Hey Isaac,

Remote work is becoming increasingly popular by the day. Employees prefer enjoying the warmth of their beds for 30 minutes rather than a boring commute for 30 minutes. They want a warm cooked meal during lunch instead of the microwaved frozen foods they have in the office. On the other hand, employers do not need to provide workspace for their workers. Besides the various benefits remote work has to offer, it has been met by some myths such as these:

Myth #1- remote work results in reduced productivity

It is easy to imagine that people who work remotely are easily distracted since there is no boss around to keep them on toes. However, a study conducted by the Harvard University showed that employee productivity increased by 13.5 percent after the company allowed remote work. A remote worker has fewer distractions now that he does not have the coffee and tea breaks, which workers use to chat.

Myth #2- remote working means your data will be unsafe

Many are skeptical about sending company information through the internet. They feel that their data might be hacked. However, this should not be a concern, especially considering the numerous technological advancements that have made it possible for such issues to be kept at a minimum. The IT team can work on setting up cloud-based solutions so that there are no breaches of confidentiality.

Myth #3- remote working increases costs

Some people are of the opinion that the IT requirements will escalate operational costs, something that is totally untrue. At the beginning, you might have to spend on providing desks to the workers operating remotely. However, there will be no additional costs. After all, workers now do not have to pay for commute and so the employers are not compelled to pay them commute allowance. Also, the employer can choose to have a smaller office than before since the employees do not stay there on a full-time basis.

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