Hello and Welcome to the Amazon Ultimate Offers Program!

Our work began in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, in 1973, with the provision of life-saving reproductive health technologies for health systems in several countries. Since then, we have experienced amazing growth and change as an organization, but our singular commitment to expanding women's and girls' access to safe, legal abortion has remained constant. https://www.ipas.org/about-us Today we have offices on four continents. To meet the reproductive health needs of women and girls, we focus on improving health services for them, increasing their access to services, and expanding their sexual and reproductive rights. We train health workers and conduct research to ensure high-quality, evidence-based care is available. We partner with community-based organizations to educate women and their communities on their rights, and we advocate for legal abortion and support local champions for abortion rights. G3TUP Since our founding in 1973, we've been through amazing growth and change as an organization, but our singular commitment to expanding women's and girls' access to safe, legal abortion has remained constant. Our strategic plan for fiscal years 2018-2023 draws on our decades of experience working with health systems and communities to end unsafe abortion. We've spoken with partners and colleagues around the world to determine how we can best improve upon our strengths, address our areas of weakness, and make the greatest impact for women and girls. Ipas remains dedicated to preventing unsafe abortion and increasing access to contraception. Working with local partners around the world, we strive to improve women's access and right to safe, high-quality abortion care and contraception. We will continue to train providers in abortion care, to strengthen health systems, to advocate for safe abortion and reform of restrictive laws, to engage with communities and to reduce barriers to safe abortion like stigma. Reproductive health technologies Ipas was founded as an abortion technology organization focused on the manual vacuum aspirator (MVA). Our role in medical abortion, MVA and contraception will continue to evolve in the coming years, but our commitment to high-quality health products remains unchanged. https://www.ipas.org/about-us/strategy Understanding women's wants and needs We will focus on targeted research to understand more about women's needs and wants regarding reproductive health and how they make decisions about contraception and abortion. We will share what we learn and aim to answer key questions that remain in the global body of evidence on these topics. Self-management of medical abortion We'll work to improve women's ability to have an abortion using pills—on her own, when and where she wants. And we'll explore the clinical and regulatory questions surrounding the expansion of women's access to this method. High-quality abortion care Although there are quality standards for abortion, there is not yet an agreed upon standard set of indicators for monitoring abortion quality across settings. Ipas will continue working with partners to establish broadly useful indicators for quality of care that can be applied across the abortion field. Abortion in conflict settings We'll partner with relief agencies to create better access to contraception and safe abortion for women and girls living in crisis settings, where the risk of rape and unintended pregnancy is high. Care for victims of gender-based violence We will expand efforts to improve care for women and girls who experience gender-based violence, which all too often leads to unwanted pregnancies. Working with partners, we'll create access to emergency contraception and safe abortion for victims of this violence. Sexuality education that includes abortion We'll partner with global, national and local institutions to advocate for comprehensive sexuality education programs to include accurate, non-biased information on abortion—a topic often missing from curricula. CGIAR is a global research partnership for a food-secure future. CGIAR science is dedicated to reducing poverty, enhancing food and nutrition security, and improving natural resources and ecosystem services. Its research is carried out by 15 CGIAR centers in close collaboration with hundreds of partners, including national and regional research institutes, civil society organizations, academia, development organizations and the private sector. Thanks to our funders, CGIAR research has transformed the lives of hundreds of millions of people through tangible research outcomes. CGIAR is committed to helping the world radically transform our collective approaches and strengthen operations to deliver on-the-ground solutions to the planet's most vulnerable. https://www.cimmyt.org/cgiar/ CGIAR is guided by its 2016-2030 Strategy and Results Framework (SRF), aligned directly with global development targets, which provides overall strategic direction and a results framework for the 2nd generation of CGIAR Research Programs. The Independent Evaluation Arrangement (IEA) of the CGIAR is an independent unit which supports the CGIAR in the pursuit of its objectives defined as: reduction of poverty; improving food security; improving nutrition and health; and the sustainable management of natural resources. In this role, the IEA manages and supports external evaluations which aim to provide accountability, support to decision making, and lessons for improving quality and effectiveness of agricultural research for development outcomes. Contact us https://www.cimmyt.org/contact-us/ Location Km. 45, Carretera México-Veracruz, El Batán, Texcoco CP 56237 Edo. de México, Mexico Tel: +52 (55) 5804 2004 or +52 (595) 952 1900 To phone directly from the U.S.: +1 (612) 605-5205 Email: Rosalia Muñoz Postal address Apdo. Postal 6-641 06600 México, D.F., MÉXICO U.S. postal address C.I.P./Mexico/ AP # 370 P.O. Box 60326 Houston TX 77205 U.S.

posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:52 AM


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