is capitalized and italicized. Titles of articles from journals are NOT italicized.  Use only the name of the publishing company (do not include "Company" or "Inc." etc.).  Do NOT insert a hyphen when dividing a web address (URL) at the end of a link.  URLs/web addresses should NOT be hyperlinks. Use plain black text. Rev. September 2016, AD

posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:26 PM


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