Co n g R a T u l at i On isaac
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Welcome to the Office of Student Affairs on-line appointment system! Please note: Students already in their major (non PR-ENGIN, non ET) should verify their advisor on SPIRE and contact them directly to schedule appointments unless seeking advice on study abroad or the Engineering Management Minor. TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR PR-ENGIN or ET ACADEMIC ADVISING, STUDY ABROAD, OR THE ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT MINOR: Click on "Make an Advising Appointment" (below) Log in using your campus NetID and password Your optional comments, made when creating an appointment, will be saved as part of your academic records. TO CANCEL AN APPOINTMENT: Click on "Make an Advising Appointment" Log in using your campus NetID and password Find your "Upcoming Appointments" on the right side Open the appointment and find the "cancel" link. Your advisor will receive notice that you have cancelled the appointment. How to Reschedule Your Exam If you need to reschedule your exam, be sure to do so at least 24 hours prior to your exam appointment time to avoid having to pay again. Please note that CompTIA cannot reschedule exams. You can reschedule your exam by contacting Pearson VUE directly by phone, live chat or an online form. You can also reschedule your exam by logging into your Pearson VUE account, and following the steps below: Click on the name of your exam under Upcoming Appointments Click Reschedule then select your new desired date and start time Review your appointment details on the next page and click Proceed to Checkout Confirm your personal information on the next page Read and agree to the testing policies on the next page Review all the details on the next page and click Confirm Reschedule The final page will provide a summary of your rescheduled exam appointment and a confirmation email will be sent to you. If you don't receive a confirmation email, check your junk or spam folders. If you still don't locate a reschedule confirmation email contact Pearson VUE to confirm. Rescheduling with special accommodations If you have been granted special accommodations due to a disability, you'll need to contact Pearson VUE at least four days before your exam appointment so that these accommodations can also be rescheduled. Dear Founder: You have invested some of your own money (and much "sweat equity") into the company you founded, taken some seed or angel money as the initial funding, and are making progress with some initial trials. There is significant interest in your product and you have accumulated a project pipeline. Your company looks like it may start ramping up from the several US$10k monthly run-rate to US$50k or US$100k monthly run-rate. As you embark to scale this growth (at three-digit percentage [i.e. 100%+] for at least 2 to 3 more years from today, and consistent growth of sales month after month), you are looking around for VC funding to help you with this ramp-up. It's probably time to look at going to "institutional" money. But not everyone is suited to a VC or PE type of investment. What we'd say is it does put pressure on you – though most of it is good. And it's also important that you find the right strategy and the right partners. You couldn't ask for more – this is probably the best time ever to be a start up in India. You have the country standing up and paying attention to entrepreneurs. No questions asked about age, education, experience or background. All that matters is your idea and how you make it happen. As passionate founders are well aware, the 'making it happen' is where the equation changes. When the idea rides not just on you as a founder or your investors, but a team that readily gets their hands dirty - that's when there's a high chance that your dream will happen. We understand why it is critical, but why do entrepreneurs find it challenging to hire the right people? If your work culture is different to that of traditional companies, why shouldn't your hiring strategy be? Every start-up will state that factors like finding people who can and are willing to work in a start-up, adjusting to the small company-high energy work culture, and inability to compensate according to industry standards are some of the major challenges. But the fundamental issue is with how you hire people. If you are going to look for your right team within an old hiring box, the hiring challenge is going to continue to trouble you. You need to take a perceptibly different approach and find new ways of working with people. Here is an alternative approach to think about: Why should you ONLY hire full time employees and commit to a lifetime of benefits, when you might need their services for just over a year? Why should you spend your money in setting up a full-fledged office space at the early stages of your company? Why was the internet invented after all! And more importantly, would you compromise on the quality of your hire, just because you cannot match the industry compensation standards? Welcome! We're are so glad you're here! Our church office hours are: Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (919 477-0509) How would you like to be contact ? Let us know. email: Sunday Morning Worship - 8:30 & 11:00 am - The services features traditional Christian music and worship style. Sunday School Classes are at 9:45 - 10:45 am and available for everyone ! Children,Youth. Middle School, High School, Young Adults, Combined Men and Women, Just Men, Inter-generational, Something for everyone ! Nursery is always provided. Communion - The table of Holy Communion is Christ's table and it is open to anyone (including children) who seeks to respond to Christ's love and seeks to lead a new life of peace and love. The invitation to Communion is the first Sunday of each month at all three service. GWI Post Interview Letter LETTERHEAD Date Name Address City, State, Zip Dear It was a pleasure meeting with you regarding a Groupworker I position in the _________ Region. Following an interview on _____________, your name has been placed into a pool of qualified applicants that is drawn from when a future vacancy occurs. As there are limited vacancies and several qualified applicants, not everyone will be offered a position. If you have any questions regarding the status of the Groupworker I open and continuous posting or your resume and application, please contact our office at _______________. We also invite you to visit our agency website at regarding other state employment opportunities . Thank you again for your interest in the Department of Youth Services. Sincerely, Name Title Location LETTERHEAD Date Name Address City, State, Zip Dear _____________________, Thank you for submitting a resume and completed state job application for the Groupworker I position in the ________________ Region, Posting ID # _____________. We currently have a sufficient number of screened applicants awaiting placements and are therefore not processing new applications or conducting interviews at this time. The Groupworker I position is an open and continuous posting, so you may reapply again in a few months if you are still interested in a position at the Department of Youth Services. Sincerely, Name Title Location Dear : Thank you for your interest in the position of [position title], [location or posting number]. The [name of agency] received many resumes for the position from people with strong backgrounds in this field. We regret to inform you that you were not selected by the screening committee for an interview for this position. I would encourage you to keep informed of other opportunities within the [name of agency] by viewing the Commonwealth Employment Opportunities website at Again, thank you for your interest in employment within [name of agency]. I wish you well in your pursuit of a career opportunity. Thank you for your interest in the position of [position title], [location or posting number]. We would like to interview you for the above position. The interview information is as follows: Date: Time: Location: Name and Phone of Contact: Directions to Interview Location: [Note: Use this letter to also inform applicants of any other aspects of the interview, e.g. that there will be an interview panel, that a writing sample is requested, etc] In addition, please complete the attached Employment Application Form and bring it with you to the interview. Please contact me at if I may provide you with additional information. Sincerely, [Name and title of hiring manager or HR Personnel] Dear : The individual indicated above has applied for the position of [position title] in [name of agency], and has given us permission to contact you for an employment reference. Please provide the information as follows: Period of employment with your organization: Job title and type of work performed: Would you rehire this person? Why or why not? Please rate the following on a scale of: Excellent/Acceptable/Poor: Dependability: ___________________ Job Performance: ___________________ Attendance: ___________________ Cooperation: ___________________ [The above are examples only; add or delete criteria as applicable to the individual job] Our agency provides the following types of services: [describe the mission of agency]. Any information that you can give us would be appreciated and would assist us in selecting the best employees to work with our . We ask for your prompt reply, as employment is contingent upon the receipt of references. A stamped self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Photocopie du (dernier diplôme obtenu) Objet : Demande d'admission au BTS de (intitulé du BTS) (Madame, Monsieur), J'ai l'honneur de vous soumettre ma candidature à l'admission au BTS de (intitulé du BTS). (Si le candidat est encore en phase d'études) En effet, je viens de terminer mon cursus d'enseignement (préciser les dernières années d'étude ou le dernier diplôme préparé) et souhaite continuer à approfondir mes connaissances théoriques et pratiques. (Si le candidat reprend ses études après un passage dans la vie active) En effet, après avoir intégré la vie active, j'ai pris conscience de l'importance d'un diplôme tel que le BTS. J'ai donc décidé de reprendre un cursus scolaire qui m'apportera de nouvelles compétences et plus d'épanouissement au sein de mes futurs emplois. Sérieux(euse) et travailleur(euse), mes années d'études m'ont apporté des connaissances que je sais aujourd'hui mettre à profit. Conscient de la chance qui pourrait m'être faite d'intégrer cette section de (intitulé du BTS), c'est avec la plus grande motivation que j'envisage ces deux prochaines années au sein de votre établissement. Dans l'attente de votre réponse bienveillante, je me tiens à votre disposition pour tour enseignement complémentaire. Veuillez agréer, (Madame, Monsieur), l'expression de mes sincères salutations. Thank you for your honest feedback, I do really appreciate it. You've raised the same point many others raised, and it's important to note that my argument of uselessness is from the specific standpoint of daily, long term usage of Docker, both locally and in production. I have since updated the article to reflect on some more of the positives, and you + others are right to call me out on this. If you look further into the article, you will see that I do give fair mention that Docker/LXC can result in faster startup times and lower memory usage. The tone of the article is an accurate representation of my feelings towards Docker, writing anything else would have been a lie. I'm sorry you feel like the article was a waste of time, but I appreciate your honesty! Despite these corrections, I still stand by my conclusion, however it's been quite insightful to have peer review from a wide audience and so far 99.9% of the feedback has been constructive. Thank you for your acceptance of our offer of employment on Wed, 23 May 2018 20:20:56 PDT. The following confirms information about your position: Position and Payroll Title: Job Group: Bi-Weekly Salary: Start Date: Type of Employment: [eg union, permanent, full-time, part-time, etc] Name of Supervisor: Hours of work: Work Address: Type of payroll system: Bi-Weekly Direct Deposit Please plan to report to at on [start date]. Your continued employment after three business days of your start date is dependent upon your providing us with appropriate documentation establishing your identity and completing a Form I-9. Attached are that form and a documentation checklist [see Employment Application Form]. Please bring the Form I-9 and original documentation to the Human Resource Department either prior to your start date or on your first day of work. In addition, please return this letter with your social security number and signature as soon as possible. [For management positions MV and above, include reference to background check forms and/or employee acknowledgement form if not already completed]. Thank you for your attention in this matter, and we look forward to your employment with our agency. Sincerely, [name and title of hiring manager or HR personnel] US Consulate General Frankfurt: Depending on the availability of the Farsi speaking officer, your interview may be held in either English or German. If you do not speak/understand one of these languages, please make sure to bring someone with you who can translate for you into one of these languages. Visa Waver Program If you are a citizen of a Visa Waiver Program partner but unable to travel to the United States under that program, you should apply for a nonimmigrant visa at least three months in advance of your desired travel. If you do not have imminent travel plans, you should pay the nonimmigrant visa application fee, fill out the DS-160 nonimmigrant visa application form at, and schedule a visa appointment. If your travel is imminent, you may request an expedited visa appointment. Please include in your request the date and purpose of your travel, as well as a copy of any U.S. Customs and Border Protection message you may have received regarding your ESTA status. More information about restrictions to travel under the Visa Waiver Program, including the requirement for an electronic passport, is available at Important notice Applicants speaking a visa from the U.S. Mission in Germany are welcome to apply at any of the visa-processing posts: U.S. Embassy Berlin, U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt, or U.S. Consulate General Munich.Please choose whichever location is most convenient for you, whether deciding based upon proximity or appointment availability. You may click on the link below entitled "Appointment Wait Times" to see which post has a date most suitable to meet your travel plans. If you already filled out your DS 160 application form for a particular Embassy/Consulate and subsequently decide to schedule an appointment at a different location, we strongly suggest that you fill out a new DS 160 form for the appropriate Consulate in order to avoid technical problems and processing delays. *On December 4, the U.S. Supreme Court granted the Government's motions for emergency stays of preliminary injunctions issued by the U.S. District Courts for the Districts of Hawaii and Maryland, which prohibited the enforcement of certain sections of Presidential Proclamation 9645 (P.P). Nationals of Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and Venezuela are subject to the restrictions and limitations. More information is available at this link Objet : candidature pour un master « nom du master » P.J. : curriculum vitæ « Ville », le « date » « Civilité » « titre » (ou « Madame, Monsieur »), J'ai l'honneur de vous soumettre, par la présente, mon dossier de candidature au master « nom du Master » dispensé par votre (préciser la nature et le nom de l'établissement). Cette démarche s'inscrit dans la suite logique de mon projet professionnel, afin de pouvoir approfondir mes connaissances dans le domaine de (préciser) et me diriger vers une carrière de (préciser le métier visé). Actuellement en « nom de la formation actuelle », pour lequel / laquelle je devrais obtenir mon diplôme en « mois et année », j'ai pu apprendre sur les thématiques de (préciser), Aussi, l'occasion m'a été donnée, au travers de cours de (préciser) / de stages (préciser), d'appréhender les questions de (préciser) qui m'intéressent plus particulièrement / de me forger une première expérience dans le domaine de (préciser). De par le vif intérêt porté à ces thématiques et leur corrélation avec mes objectifs, c'est tout naturellement que je souhaite intégrer votre master afin de poursuivre sur cette voie et de parfaire ma culture sur ce sujet. Conscient(e) de l'engagement que nécessite cette formation, je suis prêt(e) et déterminé(e) à m'investir pleinement dans cette formation, et me tiens à votre disposition pour tout entretien de sélection que vous jugeriez utile à l'examen de mon dossier d'admission. Vous trouverez en pièce jointe mon curriculum vitæ qui vous fournira des informations détaillées sur mon parcours. Vous remerciant par avance de la bienveillance que vous porterez à ma candidature, veuillez agréer, « civilité » « titre » (ou « Madame, Monsieur »), l'expression de mes salutations distinguées. Thank you for your time and consideration' It sometimes happens that, directly after an interview, something drastically changed in your mind or life and you decided not to chase that position any longer. For example, you could find a different exceptional offer, chose to relocate to another city or part of the world, or simply got disappointed in the company that you had idealized before your direct interaction its employees. Do such situations occur in real life? Quite often, so you better be prepared for them. Whatever happens, you still have to compose a "thank-you" note. Maybe something will change again in the future, and you will decide to apply for the same position again one more time, but even if you know you certainly will not, it is useful to retain a good attitude towards yourself because nobody knows for sure when, where and under which circumstances you might meet those same people again. And if it comes down to it at some point in your life, you already have the right connections to possibly get what you need. The content of the document naturally differs in this case - you have to politely explain why you are no longer interested, give thanks for the conversation, wish them all the best, and say that you will be glad to meet them again someday. In a more common situation when you have not changed your mind about that job the note will help to reaffirm your interest in the discussed position and remind the employer once again of your eagerness to work there. Dear Ms. Collins , I want to thank you for taking time to speak with me on April 15 th about your career in corporate finance at ABC Corporation and sharing the knowledge of the field you've gained along the way. Your advice on work experiences and specific areas of study that most benefited you in building your career has helped direct my summer inte rnship plans to those areas where I need further development. I found your insights into future industry trends to be most interesting and have begun to research the articles and publications you recommended. Also, per your suggestion, I have arranged an informational interview with your colleague, Marty Simonson , and will be meeting him next week. Thank you again for that connection and I will follow up with you afterwards to let you know of the outcome. I look forward to seeing you again. Best Regards , Ryan Brady Address Phone Email Sample Job Application Follow - up Letter Subject l ine of e mail m essage: Programmer p osition – Jane Doe a pplication Dear Mr. Jones: Earlier this month, I submitted a resume for the programmer position that XYZ Company posted on its website. I am very interested in working at XYZ Company and I believe my skills, especially my C++ experience at ABD Company, would be an ideal match for this position. If necessary, I would be glad to resend my resume or to provide any further information you might need regarding my candidacy. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Your Name Address Phone Num ber Email Address Welcome Table Restaurant Booking System Welcome Table is a UK-based all-inclusive online table booking system for restaurants of all sizes. We empower restaurateurs to better manage their bookings, diary and capacity as well as providing would-be diners with real-time booking availability. Book Yourself Full. Welcome to Bedford Street Surgery Welcome along to our surgery website where we hope you will quickly benefit from a user friendly layout and a wealth of information about the healthcare services available at both our Bletchley and Furzton sites. Find out when we're open and what to do when we're not, all from the comfort of your own home. Appointments Please use our online facility for booking an appointment. You can register for online services through reception . Please download our new MJOG app to help you keep up to date with appointments , cancellations and Health Campaigns Welcome to France-Visas - The official website for visa application to France Planning a holiday, business trip or any other project in France ? This website provides information on how to navigate each step of your visa application process. Repeat prescription requests If you have regular medication and it has been put on as a repeat prescription, and the review date has not expired, then you can use PATIENT Access to request a repeat prescription. Prescriptions can be collected two full working days after request. Once you have logged onto PATIENT Access you can view any repeat medication items by clicking List of your repeat medication in the Repeat Prescriptions section of the screen. Tick the items you require and then click Make Request. There is no need to add a message relating to your request. Your medication will automatically be sent to the chemist that we hold on your records. You will then see a confirmation screen, providing you are happy with the selection you made, click Confirm. Patient Access Notice - If you are using Google Chrome or a high version of Internet Explorer, you may get an error or blank page when ordering your prescriptions online. If this happens, please check with the surgery to ensure that your prescription order has gone through. Booking an Appointment Once in Patient Access you can book an appointment. If this is the first time you have used Patient Access and you registered from home please bring some photo ID (passport/driving license) with you when you attend the appointment and book in with the Receptionist when you arrive. Book an Appointment Viewing your Contact Information Clicking on View/Update Your Contact Info (opposite Welcome on the PATIENT Access home page) will show the current details we hold for you. If you need to make any changes click Edit but please note the following points which are very important: Your address: Your address may appear in an abbreviated format on this screen, this is because our computer system limits the address field to a specific width. If you address is abbreviated there is no need to change it unless it is technically incorrect (i.e. wrong flat number). E-mail: it is useful for us if you can provide a current e-mail address - particularly if you are using our repeat prescription request service. After entering any changes click Submit. You then need to confirm the changes by clicking Confirm. We review all changes when we receive them, and accept them providing they comply with our requirements. Need help registering for Online Access? Instructions on How to Access GP Online Services Dear White Male Investors: Your Time Is Running Out A panel of the country's top investors, including Josh Kopelman, Arlan Hamilton and Maya Baratz, convened on Thursday during Philly Tech Week to talk about the future of venture capital and innovation. Here are some takeaways from the fiery discussion. Read more at On Thursday, Philly Tech Week brought together three of the country's leading investors — Josh Kopelman, First Round Capital founding partner, Arlan Hamilton, Backstage Capital founder and managing partner, and Maya Baratz, Comcast NBCUniversal Lift Labs Accelerator Powered by Techstars managing director. The three investment leaders talked freely about where they think the venture capital world is headed and offered pointed advice about why venture capital isn't the best option for many founders. Looking ahead, the innovation space will drastically change in terms of who's at the table. Those VCs who don't adapt will be left behind. Here are more excerpts from the conversation: Read more at Registration for use of online services You can order your repeat medication and book GP an d blood test appointments online. This leaflet provides a step b y step guide, with screen prints, on how to register to use the online services. These services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a wee k and allow patients to arrange their prescriptions and book appointment s without having to ring the surgery. Nurse appointments are not avail able online because each nurse has a different role. The first step in using the online services is to r egister which you do by first asking for a Patient Access Registration Information Letter from reception and making sure the surgery has your curr ent E-mail address and mobile telephone number (used for password reco very). Once registered, you can use the Patient Access App on a smart phone or tablet as well as being able to login to the site p rovider (emis) using your personal computer. In order to maintain patient confidentiality, there are a number of conditions for registration: • A patient must always be registered in their own n ame and appointments / prescriptions are always made in the patient's name regardless of who makes the appointment or who is a ttending. Hence, the registration for children, carers, etc. is always done in the patient's name so that the registration details wil l be in that patient's name. • For children, the practice will only allow parents to register their children for the service up to the age of 14. Any o lder than that and the child would have to request the registration de tails themselves. • People cannot register other people unless there i s a lack of capacity scenario. So, for example, husbands and wives canno t register each other because the registration allows access to con fidential Welcome! We are so glad you are here! At CMLE, our mission is to support and serve libraries. We are here to serve our members, and to help connect our members across the system, across Minnesota, and across the profession. We provide a wide variety of resources, services, training, and programs to help our members to be successful in serving their communities. Click around the site, look at everything that is available. Is there something you want that isn't here? Tell us about it! Do you have an issue in your library not yet covered on our site? Let us know! Do you just want to tell us about being a fan of libraries? We love them too, so we would love to hear about it! We look forward to hearing from you, and enjoy working with our member libraries! Thank you for your submitting your resume for our open position. We are very fortunate to have had the opportunity to consider you as a candidate. We have reviewed your resume and have concluded that our requirements differ from the experience and education detailed in your materials. We very much appreciate you taking the time to allow us to consider your resume. We have had many excellent submissions for our opening and are very grateful that you were willing to allow us to review your qualifications. Again, thank you for giving us a chance to review your resume. Your willingness to consider working with us was very gracious. We will retain your resume on file and will contact you if our situation changes. If we can ever be of any assistance, please feel free to call. Very truly yours, The Rosen Law Firm Lee Rosen You polish your resume, sharpen your interviewing skills and land an on-campus interview. A few weeks later, you are invited to the corporate offices for a second round of interviews, which you are sure you aced. You get ready to break open the Champagne, thinking that you should be getting the offer letter any day now. After you have been sitting on pins and needles for what seems like an eternity, the letter comes, but instead of an offer, it is a "ding"letter, a "bullet," a rejection. What do you do now? Do you tear the letter into a thousand pieces, burn your interviewing suit, and resolve to never again darken the doors of corporate America, or do you take another, a better, approach? There is so much advice out there about what to do when you win, but very little about what you do when you lose? Take Five — Time for Reflection Because we don't like rejection, we generally don't take it very well. We either assume the one who rejected us was being unfair, or that we weren't good enough, neither of which is necessarily true. Your job now is to avoid falling into either of these traps. It's okay to feel disappointed for a hot minute, but then you must get back into the game. There are some things you want to do right away. First of all, address how you are feeling about this rejection. It is reasonable to feel hurt, even depressed. Face your emotions and ride them out. Don't become obsessive about a rejection, or even a number of them — some students even paper their walls with the ding letters they receive before landing their first offer. Resist the urge to rehash old rejections and old failures. Just because you were the last one picked for basketball or your prince charming asked someone else to the prom does not mean this is a life-long pattern. A rejection letter is not personal, although it certainly feels personal; it is business, and you need to treat it as such Thanks I'm thrilled that I get to share my latest ideas with you. I think you're going to enjoy it. Keep an eye out for my first email. I've got a quick question for you that'll help us figure out exactly what will make the biggest difference in your practice. Thanks. Lee Rosen Thanks I'm thrilled that I get to share my latest ideas with you. I think you're going to enjoy it. Keep an eye out for my first email. I've got a quick question for you that'll help us figure out exactly what will make the biggest difference in your practice. Thanks. Lee Rosen Subscription Confirmed Your subscription to CS Dojo Newletter has been confirmed! If you have a minute, come visit my YouTube channel as well :) -> Thank you for being honest and admitting not only your weakness, but also your willingness to learn. It's refreshing compared to all the people on the internet that feel like they need to know more than the other person and to tell everyone they know more. Thank You for Being Honest by SB Sarah · Apr 28, 2009 at 4:00 pm · View all 88 comments At the RT booksigning on Saturday, someone came up to meet me. I absolutely love putting faces to names that I read online. When this very kind and interesting person left, she said, "Thank you for being honest." I loved that. I so appreciate when people let me know that they enjoy the site, and I love how she put it: "Being honest." There's no implication of acceptance or even of agreement with what I say. But there is acknowledgment of honesty, and its value. At the panel Jane and I gave Thursday about blogging, I said that any person who participates online has to understand that internet marketing is not a zero-sum game. There isn't a winner/loser relationship in marketing online. Using some buzzwords, online public relationships are horizontal in nature, and so is the marketing. You can't beat someone else because there's no time limit or goal to be reached in online community establishment. Horizontal marketing creates a collaborative community of group success. Jaye Wells put it better when she hand-sold a copy of my book to someone who had stopped to meet her (Thank you Jaye): "Any book that sells is good for all of us." Amen to that. Thank you for never second-guessing another's right to the truth. Thank you for picking up the slack. Thank you for filling in the holes in a world filled with doubt and uncertainty. Thank you for your honesty. You merit a million high-fives and endless words of gratitude. Sincerely, Thank you for being my better half. We don't share the same genetic makeup, but after all the sleepovers, heart-to-heart conversations, shopping until our bank accounts cry, and swapping clothes so often that we don't know what belongs to whom, how could I not consider you family? We have shared some my fondest memories together, and I wouldn't want them to feature anyone but you. You've been with me on my best days, and loved me on my worst. You know how to make me laugh when all I want to do is crawl into a hole and die. Your admirers Subscription newsletter Thank you for confirming your subscription. You are now officially registered as a newsletter recipient of Hotel Mons. Would you like to know for which newsletters you are registered? You can see this list in the Valk Account area. You only need to login or create a Valk Account. Be aware that this list shows a large part of the current Van der Valk mailings. However, it's not complete. So if you still receive newsletters you would rather not, please let us know. Welcome to the Online Payslips Service Online payslips allow you to access your pay details 24 hours a day and to keep a record of them in a safe and secure place. We encourage staff and retirees to register for this service. Not yet registered? Register for online payslips here All users have to register once before using the system. You need an email address to register. You can use your work or personal email address. Already Registered? Current employees and those who retired before January 1st 2010 can click on the area they are paid from to see their online payslip. See table below. Retired after January 1st 2010 If you retired after January 1st 2010 click here to view your online payslip. Client Testimonial – "Thank You For Being Honest With Me…" August 28, 2012 Elsa ST writes: "As always, I so enjoy working with you. I feel like you are a friend to me who's knowledge, wisdom, and opinion I value because regardless of it's something I want to hear or not, you tell me what's in the charts. The truth is what most people seek but aren't willing to accept or even profess. I want to thank you for always being honest with me, even if it's things I don't necessarily want to hear sometimes. I feel like in the past year you've worked with me, I've reach a level of awareness that makes me realize I have such a long way to go. I take it day by day to be a better person, to be the best I can be, not just professionally and physically but as a human being. Things like self control and consideration of others, which can be hard for me at times. Thank you again, and you are truly gifted!" Thanks, ST! Welcome page for two to three weeks or until your next pre scription is processed. If your last medication request was put on two separate prescriptions, only the last one will be displayed 2 To request a repeat prescription online, PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING STEPS (The information in this leaflet is correct at the date of issue but may be subject to change.) Thank you. 🙂 This was such a nice note this morning, and completely unexpected. She also tipped me with an Amazon gift card which just stunned me and made me so happy. 🙂 I am so fortunate to work with people like this. It's a privilege. Reply ↓ Raven on August 29, 2012 at 11:26 pm said: I have not had a reading with you Elsa. Maybe one day. From all I have seen and read from you on this site (and the site itself) I can imagine your readings truly are something of great value. You seem to have a deep and innate grasp of some essential truths about human nature, along with the skill to see how an astrological chart displays these truths. I admire that skill and commend you for being such an inspiration to many. APPOINTMENT POLICIES Courtesy Confirmation At least one day prior to your scheduled appointment, we will attempt to contact you via your preferred method of communication. This will serve as a reminder of your upcoming appointment as well as a confirmation that we both have the same date and time reserved for you. Late Arrivals We ask that you arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment. This allows time for you to complete any required paperwork and for us to update your medical history, if necessary. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, we may, at our discretion, ask you to reschedule. Otherwise, if we can fit you into the schedule at a later time that same day, and you agree to wait in the office, then we will reschedule you for the same day. If the schedule does not accommodate that, then we will reschedule you for another day. We try to remain on schedule, so in fairness to other patients, if you arrive more than 15 minutes late, we may be unable to see you as scheduled. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this. Appointment Policy for Operative and Routine Treatments We have reserved valuable time for your dental treatment. If you miss your appointment, time has been lost that could have been offered to another patient. If you are unable to keep your treatment appointment, please notify us as soon as possible so that we may offer the time to another patient. This enables us to stay on schedule and to accommodate as many patients as possible. B ETHANY L UTHERAN P RESCHOOL S UMMER P ROGRAM & S CHEDULE – 2018 Thank you for your interest in our summer program. Current student enrollment begins February 19 and ends March 7. Placement in our summer program for children on our wait list will begin March 19 , once we have returned from spring break. To place your child on the wait list, you will need to contact our Director, Linda Shirley , to arrange for a tour. If you have attended our summer program in the past, please email us to let us know you are interested in signing up for the 2018 summer program. Below is the summer schedule and tuition rates . Tuition is based on attendance for a full session (monthly) or on a weekly schedule . The $10 sibling discount is applied only to full session (monthly) tuition. A student must attend at least 2 days per week. We know that in summer family plans change , so we do offer a flexible attendance . However, an y drops in attendance must be in writing and given to the preschool off ice at least two weeks before the start of any session ( not weekly attendance) the change is to occur . You may contact Ms. Valarie in the preschool office to request an increase in attendance days or weeks. The program curriculum is theme based. The summer program calenda r with themes will be posted at the end of April 2018. COMPUTER- BASED EXAMS 4 How to Register Log in to your MyNCEES account, select the REGISTER button, and follow the onscreen instructions. During registration, you will be required to agree to conduct transactions with NCEES by electronic means, including but not limited to the exam registration process. You will also be required to attest that you have read the rules and policies in the NCEES Examinee Guide and agree to comply with them. Exam Fees Exam fees are payable directly to NCEES during the registration process. NCEES accepts payments online via MasterCard and VISA. Fees are as follows: Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) $225 Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) $225 Some licensing boards may require examinees to file a separate application and pay an application fee as part of their approval process in order to be qualified for seating for an NCEES exam. You will be notified during the registration process if the licensing board you selected has additional requirements. REGISTRATION PROCESS 1. Register and pay for the exam. 2. Receive authorization notification from NCEES to schedule an exam. 3. Schedule the exam. 4. Receive the appointment confirmation letter from Pearson VUE. Evaluate your readiness for the FE and FS exams by testing your knowledge with the most realistic computer-based simulation available. The computer-based practice exams c ontain questions and solutions from past exams. They also simulate the real format, style, and level of difficulty. FE and FS Practice Exams–$49.95 each We do the exams. You do the math. Study with NCEES Thank you for your interest in visiting Mexico. In order to apply for a visa, kindly request an appointment through MEXITEL, the free online appointment scheduling system of the Government of Mexico. You can reach it through the following web address: There, you will need to set up an account and choose the most suitable time for your appointment at the Consular Section of the Embassy (it's recommended that you use the web browser Google Chrome when booking your appointment).Once you have booked your appointment, the system will generate a confirmation letter, which you must bring with you to the Embassy on the day of your appointment. Said letter will also be emailed to the email account you provided. We strongly recommend that you request an appointment with plenty of time in advance in order to avoid any inconveniences. Please take note that, if you wish to reschedule for a more convenient date or time, or if you miss your appointment, you will need to request a new one following the same procedure. Once your appointment has been confirmed, you will need to fulfill the following requirements. Please note that all documents are subject to verification and have to be presented in both in original and copy: 1. Please be informed that according with new Government regulations, as of January 1st, 2017, visa applications at the Embassy of Mexico will have a non-refundable naira equivalent charge of $36.00 USD that must be deposited directly to the Embassy's Account: UBA Nigeria 1019196823, Embassy of Mexico. 2. Present personally the visa application form dully completed and signed, since your biometric information (picture and fingerprints) is required. It is not possible to present your documents via courier or a third party. 3. Present a valid passport, with at least 6 months left before its expiry date. If you are not a Nigerian citizen, you will also need to provide either evidence of your legal entry into Nigeria, or of your legal residence in the country. 4. Bring with you one (1) passport sized color picture, with the following characteristics: front face, without glasses, and a white background. 5. Provide evidence of adequate economic solvency by presenting any of the following documents Rescheduling & Cancellation Policy Your appointment is very important to us and it is reserved especially for you. We realize that there are many things that can come up in people's day to day lives. While truly sympathetic, when a client cancels without giving enough notice, they prevent another client from being seen. In fairness to all clients as well as to all therapists, this policy is in effect regardless of the reason for the cancellation. Massage Sense has a minimum 24 hour cancellation/rescheduling policy. If an appointment is missed, canceled or changed with less than 24 hours notice, there will be charge of cancellation fee. Here's how it works: Massage Sense allows clients to choose from two standardized appointment types with distinct cancellation policies Fixed and Flexible. Fixed (Value deal) No rescheduling option No discount options If you cancel or miss your scheduled appointment, no refunds will be provided (min. 24 hour cancellation notice is not applicable) Should you be unable to make it to your appointment, you can choose to use your reservation and send someone else on your behalf. In this case, we require a notice of such change by a text message to this number: 06 480 66 574 If Massage Sense has to cancel your reservation, you can choose to rebook with another therapist (this is subject of therapists' availability), or to be fully refunded | 1 HEALTHCARE CHALLENGES Rising costs, inefficient use of resources and facilities, and patient satisfaction are all top of mind concerns for the modern, digital hospital. Appointment no-shows exacerbate each of these challenges. • 10-30% of all appointments are 'no shows' 2 . • Appointment 'no shows' cost the US healthcare system over $150bn a year 3 . • Approximately 1 in 10 hospital outpatient appointments are missed every year in England 4 with missed first outpatient appointments costing the NHS up to £225 million between 2012 and 2013 5 . • Using staff to manually place appointment reminder calls is inefficient and costly, adding up to an average of $120,000 a year in expenses 6 . • Inefficient appointment rescheduling can limit available appointment times and degrade patient satisfaction. Improving Patient Care, Resource Utilization and Revenue Generation In today's digitally savvy world, good communication is no longer a nice to have; it's a fundamental necessity. With the volume of communication between healthcare systems and patients expected to increase over the next few years, it's essential for healthcare organizations to find the right communication solution. One area where timely, proactive communication with patients is essential is appointment reminders during their care journey. Hugely expensive and massively frustrating, appointment "no-shows" are more due to patient forgetfulness than to lack of consideration or effort. Recent research shows that 76 percent of respondents worldwide would like their healthcare providers to remind them of their medical appointments 1 . Avaya Patient Appointment Reminder addresses key contact points through the care journey, helping to improve appointment attendance rates and proactively increase clinical productivity through business intelligence and proactive, automated notifications. Welcome to The Abingdon Surgery With patient's needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you'll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations. All patients will be allocated a named GP. Mission Statement Over the next five years, the Practice will seek to continue to react well to demands that are placed upon it and will continue the very successful policy of personal lists, but will also seek to develop into a proactively changing organisation that encourages innovation and change in all aspects of patient care. With a particular emphasis on ensuring the best possible care for the elderly, those with multiple medical problems, and those who are particularly vulnerable. CQC Inspection - find the complete report at Further Information - 1. CQC Inspection - June 2016 GP Extended Hours Service - click here to get details of GP extended hours service Online Services Online services (Online Appointments, Repeat Prescriptions and Patient Access to Electronic Records) are now available. This is done through EMIS Patient Access. To take advantage of these services you will need to create an individual account which is generated by a unique letter supplied by the Practice's clinical computer system. Please ask at Reception.
posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:20 PM

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